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Задание 4 Определите, является ли утверждение

Without the ability to access past experiences or information, we would be unable to comprehend language, recognize our friends and family members, find our way home, or even tie a shoe.

а) ложным b) истинным с) в тексте нет информации

Задание 5 Определите является ли утверждение

Psychologists originally used the term short-term memory to refer to the ability to hold information in mind over a long period of time.

а) ложным b) истинным с) в тексте нет информации



Вариант 2

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The Nature of Science

A science is an organized body of reliable information. Such a body of knowledge does not grow as a result of speculation alone, nor does it develop from random observations. Its accumulation depends on the use of special procedures which constitute scientific method. In the early stages of a science, moreover, the importance of the procedure used far outweighs that of the information obtained.

Psychology, like every other science, acquired scientific status when its observations became systematic rather than aimless; its observations became impersonal – that is to say, when psychologists honestly sought information instead of attempting to prove their own ideas by a prejudiced selection of facts, and it became possible for any qualified investigator to repeat the observations of another, under essentially the same conditions, and to verify the results.

The requirements of science are most closely fulfilled when investigators use experimental methods, when instead of observing what occurs spontaneously, they change aspects of nature and note the effect of these changes on phenomena which come within the range of their inquiry. Psychology achieved scientific status when it became experimental. As we shall see, experimental procedure in psychology was first applied to analyses of conscious experience.

Задание 1 Заполните пропуски:

Psychology acquired ………….status when its observations became systematic rather than aimless.

a) experimental b) scientific c) conscious

Задание 2 Заполните пропуски:

The requirements of science are most closely fulfilled when …………. use experimental methods, when instead of observing what occurs spontaneously.

a) investigators b) scientists c) psychologists

Задание 3 Заполните пропуски:

Experimental procedure in psychology was first applied to analyses of ……………. experience.

a) true b) conscious c) experimental

Задание 4 Определите, является ли утверждение

Experimental procedure in psychology was first applied to analyses of conscious experience.

а) ложным b) истинным с) в тексте нет информации

Задание 5 Определите является ли утверждение

Psychology, like every other science, acquired scientific status because its observations became systematic rather than aimless.

а) ложным b) истинным с) в тексте нет информации


Прочитайте текст 2 и выполните задания.


In order to establish laws about how people sense the external world, psychologists first try to determine how much of a stimulus is necessary for a person to sense it at all. How much energy is required for someone to hear a sound or to see a light? How much pressure must be applied to the skin before a person feels it?

To answer such questions, a psychologist might set up the following experiment.

First, a person (the subject) is placed in a dark room and is instructed to look at the wall. He is asked to say ‘I see it’ when he is able to detect a light. The psychologist then uses an extremely precise machine that can project a low-intensity beam of light against the wall. The experimenter turns on the machine to its lowest light projection. The subject says nothing. The experimenter increases the light until finally the subject responds, ‘I see it’. Then the experimenter begins another test in the opposite direction. He starts with a clearly visible light and decreases its intensity until the light seems to disappear. Many trials are completed and averaged. The absolute threshold – the smallest amount of energy that will produce a sensation – is defined as the amount of energy that a subject can see about half the time.

Interestingly enough, thresholds determined in this way are not as absolute as psychologists first believed. The point at which the person says ‘I see it’ may vary with the instructions he is given (Say you see it only if you are absolutely certain “versus” If there is any doubt, say you see it”) or even the order in which the stimuli are presented.

Задание 1 Заполните пропуски:

a) thinking b) feeling c) attention

Задание 2 Заполните пропуски:

a) Feeling b) Emotion c) Thinking

Задание 3 Заполните пропуски:

a) supporting b) perception c) action

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