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Підберіть до кожного слова в лівому стовбчику визначеня англійською мовою з правого стовбчика

Записати дані числівники словами

a)7; 4; 8; 9; 5; 12; 3; 2; 1; 13; 15; 11; 10

b)20; 21; 30; 32; 40; 43; 50; 54; 60; 75; 80; 98

c)100; 120; 125; 200; 230; 231; 300; 450; 563; 892

Замінити віділені іменники відповідними займенниками

1. The girls are playing tennis. 2. I saw the girls in the park. 3. Put the books on the shelf. 4. The books are on the shelf. 5. We have seen the film. 6. The film is very interesting. 7. My sister went to the post-office. 8. I am waiting for my sister. 9. We listened to the teacher with great interest. 10. The teacher explains a new garmmar rule.

Дати іменники з відповідними формами дієслова to be

1. This … apples. 2. That … a house. 3. That … a car. 4. Those … chairs. … this a table? … this a garden? … there buses?

Вставити відповідні неозначені займенники some / any:

1. I have … English books. 2. Are there … arm-chairs in the room? 3. There isn’t … chalk in the classroom. 4. There … milk in the jug. 5. Mother has bought … butter. 6. There aren’t … mistakes in my dictation. 7. There are … lakes in this district. 8. Have you relatives in Kyiv? 9. I’ve read … English stories this month. 10. Have you … French newspapers?

Вставити відповідні кількісні займенники many / much:

1. I have got … friends in this village. 2. There was … show on the ground last winter. 3. Don’t hurry. You’ve got … time. 4. It took her … time to clean the room. She works very slowly. 5. … people think so. 6. I didn’t eat … for breakfast. 7. She put so … salt in the soup that nobody could eat it. 8. He spends … money on books. 9. Has the town changed … ? Did he made … mistatkes in his dictation? My room has as … windows as yours. 12. We have … fruit this summer. 13. … of what you say is true. 14. There isn’t … water in the pond today. 15. I haven’t … stamps from this country.

Вставити займенники few / little або a few / a little :

1. I couldn’t buy the coat because I had … money left. 2. Let us buy some ice-cream, I have … money left. 3. … pupils speak English as well as she does. 4.There were very … people in the street. 5. We can’t play because we have too … time. 6. Give me … apples. 7. They spent … days in the country and then returned to Kyiv.

Лексичний матеріал

Тема: Закон та право / Law and Order (Читати і перекладати текст усно):

Justice? 'The punishment should fit the crime.' National and local newspapers regularly print accounts of legal cases, and quite often the stories they choose are ones in which the punishment docs not appear to fit the crime. It is easy to read a paragraph about a criminal_case and to become outraged at the sentence passed by a judge. We have to remember that the short paragraph sums up a complicated legal case which might have taken hours, days or even weeks of court time, and that the judge knew a lot more about the case than the casual newspaper reader. However, sentences and penalties vary widely from one court to another. As every football fan knows, referees make mistakes, and the referee is much more likely to be mistaken when his decision goes against one's own team.

Here are some examples of crimes, and the penalties chosen by particular judges. Read through them and try to answer these questions.

Was justice done?

If you had been the judge, would you have given a different sentence?

Would you have chosen a lighter sentence, or a more severe one?

How would you have felt if you had been the victim of the crime?'

How would you have felt if you had been the defendant?

If you had been the judges, what other facts and circumstances would you have wanted to know?

Manslaughter(the act of killing someone, unlawfully, but not intentionally) In J981 Marianne Bachmeir, from Lubeck, West Germany, was in court watching the trial of Klans Grabowski, who had murdered her 7-year-old daughter. Grabowski had a history of attacking children. During the trial, Frau Bachmeir pulled a Beretta 22 pistol from her handbag and fired eight bullets, six of which hit Grabowski, killing him. The defence said she had bought the pistol with the intention of committing suicide, but when she saw Grabowski in court she drew the pistol and pulled the trigger. She was found not guilty of murder, but was given six years imprisonment for manslaughter. West German newspapers reflected the opinion of millions of Germans that she should have been freed, calling her 'the avenging mother.

Murder In 1952 two youths in Mitcham, London decided to rob a dairy. They were Christopher Craig, aged 16 and Derek William Bentley, 19. During the robbery they were disturbed by Sydney Miles, a policeman. Craig produced a gun and killed the policeman. At that time Britain still had the death penalty for certain types of murder, including murder during a robbery. Because Craig was under 18, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Bentley who had never touched the gun, was over 18. He was hanged in 1953. The case was quoted by opponents of capital punishment, which was abolished in 1965.

Assault In 1976 a drunk walked into a supermarket. When the manager asked him to leave, the drunk assaulted him, knocking out a tooth. A policeman who arrived and tried to stop the fight had his jaw broken. The drunk was fined £10.

Shop-lifting In June 1980 Lady Isabel Barnett, a well-known TV personality was convicted of stealing a tin of tuna fish and a carton of cream, total value 87p, from a small shop. The case was given enormous publicity. She was fined £75 and had to pay £200 towards the cost of the case. A few days later she killed herself.

Fraud This is an example of a civil case rather than a criminal one. A man hac taken out an insurance policy of £100,000 on his life. The policy was due to expire at 3 o'clock on a certain day. The man was in serious financial difficulties, and at 2.30 on the expiry day he consulted his solicitor. He then went out and called a taxi. He asked the driver to make a note of the time, 2.50. He then shot himself. Suicide used not to cancel an insurance policy automatically. (It does nowadays.) The company refused to pay the man's wife, and the courts supported them.

Знайти в тексті відповідні англійськи слова-еквіваленти (письмово) до таких слів:

1)правосуддя; 2)покарання; 3)навмисне вбивство; 4)судове засідання; 5)скоїти самогубство; 6)суд; 7)судова справа; 8)злочин; 9)вирок; 10)суддя; 11)кримінальна справа; 12)цивільна справа; 13)довічне ув’язнення; 14)пограбування; 15)напад; 16)жертва; 17)штрафувати; 18)підзахисний; 19)крадіжка з магазину; 20)свідчення; 21)шахрайство

Перекладіть на українську мову назви злочинів:

1)treason; 2) theft; 3)murder; 4)arson; 5)shoplifting; 6) mugging; 7)offence; 8)vandalism; 9)burglary; 10)kidnapping; 11)pickpocketing; 12)accompliceship; 13)espionage/spying; 14)terrorism; 15)assassination; 16)stowawaying; 17)hijacking; 18)forgery; 19)robbery; 20)smuggling; 21)gangsterism; 22)desertion; 23)drug smuggling

Підберіть до кожного слова в лівому стовбчику визначеня англійською мовою з правого стовбчика

1. charge a) a person charged with an offence, the defendant in criminal case
2. to sentence b) a person serving a prison sentence
3. punishment c) a person who has committed (or being convicted of) a crime
4. an offence d) a person, company, etc. against whom a criminal charge or civil claim is made
5. to suspect e) to argue a case as an advocate in a court; to make or answer an allegation in a legal proceeding
6. accused f) an illegal act or omission punishable under criminal law
7. to try g) imposing a penalty on an offender
8. convict h) the judgment formally pronounced by the court or judge upon the defendant after his conviction in a criminal prosecution, imposing the punishment to be inflicted
9. plead; i) a formal accusation of a crime, usually made by the police
10. to be arrested j) to examine and decide a criminal or civil case before a court
11. a defendant k) to be seized by the authority of the law
12. a criminal l) to have feeling that he may be guilty

Розставте стадії кримінального слідства і обвинувачення у відповідному порядку

1. You are charged with an offence.

2. You are sentenced to punishment for an offence.

3. You are suspected of an offence.

4. You are tried for an offence.

5. You are accused of an offence.

6. You are convicted of an offence.

7. You plead guilty or not guilty to an offence.

8. You are arrested for an offence.


ІІ варіант

Reading Comprehension

Read a magazine article about burglar-friendly houses. Choose from the list A-Ithe sentences which best summarizes each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra sentence, which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.

A Houses which are very private are less safe.

B Make your possessions easy to identify.

C The first time you have your house broken into probably won’t be the last.

D Burglars look at our houses differently to the way we do.

E Draw attention to your home to make it burglar proof.

F Burglars are attracted by signs of absence.

G Large homes suggest large bank accounts.

H Lock up and turn the lights on.

I Don’t let the outside show what’s inside.



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