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Why is it important to be aware of different cultural traditions?

It is not just professionals working overseas who need to learn cross-cultural business etiquette . Stop and think about how many different cultures you come into contact with at work.

Even if you work in your home country, your colleagues and suppliers could hail from other cultures. Your organization might decide to acquire or merge with an organization in a different country. And your customers, too, may be located in dozens of countries worldwide.

Here are some tips to avoid uncomfortable situations:


In Asian and Russian cultures, it's common not to talk during a meal because the food is the focus. Most conversation takes place after dinner.

This isn't the case in, for example, Japan, where colleagues often discuss work after hours and while socializing over a meal.

How much you eat can cause offense in some cultures. For example, your hosts in Russia, Greece, and Italy could be offended if you don't eat enough.

Pay careful attention to how you use your chopsticks in Asian countries. Never use them in a gesture or for pointing, and never stick them upright in your rice bowl: this is an omen of death. Don't use them to spear a piece of food or to tap a glass or bowl, either. And never cross your chopsticks; they should always lie side by side.

Try to avoid turning down vodka in Russia – when it's offered, it's a sign of trust and friendship. Vodka is served neat, and you should drink it all at once; Russians consider sipping vodka to be rude.

Muslims, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists avoid alcohol.

Hindus, India's largest religious population, consider it unholy to eat beef. Most are also vegetarian. Muslims and Jews are forbidden to eat pork (and, in addition, Jews do not eat shellfish), and Roman Catholics may choose fish rather than red meat on Fridays.

Body Language and Gestures

In India, Africa, and the Middle East, people always use their right hand for greeting, touching, and eating. They consider the left hand unclean, so you should never use it for anything publicly.

Several cultures consider crossing your legs to be rude. For example, in the Middle East and South Africa, crossed legs often show the sole of the foot, a sign of an ill wish or a bad omen. In Japan, it's considered rude to cross your legs in the presence of someone older or more respected than you.

Certain gestures considered acceptable in one country can be highly offensive in another. For example, a "thumbs up" gesture is seen as a sign of satisfaction in the West, but is highly offensive in some Middle Eastern countries.

In the United States, a handshake demonstrates that negotiations are finished, and that everyone is leaving on good terms. In the Middle East, a handshake is a sign that serious negotiations are now beginning.

In many cultures, pointing is impolite, so it's usually best to avoid it entirely. If you must gesture toward something, use your entire hand.

Clothing and Color

In the South Pacific, Asia, Thailand, and Russia, it's courteous to remove your shoes before entering a home. This helps maintain cleanliness; but it's also a sign that you're leaving the outside world where it belongs. Some cultures pay careful attention to clothing. For example, it's important to be well dressed in Italy and the United Arab Emirates, and sloppy or casual clothing is considered impolite.

The colorof your clothing could also cause offense. For example, never wear yellow in Malaysia; this color is reserved for royalty. In China, you'll make a better impression by wearing red, which is considered lucky, than by wearing white, which is associated with death.

Personal Space

In the United States, many people prefer to keep one to two meters space between friends and family members, and up to three meters between strangers and business associates. These preferences are similar in the United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, and other European countries.

The personal space requirements of Saudi Arabians are much lower: they often stand very close to one another, even those they don't know well.

Chinese people and people from other Asian cultures are also typically used to less personal space than Westerners.

It's important to understand the personal space requirementsof a different culture, so that you're not perceived as rude (by standing too far away) or pushy (by standing too close).

Personal space also includes touching. In Mediterranean and South American cultures, touching is an important part of conversation and connecting. If you don't touch others, you'll be considered cold. However, in Eastern countries, touching is often considered taboo, and you'll offend your colleagues if you pat them on the back or touch their arm.

Cross-cultural awarenessis an essential skill, regardless of whether you're working overseas, leading a cross-cultural or virtual team, or dealing with a global customer base. Learn about the culture of the country where you're doing business to avoid cultural mistakes, and to demonstrate respect and understanding.



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