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Оси и плоскости тела человека - Тело человека состоит из определенных топографических частей и участков, в которых расположены органы, мышцы, сосуды, нервы и т.д. Отёска стен и прирубка косяков - Когда на доме не достаёт окон и дверей, красивое высокое крыльцо ещё только в воображении, приходится подниматься с улицы в дом по трапу. Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) - В простых моделях рынка спрос и предложение обычно полагают зависящими только от текущей цены на товар. | The methods of translation of proper names by transcription elements transliteration Transcription and transliteration play an important role in the translation work. Transliteration in its pure form is rarely used; often you can find a combination of transliteration and transcription. Translation transcription - a formal phoneme recreate the original lexical unit using phoneme translation language phonetic imitation of the original word. This method of translation used to transmit sound envelope of the original speech, but also includes elements of transliteration. Leading the way in the modern practice of translation is a transcription of retaining some elements of transliteration. The system involves the transcription of the principle of one-to-one correspondence between phonemes and their original graphic correspondences in the target language. For example, the name of Whalen in Russian - Уален, SeaView (name of hospital) is translated as Си Вью Hospital. Sometimes borrowing language imposes behalf of other stress. This often happens with geographic names and preferences due to the phonetic translation language. For example, the English Washington (the first syllable percussive) corresponds to the Russian Вашингтон (third syllable stroke). [Vinogradov]. Below is a closer look. Here is an example: Warm Springs translate as Уорм Спрингс (transcription + transliteration), Richmond - Ричмонд (combination of letters ch in translation provides a sound [ч]), Woolworth Building-Вулворт-билдинг (transcription with elements of transliteration (Вулворт), Chryslerbuilding -Крайслер-билдинг (transcription). [Vinogradov 1959]. What other principles should be observed when the interpreter translated the names of their own? It is important to take into account the cultural and linguistic specificity of national name. Also important is the principle of euphony. It would seem that the translator strictly follows all the rules of transcription, but in the end result in the target language difficult to read, or even causing "association with reduced vocabulary register." Such moments of the translator should be avoided. As an example, consider the name of the island Staten Island[ˈstat(ə)n 'aɪlənd] . Applying reception transcription, this name must be translated as Статен Айленд. Transliteration give the same result. Therefore, it seems no difficulty translating this phrase causes. However, the "article" rather strange sounds in Russian, too strong association with the word "статный." Therefore, the translator need to take a decision contrary to the rules of translation, namely how to translate this place name Стейтен-Айленд, which in Russian would sound quite "in English," and quite sweetly. In conclusion, it should be noted that very often the proper names have traditional, fixed in compliance dictionaries from which you can not in any way to depart. These include well-known NewYork (Нью-Йорк), Florida (Флорида), WildWest (Дикий Запад), etc. In those cases where the vocabulary of conformity can not be found, the interpreter is necessary to decide on the method of transfer of a proper name. For example, the question is how to translate such place names as Embarras, Spot, Linoleumville, ReelfootLake, which include significant, translatable words. Appropriate way to transfer in such cases is a transcription, a transliteration or a combination thereof, while the semantic translation is completely unacceptable. Therefore it would be appropriate to transfer via transliteration:Эмбаррас, Спот, Линолеумвилль - used here transliteration with elements of transcription. Reelfoot Lake translates as озеро Рилфут (semantic transfer + transcription). After analyzing a number of proper names, it can be noted that the transcription transliteration with elements are used more often than other lexical transformation. But, nevertheless, transcription and transliteration play an important role in translation. It is important to take into account the cultural and linguistic specificity of the national name of the principle of euphony. It is important to note that very often have their traditional names recorded in the dictionary matching. The method of translation of proper names by transposition. Transposition - is translation of the word (or word basis) of one part of speech, or to another function of its use in other parts of speech. Define 2 ways of transposition: 1) Incomplete or syntax, transposition, in which changes only the syntactic function of the original unit without changing its belonging to the parts of speech. The means of such a transposition is a wordform : environment ("I live on the second [floor]"). 2) Full, or morphological, transposition, at which a new part of speech the word. The means of it is a conversion and affixation. Distinguishing morphological and syntactic conversion in transposition - one of the difficult problems of linguistic analysis. We name as the method, which consists in replacing one part of speech the other part of speech without changing the meaning of the whole message (blue ball translated into French as boule bleue). Replacement is often driven by the difference in the grammatical structures languages. Using transposition implies the translator some knowledge about the possibility of replacing the words in one language without changing the meaning of the sentence in the second. Etymological principle of transposition – is another way of translating proper names. This principle is that proper names in different languages, different in form, but have a common linguistic origin, are each other's regular correspondence. As a rule, transposition translated names of monarchs and religious leaders. In our coverage of American papers examples of transposition is not met, however, we can cite the following examples: King James translated into Russian – Иаков and not Джеймс, Pope (John Paul) is in Russian the name of Иоанн Павел, not Джон Пол. The methods of translation of proper names by Calque Borrowing by literal translation - allows you to move in with the reality of the target language as much as possible the full preservation of semantics. However, the semantics of conservation does not mean saving of color, because of the words and expressions are transmitted by means of language translation. For example, Nearly Headless Ghost - Почти Безголовый Призрак; The method of translation of proper names by Modulation is the variation of the message; use the phrase with a different value in the source and target languages for the transmission of the same thought. Te lo Deyo can be translated as leave it is you, but it would be better to sound the phrase you can have it. We have changed the semantics and the person speaking in the target language, but retained the sense. Through modulation, the translator can avoid poor translation and embarrassment when reading suggestions. Very often, this method is used within a language. Expressions esfácilde entender (it is easy to understand) and noescomplicado de entender (it is not complicated to understand). Although both of them are one sense, the first read and accepted more easily. This transformation makes the reader think that this is the case, as we say in the vernacular. The methods of translation of proper names by borrowing half direct and half-translated- are partial borrowing of words and expressions, consisting partly of source language elements, the elements receiving part of the language. For example, Bloody Mary - Кровавая Мэри; The methods of translation of proper names by creating a neologism. The reception, which is used when creating a new proper name because of the lack of conformity of the vocabulary in the target language, or if you wish to allocate a translator or that character. For example, Piglet - Пятачок; The methods of translation of proper names by assimilated translation (functional replacement) - the method of translation used quite often, for example, is very common selection functional equivalent, which causes the reader to transfer the same association as in the reader has a la original text. For example, muffin - сдоба; The method of translation of proper names by descriptive translation - this technique is used when it is impossible to use any other transfer method. For example, Tutor — руководитель группы студентов в английском университете, амер. младший преподаватель высшего учебного заведения. Whip — полит. парламентский организатор партии; повестка - партийного организатора о необходимости присутствовать на заседании парламента. On the whole may be stated that the choice of a possible transfer of proper names, retained certain semantics, driven by tradition, which can not be regarded as interpreters, even in cases when they meet with fictitious names or nicknames, although there are frequent fluctuations significantly. As for the proper names that do not have their semantics in the modern language, in relation to them the question of translation, of course, does not arise, and the analogy with the realities of the transfer forms are discontinued. On the whole may be stated that the choice of a possible transfer of proper names, retained certain semantics, driven by tradition, which can not be regarded as interpreters, even in cases when they meet with fictitious names or nicknames, although there are frequent fluctuations significantly. As for the proper names that do not have their semantics in the modern language, in relation to them the question of translation, of course, does not arise, and the analogy with the realities of the transfer forms are discontinued. The function of a proper name in a literary text The proper name in a literary text functioning as systemically unity which is inseparably connected with the plot of the narrative, and personal prerequisites of the author. Tasks that carry out Onim in the literature, are important and varied. Functions of the names are as follows: 1) Communicative (сообщающая); 2) Appellative (призывная); 3) Expressive (выразительная); 4) Deictic (указательная) [Chevpetsova 1989] Create images, usually intertwined with the main structure of a literary text, becoming one of its equitable parts. Proper names are chosen by the author in order to accentuate certain features of characters, historical period, the socio-cultural situation, family circumstances characters, and others. SPECIAL FEATURES OF TRANSLATION PROPER NAMES Proper name are generally in translation is borrowed, transcribed, but as an exception, can be subjected to transfer; sometimes it suffers big assumed encroachment. Therefore, here in the beginning the question is: to transcribe this name in this context or to seek other ways of its introduction in the translation? Before answering this question, it is necessary to clarify the term "transcription", at the same time to distinguish it from the term "transliteration". Earlier in the translation practice, the greatest preference for transliteration - reproduce the words written by one alphabetic system, by means of another alphabetic system. Today, however, become increasingly popular transcription- transfer foreign word sounds among translators (usually proper name, geographic name, scientific term) using the letters of the Russian alphabet. When transcription typically seek to maximize the phonetic proximity to the name of the retained sound image when transferred to a different language environment. When the interpreter meet in the text of a proper name, it is important to determine 1) does it have already established in the target language graphical form, or 2) it is only will transcribed. In the first case, the name is usually taken to an already a ready kind, which can not be changed in principle. In the second - interpreter transcribes a name trying to approximate it to the original pronunciation. The answer to the main question - transcribed or translated - depends on the name of the associated and its referent traditions and the context. Such, for example, the situation with anthroponyms - names (patronymic surnames, nicknames people) belonging to the group of animate objects: if the name and surname are usually transcribed, the nickname, on the contrary, we aim to translate or transfer in any other way, given its semantic content ; and the names sometimes have to translate ( "speaking names"). However, the translation we mainly interested in the transmission of the content, respectively, a division of proper names should be conducted primarily through their semantics. This allows us to consider: 1) The names, signs that do not have their own content, but only the naming object; 2) The names that have a certain semantic content; 3) Names depending on context change their attribution to the one of the first two groups. Names, signs are always transcribed; the issue of their transfer in translation - is a matter of knowing the rules of transcription. Names related to the second group have a certain content, which makes the possibility of their transfer. The third group includes proper names, transcription and translation of which depend on the context. As a rule, they are subject to transcription; transfer, substitution or any deviation from this rule is allowed only when it is necessary to show and inner form. This brings us close to the "speaking names". There is a lot of literature on the subject, which indicates the importance of the issue in connection with a wide spread of such units in works of art. For us, this point is particularly important, since, "Carroll names are not random, randomly selected combinations and signs, for which discern any real people or whole areas of national history and national consciousness." By the term "talking names" ( "meaningful names", in particular the characteristic name "," surname meaning "), you can identify all the proper names with a more or less perceptible inner form. As their names very well by V.S. Vinogradov, this "allusive names" that are "native speakers associated with a particular word of folklore, literary and idiomatic sources" [8, p. 59]. In the theory of translation distinguish these proper names, which are: 1) Usually can not be translated, as their nominative function still dominates the communicative (expressing plan overshadows content plan); 2) To be transferred, depending on the context, this can reveal their contents; 3) Require the translation of such statement or, if that could be perceived as a den Fiction literature affects images. Is why a proper name in a story or novel is often included in the figurative works of the system. And if for the research of of proper names onomastics semantics seems a little strange, that the theory of literary translation examination of their semantics and participate in the construction of the images is of particular interest.ominative and semantic valuе. But the interpreter interested primarily occurs in the artwork fictitious names. However, unlikely to be justified in that desire whatever was to interpret all that is not saying, but just did screaming names, if they do not have support in the text underlined. Losses, of course, would be: sometimes funny, funny name creates an atmosphere, but the transfer or substitution may be greater of two evils. Essentially, of course, less names as nicknames, nicknames, that is the name that is given in addition to name and indicate a some noteworthy character trait, appearance, activity. Since they are usually content prevails over form, the choice to make of reception easier. Nevertheless, between the nicknames (nicknames) and other names of people speaking there is no qualitative difference: their meaning only reveals the context, and only in this understanding the interpreter is obliged to bring to the consciousness of the reader their inner content. Usually the necessity of interpretation indicates the narrow context. There are, however, cases where an interpreter is necessary in dealing with this issue based on a broader context, and even in a work as a whole. It is much more difficult to transfer the names in which everyday form lies deep content, as this or that writer gives his characters symbolic names. In cases where majority of the readers of the original does not feel these symbols, can not be faulted the interpreter, if he did not reflect their symbolicalness. Conclusion Chapter I: The first chapter examined the methods of translation of proper names. In this chapter, we can conclude that for every proper name used by its principle of translation, it all depends on the word, its origin and on the group to which it belongs. Usually we do not even imagine how great the sum of proper names in any language is; it is hundreds of times greater than the vocabulary of any, even the most complete dictionaries. This is natural, since the ratio of proper nouns approximately corresponds to the ratio known single subjects and general concepts. The lack of a unified system of transcription in many cases, difficult to understand texts and identifying persons and objects. The translator should take "translation solution taking into account all components of the form and content of the proper name" that is, select one of the following order: 1) a transliteration; 2) transcription; 3) transcription with elements of transliteration 4) Calque 5) The borrowing half direct and half-translated 6) Creating a neologism 7) Assimilated translation 8) Descriptive translation. As it turned out, most commonly used combination of transcription and transliteration. But, of course, every proper name is considered individually and in accordance with the decision taken the correct translation. Thus, the translation of proper names - a very important aspect of the work of an interpreter, as can be judged by an active discussion of the problem at professional forums, where expressed sometimes completely opposite opinions. Proper names are very important for mutual understanding and communication between people. II TRANSLATION FEATURES OF PROPER NAMES IN WRITINGS OF J.R. TOLKIEN Creative work J.R. Tolkien has earned him fame during his lifetime and great glory after his death. In fact, Tolkien was writing his entire life a book, whose action takes place for about ten thousand years; the reader is are presented only fragments of this vast and unfinished work, however, will hardly an overstatement to say that behind each described in Tolkien's books - especially in the "Lord of the Rings" - the event stands the mythology that goes beyond the scope of this book. "Lord of the Rings" - the main of Tolkien published in his lifetime - full of all kinds of language and literary allusions, and gleaned mainly not modern, but from the ancient European languages and literatures, the full understanding of which is available, as a rule, only a well-prepared philologist and linguist. The aim of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis of Tolkien's translation and definition of translation methods of proper names and titles in the Russian language and their compliance with the recommendations of the author. Tolkien lifetime invention keen of his own language, andaccording to him, there came a moment when he felt that these languages require for themselves the world in which they could exist. Tolkien's universe holds in those languages, and unfortunately, it is language primarily suffered in the Russian translation - meaningful names of characters and place names have turned into simple game sounds, poems from a connected text in fictitious language became euphonic nonsense. One interpreter dealt with the language better than and another - worse, but no one has been consecutively loyal to the original. Consider the features of the translation of proper names in the work of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings". As a rule, currently exists tendency to transfer in translation through the use of proper names method of transcription. In contrast to the transliteration used in the past and is the transmit of the English words in the Russian language by reproducing word literal structure. These two methods are rarely used separately, often practiced as combination. Answer the main question - transcribed or translated - is dependent upon the name of the related his referrer traditions and the context. It allows considering: 1) The names and the signs that do not have content, but only the naming object. 2) The names that have defined semantic content. 3) The names, which, depending on the context, change their relatedness to one of the first two groups. Units of the first group are always transcribed. As an exception, the proper name , which is why accurate transcription of an inconvenient (such as homonymy with a funny, unprintable, etc. appellative language translation). The units of the second group have a definite content, which leads to the possibility of their transfer. They are transcribed and translated. Proper names of the third group are generally are subject to transcription; translation, substitution or any derogations from this rule are allowed only when a proper name should be in one degree or another to acquire the features of common noun. This brings us close to the «speaking names». About them there is a a lot of literature that indicates the importance of the issue in connection with a wide spread of such units in works of art, but the question of the translation of "speaking names" is not yet allowed, despite the fact that he dedicated to many pages, not only in the theoretical literature, but also any manual translation. When transferring the names of the trilogy of J.R. Tolkien there is a problem: actually is it worth of translate or better preserve the original. The question connected with the fact that the author put into character names and place names deep meaning. If they are symbolic, accordingly, require a semantic translation. J.R. Tolkien conscious the problem and the "Guide to the translation of proper names from" Lord of the Rings, "leads the names and titles that should be translated, using the analogy of language interpreter. However, its recommendations are often contradictory. For example, transfers of Entwash Rivendell geographical names. The "Guide" Tolkien Entwash advises to translate as follows: "It is" the modernized "versions of the language of Rohan: Entwaed, Entwaesc, Entwudu. The second component parts of words are given in British modern forms. So '-wade', '-wash', '-wood' can be translated within the meaning of, especially when the target language contains the relevant parts of the words "[Tolkien, 2001, p. 11]. Russian interpreters have different interpretations of this name. Thus, A. Gruzberg resorted to the transcription of translation version offers Энтвош. Translated variant by B. Muraveva and V.Kistyakovsky offer the option of Онтава, Afinogenova D. and V. Volkov - Энтава, on the interpretation of V. Kamenkovich Carrick - Энвейя. The most appropriate, in my opinion, the translation of the name Entwash translations are mixed in parts, where the first part is transliterated, and the second is subject to interpretation of the meaning. Such an interpretation is presented in translation N. Grigorieva and V.Grushetsky - Энтова Купель, V. Matroninoy - Река Энтов. I would like to mention stylistic and artistic value option N. Grigorieva and Grushetsky - Энтова Купель. From the point of view of the Russian perception, "купель" is associated with mystery, an ancient tradition that allows to increase the value and perception of the name in the minds of the Russian reader. A similar situation occurs with the name of Rivendell. On the one side Rivendell, in the opinion of the author, may remain unchanged, that is translated as Rivendell (transliteration). On the other side, the "Guide" Tolkien writes: "The English name should be transferred within the meaning (as close in meaning as possible).Such names desirable to transfer, otherwise it will be broken carefully composed system of proper names in the imaginary linguistic history of this period unexplained name appears. But, of course, the translator may itself come up with the name in its own language, which is suitable in the sense or topography - not all the titles on the general language are translations from other languages [Tolkien, 2001, p. 13]. An interesting translation is the name of the horse of Gandalf Shadow-fax. This is done under the name of English Sceadu-faex (с сумеречно-серой гривой) of the language of Rohan (that is, according to the author, the Old). Since no modern or in Old English, it is not fixed; it can be left as it is, on the advice of Tolkien using a simplified version of Rohan Scadufax. Bagginses. The word Bag, from which, obviously, the name of the hero of the trilogy has been formed, can be translated as мешок, сумка,чемодан, пакет. The word translated as Bagginses, using the technique calque as Торбинсы. Thus, there is the use of the target language syntactic structures and bring their new expressive elements. N.Rahmanova, N.Grigoreva V. Gruschetsky translated the word as a Bagginses Сумниксы. This transfer helps to maintain the function of "speaking names". After торба and bag are items to store anything. Not by chance was the hero of that name (Frodo Baggins) became the main guardian of the ring. These translations help us understand the "hidden meaning" of proper name; we begin to suspect that the whole family Bagginses - drives not so much wealth, how much knowledge and wisdom. (That Frodo and Bilbo Baggins subsequently captured on paper all the adventures that have occurred to them to preserve history for future hobbits generations). Maria Kamenkovich and Valery Carrick translated surname Bagginses like Бэггинсы, using the technique of translation transcription. With this translation the word loses its meaning, but at the same time preserves the "foreign sounding". The names of the nations: Brandybucks. The proper name «Brandybucks» translated by transcribing translation of the word - "Брендибаки." V.S.Muraveva A.A. Kistyakovsky and A.V.Nemirova use calque - Брендизайки. The final part contains the root word "buck" (within the meaning of the male animal - deer, antelope, hare, rabbit, sheep, goats). The third translation - Брендискоки, exactly translate this word N.Rahmanova, N.Grigoreva, In. Gruschetsky applying calque. Goldberry. The name of «Goldberry» (золотая ягода) J.R.Tolkien gave advice to translate it in the sense of what has been done by all four translators. Interpreters were used as a basis for the root of the word "золотой" and changed the form of words suffixed way and added to the end. V.S.Muravev and A.A.Kistyakovsky translate proper name "Goldberry" as "Золотинка" leave золот- root and add to it the end -инка, which is typical for a woman's name. A.V.Nemirova also translates the word "Goldberry" as "Золотинка," the reader immediately an association with something gold, coins or gold grains, but the end is not immediately -инка allows imagine that this is a berry. Translated Mary Kamenkovich and Valery Carrick "Goldberry" is "Златовика". N.Rahmanova, N.Grigoreva V. Gruschetsky translate the word "Goldberry" as "Златеника." In our opinion it is a translation of the most successful, because through the end allows the reader to carry out the association with a berry. Shire.The encyclopedia «Tolkien and his world» - «Shire» denoted as an administrative territorial unit with its "main city". Authors translate Shire by two methods - calque "Хоббитания" and transliteration - "Шир". In general, it should be noted that most of the translators in the translation of proper names in the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" is used calque, revealing to the reader semantic characteristics of the characters enclosed in "speaking" names. However, such a translation the authors are guided by their own understanding of the name or names, make new expressive elements, connotations, thus moving away from the original meaning of which J.R.Tolkien was conceived. Some place named and the names of the nations are translated with the help of transliteration and transcription. This preserves the identity of the names of their "British sound." V.Muravev suggested in its translation, agreed with its general concept and has an internal logic, the names of the system. The peculiarity of it is that in a modified form names are clear and familiar to the Russian reader hearing. How to create varied. This may be a semantic translation (Baggins - Торбинс) and its own version (Gamgee - Скромби, Dunland - Сирые Равнины, Rivendell - Раздол, Rohan - Ристания, Shadowfax - Светозар), and a compound word, like ho+bbit (E+region - О+странна; Glor+findel - Все+слав+ур), and change the words "in the Russian manner" (Grishnakh - Грышнак; Moria - Мория; Ithilien - Итилия; Sirannon - Сираннона; huorns - гворны; Balrog - Барлог) or giving the word a certain stylistic coloring (for example, the ancient experience, both in the ent - онт; Entmoot - Онтомолвище; Entwash - Онтава). There are also direct transfers from the Elvish (Sarn Gebir - Взгорный Перекат; Nimrodel - Белогривка). Unchanged names are, but their share is negligible (Элессар, Бруинен, Белерианд ), And they were by the standards of Russian language rather euphonious. The transcription is not translated names (mostly elven) also observed the system: Галадхэн, Кветлориэн, Анориэн, Галадриэль, Кэленхад, ацэлас. "Э" shows "foreign", but not "English". Gamgee. Surname belongs to a friend of Frodo - Sam. This name is found in the England, although rarely. The origin of it, Tolkien did not know, but it does not resemble British. While translating he advises it is better to dispense this with a name like "pointless" and save it, by making the changes necessary to comply with the style of the target language. This was followed almost all authors and translated Gamgee as the Гэмджи. Also V. Muraviev and A. Kistyakovsky, they translated it as Скромби apparently decided make a contribution to giving it extra meaning - leaving a typical English suffix (и) for the of preserving their national peculiarities of building the structure of names, endowed it Russian roots, belonging to the word "modest (скромный)", so as giving the hero by the author unplanned characteristic. The translations of the nickname of Aragorn Strider have a variety rather stylistic coloring. Strider (Бродяжник) of Muravev and Kistyakovsky is the most neutral (used here in terms of method of caiques morpheme - root and suffix are transferred sequentially within the meaning). While the generalization neutral Strider on ironical and even vulgar nickname Колоброд is hardly acceptable for the King of Gondor, at least temporarily without a throne. Is even more unacceptable seemed a cumbersome and childish Tramp-Shire-Step (Rahmanova) in this case, there is a kind of transformation, like adding - from one source language word is formed by three words target language. "Странник" fits worse, because does not correspond to the essence of nicknames: the quality of as Aragorn mirrored in it does not almost an aimless and leisurely (typical of wanderers) on the other hand, the rapid movement of the purpose of investigation _the Wanderer (Grey-wanderer, Серый Странник) nickname Gendalf wizard. But homelessness (V. Muravev and A. Kistyakovsky - Бродяжник) feature inherent to Aragorn that emphasized in the dedicated in rhyme of Bilbo: All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king. Gollum - a fictional creature, one of the keys of characters the works of J.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" and "Lord of the Rings." Translated name sounds like Голлум. This name could be taken from the Old Norse language, which is the word gull (another form - goll), which means "золото, сокровище, драгоценность," and in fingr-gull a word combination also indicates "кольцо". In the novel, especially known of Gollum saying "Моя Прелесть" (My Precious). So he names ring (as in "The Hobbit" - and himself). Of course nickname "Голлум" he received for swallowing sound "голлум! ', Which is often repeated. Emphasizing that it singularity in one of the translations Sam angrily said before meeting with Gollum: "Well, I'll beat into" Gollum "in his throat, if he comes to me(Ну я вобью „голлум“ ему в глотку, попадись он мне!)." Apparently, so some interpreters held a connection between gullet and throat and translated a nickname as a Горлум. Treebeard - the oldest Ent. One of the few of characters of the trilogy, whose name is a descriptive importance. Its name derives from the English. tree «дерево» and English. beard «борода». On the Elvish language it is called Fangorn, the same name is called forest where the Ents are living. The author recommends to transfer within the meaning of the name. Some translators have done this by calque - combining two roots connecting vowel. Muravev and Kistyakovsky disregard the second part of the word, adds to the root a suffix, giving the name of the male gender meaning and translated as Древень. Is necessary to note that in their version also adds additional meaning, polysemy caused by the roots of the words "дерево" and "древний", which did not harm the translation, but on the contrary, makes the name more "speaking". In the translation Gruzberg old Ent claims hobbits: "Some call me Fangorn, others - Treebeard. Treebeard is suitable (Некоторые зовут меня Фангорном, другие Древобородым. Древобородый подойдет). " Point here is that the character actually translates his name "Фангорн" at Hobbits understandable language (in the original English). So let it be clear to the reader, and Russian. In that case, why do not puzzle over analogies and imitations, if only because that Фангорн - stunningly quirky creature even in the picture wonderful world created by Tolkien. Conclusion chapter II: With the continuous of contact and interaction between cultures, the translation is the source of information that discloses a uniqueness of cultural values, traditions and customs, promotes mutual understanding. Consequently, the translation, particularly translation of the text of fairy tales, is a linguistic, cultural process. On one side, it involves language activities, and on the other, serves the purpose of intercultural communication, providing the participants understanding of the communicative act, belonging to different national cultures. Proper names carry some information on a specific subject about its characteristics. This information can be rich or poor, and it is known in a different degree in different areas of communication. If this information gets spread throughout the linguistic community, it means that information about the subject is part of the linguistic meaning of a proper name. The peculiarity of names, unlike many foreign words borrowed, is that transmitting them in a different language, they generally retain their original sound image. But in some cases, for example, the translation of proper names in the literary text, the translator is mostly convey not only the name of the sound envelope, as an idea and meaning, which is important for the context and character, named this special name. This is because it is important that translated version of the text has the same effect on the reader as the original. When translating proper names the most important point is the question of the name of the process of translation - whether it transcribed or translated. The situation is more complicated with the "allusive names," where there is a transfer from culture to culture. For example, the madmen in the test we are English folklore tale characters and native speakers to create certain associations. Translation task in this case is more complicated, as these require proper names such transfer or a substitution in which the translated text reader could perceive as a denominative and semantic meaning. |