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The Pendulum (after О’Henry)

John Perkins walked slowly toward his flat. There are no surprises awaiting a man who has been married two years and lives in a flat. As he walked John Perkins was thinking about the end of his monotonous day.

Katy would meet him at the door with a kiss. He would take off his coat, sit in the old arm-chair and read his evening paper. For dinner there would be cold mutton, a salad and a bottle of mineral water. After dinner Katy would show him her sewing. At half past seven they would spread newspapers over the furniture to catch the pieces of plastering that fell when the fat man in the flat overhead began to take his physical exercises. Exactly at eight they would hear the family next door quarrelling – and the evening routine would be under way.

John Perkins knew these things would happen. And he knew that at a quarter past eight he would reach for his hat, and that his wife would make a speech in an angry tone:

"Now, where are you going, I'd like to know, John Perkins?"

"I thought I'd drop up to McCloskey's," he would answer, "and play a game or two of pool with the fellows."

Of late such had been John Perkins' habit. At ten or eleven he would return. Sometimes Katy would be asleep; sometimes waiting up for him.

Tonight John Perkins didn't find Katy at the door. The three rooms were in disorder. Katy's things lay about in confusion – this was not Katy's way. With a sinking heart John saw Katy's comb which had always been neatly put away. It was clear that she had been in some unusual hurry. Soon John Perkins saw a folded sheet of paper. It was a note from his wife. He read:

Dear John,

I just had a telegram saying mother is very sick. I am going to take the 4.30 train. Brother Sam is going to meet me at the station. There is cold mutton in the ice-box. Pay the milkman 60 cents, and

your good socks are in the top drawer. I will write tomorrow.


Never during their two years of married life had he and Katy been separated for the night. John read the note over and over. Everything in the room spoke of a loss and John Perkins had a strange feeling of loneliness in his heart. He had never thought what life would be like without Katy. She had become like the air he breathed – necessary but not noticed. Now she was gone. Of course it would be only for a few days, but it was awful!

John dragged the cold mutton from the ice-box, made coffee and sat down to a lonely meal. Behind the window the city roared and called him to join in the dance of pleasure. The night was his. He could do what he wanted, and Katy wasn't there to scold him. Katy was gone.

John Perkins was not used to analysing his emotions. But he knew now that Katy was necessary to his happiness.

"Bloody idiot," said John Perkins to himself, "the way I have been treating Katy. Away every night playing pool with the boys instead of staying home with her. The poor girl here all alone with nothing to amuse her. I'm going to make it up for Katy. I'll take her out and let her have some entertainment." Tears – yes, tears came into John Perkins' eyes.

The door opened. Katy walked in carrying a bag. John stared at her stupidly.

"My! I'm glad to get back," said Katy. "Ma wasn't badly sick. Sam was at the station and said she was all right. So I took the next train back. I'm just dying for a cup of coffee."

John Perkins looked at the clock. It was 8.15. He reached for his hat and walked to the door.

"Now, where are you going, I'd like to know, John Perkins?" asked Katy angrily.

"I thought I'd drop up to McCloskey's," said John, "and play a game or two of pool with the fellows."


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The Story of Othello

Othello is a tragedy about the power of jealousy. Shakespeare wrote it in 1604. The action takes place in the late 1400s in Cyprus which was conquered bу Venice.

Othello is a Moor who was stolen from his home when he was a child. When the story begins, Othello is a well respected soldier who has risen to the rank of General in the Venetian Army. He has been sent to govern the island of Cyprus. Othello's wife Desdemona is a beautiful Venetian lady who defied her father in order to marry Othello. They are passionately in love. The other important characters are the villainous Iago, his wife Emilia, and Cassio, one of Othello's soldiers.

Iago is an ambitious, evil man who believes he deserves to be Othello's lieutenant (second in command). Instead, Othello gives the job to Cassio. Iago pretends to be a loyal friend, but secretly he despises Othello. Iago gets into motion a plot to bring down both Cassio and Othello.

It so happens that in celebration of their victorious battle against the Turks, the soldiers enjoy a huge party where the wine flows freely. Iago knows that Cassio gets drunk easily, and he arranges for him to have more wine than he can handle. Iago then sends a soldier to pick a fight with Cassio. When Othello runs in to stop the violence, Iago blames the chaos on Cassio. Othello is furious with Cassio and dismisses him saying, "You are no longer my lieutenant." Iago has accomplished the first step of his plan.

The next day Iago tells Cassio he should go plead his case with Desdemona and she will ask Othello to forgive him. Othello enters the hall just as Cassio leaves Desdemona after talking to her. Othello sees them together and Iago gives him to understand that there was something roman­tic about the encounter. Othello is driven into a jealous rage.

Then Desdemona sees her husband, the first thing she does is innocently beg Othello to forgive Cassio. Othello's jealousy steadily increases. Desdemona sees that Othello is very upset, but she has no

idea why, and she offers him her handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Othello rejects the handkerchief, and it falls to the floor where Emilia, Iago's wife and a servant to Desdemona, picks it up. Iago argues with Emilia, then grabs the handkerchief from her and hides it in his shirt. Later Iago tells his next big lie, claiming that he heard Cassio talking in his sleep about being in love with Desdemona. Iago then asks Othello about Desdemona's handkerchief. "Well," says Iago, (knowing the handkerchief is hidden in his own shirt), "I have seen it in Cassio's hand” The furious Othello now wishes Cassio had many lives, since killing him once is not enough punishment.

Later, Othello calls Desdemona to him and tries to trick her into admitting that she has been unfaithful. Othello asks her to show him her handkerchief. She says she doesn't have it, but will find it later. Once more she asks him to forgive Cassio. Bу now Othello has nearly lost his mind with jealousy, and he openly accuses her of unfaithfulness. She is shocked and denies everything. Iago makes it look as if Cassio got the handkerchief from Desdemona.

Desdemona has retired to her bedroom. She falls to her knees to say her evening prayers. She is asleep when Othello comes into the room. He approa­ches the bed and kisses Desdemona three times.

Then she awakens. Othello tells her if she has anything to confess to Cod, she should do it now. With horror Desdemona realises that Othello is planning to kill her. Othello stifles her pleas for mercy and strangles her.

Emilia knocks on the door, and Othello lets her in. With her dying breath Desdemona tells Emilia that she has killed herself. Emilia calls for help, Iago, Cassio and other soldiers come running in, horrified to find Desdemona murdered. Then Emilia accuses her husband Iago of lying, explaining how he took the handkerchief from her. Iago races from the room and the soldiers go after him to arrest him. Othello is left with the reality of what he has done to his innocent wife. Before the others can stop him, he pulls a dagger from his shirt and stabs himself.


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