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Оси и плоскости тела человека

Оси и плоскости тела человека - Тело человека состоит из определенных топографических частей и участков, в которых расположены органы, мышцы, сосуды, нервы и т.д.

Отёска стен и прирубка косяков Отёска стен и прирубка косяков - Когда на доме не достаёт окон и дверей, красивое высокое крыльцо ещё только в воображении, приходится подниматься с улицы в дом по трапу.

Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) - В простых моделях рынка спрос и предложение обычно полагают зависящими только от текущей цены на товар.

to include (v) – включать (в себя).


Tillage includes plowing, harrowing, cultivation and so on.


plowing (n) – вспашка;


Different kinds of plows are used for plowing under different soil conditions.


harrowing (n) – боронование;


Harrowing is used for cleaning and leveling the soil.


fertilizing (n) – внесение удобрений;


Fertilizing is necessary when soils are very poor.


two-way plow (n) – двухходовой плуг;


Two-way plows and disc plows may be tractor-mounted and tractor- drawn.


rotary plow (n) – ротационный плуг;


The rotary plow is very effective on most soils.


to adjust (v) – регулировать, приспосабливать;


The tillage implements are adjusted by means of hydraulic controls.


hitch (n) – сцепное устройство;


Drills are attached to the tractor by adjustable hitch.


to prevent (v) – предотвращать, препятствовать;


Soil cultivation prevents clot formation.


to incorporate (v) – содержать, включать (в себя );


Tillage implements incorporate different devices for soil cultivation. 46


spring release (n) – пружинное расцепление, пружинный предохранитель;


Spring release is used to disconnect the plow from a tractor.


to connect (v) – соединять;


The hitch connects different tillage implements to the tractor.


obstacle (n) – препятствие, преграда;


Stones are serious obstacles for the process of plowing.


to provide (with) (v) – снабжать, обеспечивать;


Plows may be provided with either mechanical or hydraulic lifting mechanism.


lever (n) – рычаг;


This lever is used for regulating the depth of plowing.


to level (v) – выравнивать;


The rotating blades pulverize the soil and level the surface.


due to (prep) – из-за, благодаря ч-л;


Satisfactory seed-bed was obtained due to proper plowing and harrowing.


to refine (v) – очищать;


The soil must be refined from residues.


spike-tooth harrow (n) – зубовая борона (с игольчатыми дисками);


The spike-tooth harrow is a universally used implement and as old historically as the plow.


spring-tooth harrow (n) – зубовая борона (с пружинными зубьями);


A spring-tooth harrow is often pulled directly behind the plow.


spring-tooth weeder (n) – пружинный полольник для сорняка;


Spring-tooth weeder is used to retard the weed growth. 47


row-crop cultivator (n) – культиватор для пропашных культур;


Row-crop cultivator is used to till the soil in the row.




A. Choose the correct answer to complete each statement.


1. Cultivation of row crops refers to tillage operations performed -----


a. before seeding;

b. after seeding;

c. after plowing;

d. after harrowing;


2. Cultivation ----- the growth of weeds.


a. retards;

b. fasten;

c. eliminates;

d. stops;


3. Tillage implements are adjusted -----


a. by hands;

b. by hydraulic controls;

c. by hitch;

d. by spring release;


4. Secondary tillage can -----


a. plow the soil;

b. refine the soil;

c. connect the soil;

d. adjust the soil;


5. Tractor-drawn plows are ----- with lifting mechanism.


a. prevented;

b. leveled;

c. provided;

d. retarded; 48


6. This weeder is effective in killing -----


a. insect pests;

b. weeds;

c. field crops;

d. seeds;


7. Horse-drawn ----- has now been replaced by tractor-mounted units.


a. tractor;

b. engine;

c. cultivator;

d. combine;


B. Complete the following sentences with the words from the list.


tillage to level seeding

to provide fertilizer adjustment

hydraulic hitch to include


1. Additional ----- can be obtained during the harrowing.


2. It is necessary to pull a harrow behind the cultivator ------ the soil.


3. Good plowing will often give enough tillage in the row ---- a good seed-bed.


4. Disk tillers are designed for both tillage and -----.


5. This ----- is changing the angle of the land wheel and the furrow wheels.


6. Because of the wide variation in type of ------, fertilizer equipment is one of the most diversified classes of farm machinery.


7. ------ control is generally employed.


C. Choose the synonymous pairs from the following word

to adjust to clean

to prevent to combine

to connect to supply

to provide to even

to level to regulate

to retard to stop

to refine to slow

tillage cultivation 49



D. Read and translate the following words from the text bellow.


physical, operations, primary, cultivation, disk, rotary, horizontal, position, lifting mechanism, mechanical, hydraulic, regulating, compact, manoeuvrability,

controls, operator, cabin, regulating, physical, type, cultivator.


E. Read and translate the following “chains” of words.


weed growth soil conditions disk plows

plow points spring release tractor operator

spike-tooth harrow spring-tooth harrow row-crop cultivator

field cultivator spring-tooth weeder



F. Skim the text bellow.


Begin your answer with the words: “ Этот текст о …”


G. Read the text bellow and find the answers to the following questions.


1. What operations does tillage include?

2. What is primary tillage?

3. What is secondary tillage?

4. What kinds of plows are mentioned in the text?

5. What are the two levers of plows used for?

6. What does the kind of used harrow depend on?




As you know tillage is used to prepare the ground for seeding or planting, to retard weed growth and to improve the physical condition of soil. Tillage includes various operations: plowing (primary tillage), harrowing (secondary tillage), deep tillage, cultivation, fertilizing, etc.

Primary tillage or plowing may be done by various kinds of plows, such as two-way plows, disc plows, rotary plows, etc. The plows may be both tractor-mounted and tractor-drawn.

Tractor -drawn plows are attached to the tractor by an adjustable hitch which permits horizontal adjustment of the plow and prevents “nosing” of plow points. The hitch incorporates a spring release or some other device which disconnects the plow when it strikes an obstacle. In some plows each bottom is held in working position by a heavy spring which permits the bottom to raise and pass over the obstacle. Tractor-drawn plows are provided with a lifting mechanism which raises them from or lowers them to their working position. The lifting mechanism may be either mechanical or hydraulic. There are also two levers – one for regulating the depth of plowing, the other for leveling the plow.

A tractor-mounted plow is a compact unit of high manoeuvrability which is adjusted by means of hydraulic controls. Due to hydraulic controls the tractor operator can quickly connect and disconnect the implements without leaving the cabin. Tractor-mounted plows, like tractor-drawn plows, have two levers – one is used for regulating the depth, the other – for leveling the plow.

Secondary tillage, or harrowing is done to refine the ground after plowing. Depending on the physical condition of soil and other factors various kinds of harrows must be used, such as, disc harrow, spike-tooth harrow, spring-tooth harrow, etc.

It goes without saying that all types of harrows, like plows, are either tractor-mounted or tractor-drawn.

There are other implements intended for retarding weed growth, such as row-crop cultivators, spring-tooth weeders, etc.



H. Choose the answers given bellow to complete each statement.


1. Tillage is used


a. to prepare the ground for seeding;

b. to retard weed growth;

c. to improve the physical conditions of soil;

d. for all of the above;


2. Primary tillage is done by


a. different types of harrows;

b. various kinds of plows;

c. different kinds of implements;


3. The plows may be


a. self-propelled;

b. tractor-mounted;

c. tractor-drawn;

d. tractor-mounted and tractor-drawn;


4. A spring release is used


a. to turn the plow;

b. to lift the plow;

c. to disconnect the plow;

d. to raise and low the plow; 51


5. The lifting mechanism of a tractor-drawn plow may be


a. mechanical;

b. manual;

c. hydraulic;

d. mechanical or hydraulic;


6. By means of hydraulic controls the operator can


a. propel the tractor;

b. lift implements;

c. low implements;

d. connect and disconnect implements;


7. Secondary tillage is used


a. to plow the soil;

b. to refine the soil;

c. to fertilize the soil;

d. to seed plants;



I. Choose the definitions from column B to the words from column A.




1. tillage 1. The refining of the ground after plowing.


2. harrowing 2. The primary tillage of the soil.


3. plowing 3. The preparation of soil for seeding, retarding weed growth,

the improvement of physical conditions of soil.



J. a. Form Gerund from the following verbs.


to plow, to harrow, to heat, to link, to perform.


b. Translate the following sentences.


1. Plowing is the basic operation.

2. Harrowing is done after plowing.

3. Farmers begin plowing in spring.

4. Seeding is done in spring too. 52

5.We begin harvesting in July.


K. Translate the following sentences with Gerund. Remember that it is often used with prepositions in, for, of, by.


1. The tractor is used for performing such field operations as plowing, seeding, harvesting, etc.

2. For increasing the manoeuvrability of a tractor designers provided it with the adjustable frame.

3.The main trend in designing new tractors is as follows: to increase manoeuvrability.

4. Designers have increased the power of the engines, as high-powered engines are capable of developing higher field speeds.

5. These implements are intended for retarding weed growth.


L. Find all cases of Gerund in text A.






comprehensive – комплексный, широкий;

to cut – резать, срезать;

to thresh – обмолачивать;

winnow – веять;

straw – солома;

bunch – копна;

to exist – существовать;

root (crop) – корнеплод;

tuber – клубень;

digger – копатель;

industrial crops – технические культуры;

manual – ручной;


A.. Read text B and find the answers to the questions given bellow.


1. How does a combine operate?

2. What are the specialized harvesters?

3. What diggers are mentioned in the text?

4. What is the labour-saving device for the harvesting of cotton?

5. How many rows can the cotton picker gather during one pass?




We shall now consider the most comprehensive and versatile machine: the combine. It has been very properly named “ the Ship of the Fields “.

The combine is an agricultural machine – usually operated by one man – which cuts the corn, then threshes out the grain and winnows it. The cleaned grain is gathered in the bin of the combine and then taken away by lorries. The straw is returned to the field and made into bunches.

No end of other specialized harvesters are in existence, each of them specially designed for purpose intended. Thus, we find cotton harvesters, pea harvesters, tomato harvesters, and even cherry and orange harvesters.

For harvesting root and tuber crops there exist various diggers, such as potato diggers, carrot diggers, onion diggers, even up to special sweet-potato diggers. But perhaps the best labour-saving devices are tuber and root harvesting combines among which the potato harvester stands out with particular prominence.

Cotton takes perhaps the leading place among all industrial crops. For the harvesting of cotton up to quite recent times manual methods alone were used.

But today, with the advent of comprehensive mechanization, most, if not all, labour-consuming kinds of labour are being taken care of by labour-saving devices. The cotton picker is usually tractor-mounted. Sometimes its working mechanisms operate from a PTO. During one pass this machine gathers cotton from two rows of the cotton plant. The cotton picker is manned by a single operator and it replaces the need to have twenty manual pickers.


B. Put T, if the statement is true and F, if it is false.


1. ----- Combine is not the most versatile machine.

2. ----- Combine is usually operated by a whole team of operators.

3. ----- The straw is returned to the field.

4. ----- The grain is taken away by lorries.

5. ----- Tuber and root harvesting combines are the best labour-saving devices.

6. ----- The manual methods till now are used for harvesting of cotton..

7. ----- The cotton picker replaces the work of twenty manual pickers.

8. ----- The cotton-picker is always tractor-mounted.




A. Find in the dictionary the meanings of the words given bellow.


to involve –

predetermined –

random –

scattering – 54

dropping –

appropriate –

broadcasting –

drill –

precision drilling –

hill drilling –

checkrow planting –

to meter –

deposit –

to omit –


B. Read text C attentively and describe in Russian all methods of seed distribution given bellow.











Crop planting operations may involve placing of seeds or tubers (such as potatoes) in the soil at a predetermined depth, random scattering or dropping of seeds on the field surface (broadcasting), or setting of plants in the soil.

With appropriate planting equipment, seeds may be distributed according to any of the following methods:

1. Broadcasting (random scattering of seeds over the surface of the field).

2. Drill seeding ( random dropping and covering of seeds in furrows to give different rows).

3. Precision drilling (accurate placing of single seeds at about equal intervals in rows).

4. Hill dropping (random dropping of groups of seeds at about equal intervals in rows).

5. Checkrow planting ( accurate placement of hills or groups of seeds to give rows in two perpendicular directions)

Mechanical Functions of Seeding Machine. With the exception of broadcasters, a seed planter is required to perform all the following mechanical functions:

Open the seed furrow to the proper depth.

Meter the seed.

Deposit the seed in the furrow in an acceptable pattern.

Cover the seed and compact the soil around the seed. 55

The primary function of a broadcaster is to meter the seed and distribute it with reasonable uniformity over a given width of land. Covering is a separate operation or is omitted entirely under some conditions.



C. Tell in Russian about the mechanical functions of a seeding machine.


D. Choose to the names of the implements from column A their functions from column B.




Grain Drills -- place moist soil in contact with the seeds, press the soil

around the seeds, cover them to the proper depth.


Checkrow Planters – give the greater uniformity of seed distribution and the

more uniform seeding depth.


Covering Devices -- give straight cross-rows and simplify the control of weeds

by permitting cross-cultivation.


Transplanters -- place the plants in the furrow.

Plant Setters -- transplant the plants propagated in beds in the field.



E. Read and translate text D using a dictionary.




Moldboard plows. The plow is one of the oldest of all agricultural implements and is generally considered the most important tillage tool. Although yield studies have indicated that under certain conditions with some crops there is no apparent advantage in plowing, the moldboard plow is still the most-used implement for primary tillage in seedbed preparation.

Types of moldboard plows. The popularity of mounted plows has increased tremendously, since the advent of hydraulic controls on tractors. Mounted plows generally have from one to three bottoms, whereas common sizes of trailed plows have from two to five bottoms.

Most moldboard plows are designed to turn the furrow slices only to the right. Some plows, however, have two sets of opposed bottoms (right-hand and left-hand) that can be used selectively. With this arrangement, known as two-way plow, all the furrows can be turned toward the same side of the field by using the right-hand bottoms for one direction of travel and the left-hand bottoms on the return trip. The two sets of bottoms may be mounted on separate frames so that they can be raised and lowed independently, or they may be on opposite sides of a common frame that is rotated about either a longitudinal or lateral axis when the plow is raised at the end of the field.



F. Put T, if the statement is true and F, if it is false. Correct false statements according to text D.


1. ----- Moldboard plow is still the most-used implement for the secondary tillage.

2. ----- Hydraulic controls have increased the popularity of mounted plows.

3. ----- Plow is the most important tillage tool.

4. ----- Mounted plows have more bottoms than trailed plows.

5. ----- Two sets of opposed bottoms can be used selectively.

6. ----- The furrow slices can be turned only to the right by the majority of moldboard plows.

7. ----- The sets of bottoms can be raised or lowered independently.


G. Retell text D in Russian.



H. Translate the following texts using a dictionary.





The disk harrow first attained wide popularity during the latter part of the nineteenth century. It is now second only to the moldboard plow in its importance as a tillage implement in the United States. Heavy-duty disk harrows are used for controlling weeds, cutting up and mixing stubble with the soil, and for primary tillage in orchards and vineyards as well as in open fields. Lighter units are often used in seedbed preparation subsequent to plowing.

A single-acting disk harrow has two opposed gangs of disk blades, both throwing dirt outward from the center of the tilled strip. A tandem disk harrow has two additional gangs that throw the dirt back toward the center as a second operation, thus tilling the soil twice.

Both the single-acting and the tandem disk harrow leave an untilled strip of soil between the center blades of the front gangs and leave the field in an uneven condition. A properly adjusted offset disk harrow overcomes both of these difficulties.





Cultivation of row crops refers primarily to tillage operations performed after the seed has been planted. The general purpose of cultivation is to promote plant growth, the most important reason for cultivating being to kill weeds. In irrigated sections additional functions are to prepare the land for the application of irrigation water and to improve water penetration. Incorporation of chemical fertilizers into the soil is another function of cultivation.

Row-crop cultivators range in size from small, hand-pushed units up to four-row, tractor –mounted cultivators with effective widths of 13 to 14 ft or more. The present-day farm machinery designer is interested primarily in tractor-mounted cultivators.

Types of Mounted Cultivators. The separated-gang cultivator is designed for a specific number of rows and has either one or two gangs per row. The tool bars of the individual gangs drop down between the rows, an arrangement that provides maximum vertical clearance for the plants. A cultivator of this type is often known as a cotton-and-corn cultivator, since they are the crops for which it is most used.






Because of the wide variation in types of fertilizers and operating conditions, fertilizer equipment is one of the most diversified classes of farm machinery on the market. In general, however, the various devices may be classified as those that broadcast the material onto the surface of the ground and those designed for placing the fertilizer in rows or bands beneath the surface.

Centrifugal fertilizer broadcasters are similar to centrifugal seed broadcasters, in that the material is metered from a hopper and distributed by horizontally rotating, ribbed disks. Uniformity of distribution across the broadcasted strip is likely to be poor and is affected by wind. The principal application for centrifugal broadcasters in the United States is in spreading lime.

Full-width-feed broadcasters have adjustable openings or other metering devices spaced at regular intervals along the full length of a hopper. Machines of this type are suitable foe spreading either lime or fertilizers. Some full-width-feed broadcasters have furrow openers available for placing bands of fertilizers at various depths and spacings, either in tilled soil or in pasture.









Basically, the automobile consists of four components:

The engine.

The framework, or support for the engine and wheels

The power train, or mechanism that transmits the power from the engine to the wheels.

The body.

To these may be added a fifth component, the car-body accessories: the heater, lights, radio, and other devices that contribute to the convenience and comfort of the driver.

THE ENGINE. The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. It is usually referred to as an internal combustion engine because gasoline is burned within its cylinders, or combustion chambers. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders, although some four-, twelve-,and sixteen-cylinder engines are in use.

FUEL SYSTEM. The fuel system is designed to store liquid gasoline and to deliver it to the engine cylinders in the form of vapor mixed with air. It consists of a fuel tank in which the gasoline is stored, a fuel line, through which the gasoline can be brought from the tank to the engine, a fuel pump, which pulls the gasoline through the fuel line, and a carburetor, which mixes the gasoline with air.

ELECTRIC SYSTEM. The electric current performs several jobs on the car. It cranks the engine, furnishes electric sparks at the spark plugs that ignite the compressed mixture in the cylinders, operates the radio and heater motor, supplies light for night driving, and operates gauges on the dash of the car that indicate charging rate, oil pressure, engine temperature, and the amount of fuel in the tank.






The Internal Combustion engine is a heat engine in which the pressure necessary to produce motion of the mechanism results from the ignition or burning of a fuel-air mixture within the engine cylinder.

CLACCIFICATION. I.C. engines may be classified as follows:

!) according to the fuel they work on, as gas engines, gasoline engines and oil (diesel) engines;

2) according to the number of piston strokes in one complete working cycle, as two-stroke engines and four-stroke engines; 59

3) according to the number of cylinders, as four-, six-, eight-, ten- and twelve-cylinder engines:

4).according to the arrangement of cylinders, as in-line engines, V-engines and star or radial engines;

5) according to the method of cooling, as liquid-cooled and air-cooled engines.

PARTS OF I.C. ENGINE. The part of an engine in which the energy of the working fluid is converted into mechanical effort is called the cylinder. One end of the cylinder is open, the closed end being called the cylinder head. Within the cylinder there is a closely fitting piston with piston rings sliding in and out to make strokes. The reciprocating motion of the piston is converted to a rotary motion by means of a connecting rod and a crankshaft. One end of the connecting rod is secured on the piston pin inside the piston, while the other end fits over the crank pin of the crankshaft. The crankshaft revolves in bearing and delivers power to whatever machine the engine is driving.






In the diesel engine the latent energy of the fuel is transferred by being injected into a quantity of air compressed in the cylinder between the top of the piston and the underside of the cylinder head. The predetermined quantity of the air is sucked into the cylinder through a valve in the cylinder top which then shuts, an upstroke of the piston compresses the air until it becomes as hot as red-hot iron (about 1,000 °F or more), and this shift is sufficient to evaporate and ignite the charge of fuel which is injected through the spray nozzle (fuel injector) at the point of maximum compression. The resultant combustion drives the piston. Unlike gasoline engine, a diesel engine has no ignition system; it has no spark plug fed by electricity from an ignition distributor, spark coil, contact breaker and battery, or from a magneto. None of this is needed on a diesel engine because the fuel is ignited simply by contact with very hot air which has been highly compressed in the cylinder. Besides, a diesel engine draws into the cylinder air alone, and it compresses this air before any fuel enters the cylinder; a gasoline engine, on the other hand, mixes air with fuel in a carburetor outside the cylinder before it enters the engine. Diesel engines use less volatile, heavier liquid fuels than gasoline engines.






The operator’s comfort depends to a great measure on cab design. That is why it should meet special requirements. These vary with tractor type, seasonal and climatic conditions. General requirements may be summed up as follows. 60

The layout and internal dimensions of the cab should give the operator ample freedom of movement, easy access to controls, convenient and safe exit through the doors. Good visibility from the cab is also essential. The operator should be free to watch the implement, towing loop, automatic pickup hitch, and hydraulic linkage through the rear window at all times. The cab must be well sealed against ingress of dust, exhaust gases and fuel vapours. Cab ventilation should provide the sufficient air exchange and filtration of incoming air.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the cab’s atmosphere should not exceed 0.02 mg/litre.

The cab accessories should include sun visors, windshield wipers, a fire extinguisher, first-aid kits, etc.






These tools are designed for both tillage and seeding. They consist of a single gang of disk blades, 20 to 26 in. in diameter, on a common axle, all throwing the soil the same way. The common axle differentiates these tools from regular disk plows which have blades tipped back, necessitating separate axles and bearings for each blade.

Disk tillers are made as small as two-blade models cutting 15 in. wide up to models cutting 20 ft wide. They are highly economical of power. Seeding boxes are available for some models, enabling seed-bed preparation and wheat seeding to be done in one operation.

The forces acting on a disk tiller are similar to those acting on a plow except that the resultant lengthwise soil force on the blades is usually upward, requiring extra weight for penetration.

Trail-type disk tillers usually permit the angle of attack of the disk gang to be adjusted from 40 to 55 . In hard high-draft soil, penetration can be improved and width of cut decreased by increasing the angle, while maximum width can be taken with less angle in loose easy-working soils. This adjustment is provided by changing the angle of the land wheel and the furrow wheels with respect to the disk gang.

Hitching principles are similar to those for mold-board plows. The centre of draft is at the centre disk blade slightly below the surface of the ground.

Disk tillers are necessarily built heavier than mold-board plows and wheels weights can be added for penetration in hard soil.







Besides strength, high clearance and light draft, John Deere’s full line of mold-board plows has adaptability. And in the face of changing tillage and cropping practices, this feature can save you a bundle of money.

For hundreds rather than thousands of dollars, you can turn your John Deere plow into a minimum-tillage tool, and work as deep as 11 inches.

And only John Deere gives you a full line of integral, semi-integral and drawn plows with adjustable width of cut. This feature lets you closely match plowing width to tractor power and soil conditions.

Adjustable width of cut gives you better trash control. Narrow the width and remove the trash boards (optional) and you’ll leave more residue on the surface. A wide cut in heavy soils will tend to leave ground slabby, which also retards erosion.

From conservation tillage with the mold-board plow or mulch-bottom attachment to clean turnover, John Deere plows give you a wide range of tillage opportunities. Whatever tillage practices you plan to use in your fields, John Deere offers plows and plow bottoms to meet your needs.






No two plowing seasons are exactly alike. In fact, in a given year you may encounter a number of different field conditions and soil types. That’s why John Deere drawn, integral and semi-integral plows all feature an adjustable width of cut.

On the 2800 Semi-integral Plow, hydraulic power varies the cutting width. A cylinder attaches to a bottom-pivoting bar. The cylinder pivots the bottoms to give you an infinite number of cutting widths, ranging from 14 to 24 inches.

On all other drawn, semi-integral and integral plows, a movable shim lets you choose one of three cutting widths. You simply loosen four bolts on each standard. Slide a shim in front of the standard for the narrowest width of cut, put the shim in the storage position for the middle width, or slide the shim in behind the standard for the widest cut. Check specifications for cutting widths on individual models.

Whichever model fits your needs, you’ll find adjustable width of cut a very useful feature. Narrow the cut for easier plowing, to leave more trash on the surface, or to avoid turning clay slabs. Widen the cut for better use big horsepower, to leave a “clean” surface, or to limit passes.





A 500 Series Hitch-Mounted Drill lets you work up to 30-feet wide while enjoying all the features that have made John Deere drill design famous.

These drills are ideal for sowing small grains or soybeans. Plus, furrow openers and gauge wheels can be adjusted to allow planting on various configurations of irrigation beds.

Both the 15-foot 515 and 20-foot 520 are available with fluted or double-run feedcups. Fluted feedcups are made of a glass-reinforced acetal copolymer, which flexes to pass small rocks and other material through the seed meters without damaging the cup or meter flutes.

The 515 holds 32 bushels of grain, or about 2.1 bushels per foot; the 520, 24 bushels, or 1.2 bushels per foot. On the 515 choose from regular single-disk or double-disk openers in 7-, 8-, and 10-inch spacings. On the 520, select double-disk openers in 7- or 10-inch spacings or in any multiple of 7 or 10 inches.

To work 30 feet wide, attach two 515s to a 530 Hitch. The hitch folds hydraulically to provide 15 foot-wide transport.





Compare our operator’s station with the competition, and we think you’ll agree it’s a more productive place to work.

Just sit at the adjustable Personal-Posture seat and see for yourself. Generous amounts of glass provide a clear view. Most controls are at your fingertips. Advanced electronics let you monitor the harvester’s pulse at a glance. It’s an environment that caters to higher productivity.

A new multi-function control stick packs four control functions into one handle. Advanced electronics make it possible. Moving the lever back and forth operates the hydraulic drive. Press one of three rocker switches and you operate header height, spout rotation and spout endcap position with fingertip ease.

Advanced electronics let you monitor the harvester at a glance. A 12-function monitor keeps you well informed. With a quick glance you can check such vital functions as hydrostatic oil temperature and main gearcase pressure. The monitor not only alters you of problems but tells you whether to stop or proceed with cautions. A digital read-out on the steering column also allows a quick check of engine rpm or ground speed.

A comfortable working environment yields maximum operator efficiency. The exclusive Sound-Gard styled cab helps keep you insulated from noise and dust. You ride on a Personal-Posture seat with fore-aft, up-down, seat back and armrest adjustments. A tilt-adjustable steering wheel lets you position it where it’s most comfortable.

Standard air conditioning helps keep you comfortable when it’s hot outside. For cooler working days, the standard heater keeps you warm. Add the optional AM/FM radio and you’ve got a working environment that’s second to none. 63



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