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Types of compounds. Analysis in terms of syntactic structures

Composite sentences with coordinated clauses are compoundsentences, e.g.: She is a very faithful creature and I trust her. There are several types of the compound sentence depending on the meaning of the conjunction in English and in Ukrainian: copulative (єднальні), disjunctive (розділові), adversative (протиставні).

The copulative compound sentence.In the English language the copulative sentences are joined by conjunctions and, neither ... nor, now ... now, not ... but. In Ukrainian the typical conjunctions in this type of the sentence are: i (й), та, та й, i ...і..,ані...ані.., ні…ні.. and others. The main shades of meaning of the Ukrainian conjunctioni and the English and coincide. They render first of all the following meanings: the adjoining meaning (приєднувальне значення), the meaning of recounting (перелічувальне значення), the meaning of consequence (наслідкове значення). The copulative-negative meaning (єднально-заперечний зв'язок) is formed in the English language with the help of negative conjunctions neither, nor, not only ... but; in Ukrainian - ні ...,ні ...; aнi...,aні ...; не тільки ..., а (але) i (и). (She would not put him off; nor would she make a scene in public)

The disjunctive compound sentence.The disjunctive compound sentences are joined in Eng with the help of the conjunctions or, either ... or, and in Ukr - або; або ...або; чи; чи ...чи; то ...то; не то ...не то; чи то ... чи тоand others.In Ukr the number of disjunctive conjunctions is a bigger one than in En, but the most spread of them are the conjunctions або and чи.( Раптом хурчав автомобілъний мотор, або сурмив клаксон.)The double conjunctions або ...або; чи ...чи; то ...то; не то ... не то; чи то ... чи то denote the separation in the facts alternation (To ми до них ходили, то вони до нас.). The conjunction не то ... не то renders simultaneously doubt or hesitation: (He то ocіннi води шуміли, збігаючи в Дунай, не то вimep бився в заломах провалля)

The adversative compound sentence.This type of sentence connection is rendered with the help of conjunctions а, але, та (але), так, зате, проте, однак, все жand others in Ukr; but, while, whereas,oras well as with the help of connective adverbs (сполучні прислівники) yet, still, nevertheless, however, otherwise in Eng.The main expression of such relations between sentences is performed in En by the conjunction but. In Ukr але. Both these conjunctions are used in the following main meanings:The limiting meaning (обмежувальне значення)-( Biн міг би залишитися, але йому не вистачало мужності), The concessive meaning (допустове значення)- (Twilight gave place to night, but he didn't turn on the light.).The relative meaning (відносне значення)-(Some people likened him to a direction post ..., but these were his enemies.) In Ukr besides алеthere is also widely used the adversative conjunction a. It has more shades of meaning than the conjunction але :contrasting (протиставлення); sequence of events (послідовність події); separate fulfilling of events; conclusion(висновок).

The causative-consecutive compound sentencesThe causative and consecutive connection in compound sentences is rendered in Ukr with the help of the conjunctions і, a and in Eng - so (that), for, and the connective adverb therefore. At such a connection the second sentence expresses explanation, conclusion or consequence of the idea expressed in the first part of the compound sentence. The consecutive connection is rendered in Eng with the help of the conjunction so (less often therefore), in Ukr - with the help of the conjunction a (She hasn 't much strength in her, so I easily kept her quiet).The causative connection in the compound sentence is rendered with the help of the Eng conjunction for and the Ukr conjunction i

Compound sentences with the meaning of suddenness. They are formed most often with the help of the conjunctions аж, коли, якand are used in the emotionally coloured speech. Such sentences usually render the action and it’s sudden character. (Ой niшлa я у яр за водою, аж там милий гуляє з другою) Widely spread in modern Ukr is a subtype of such sentences, where in the first part the verbs of physical perception are used (дивитися, глянути, бачити, слухати, чути and others), and the second part starts with the conjunctions аж, коли (Дивлюсь - аж он передо мною неначе дива виринаютъ

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