Adequacy in metaphor translation In different communicative situations metaphor tends to perform a specific development, “particular functions”. Thus, the following developments of metaphor functions are singled out: -cognitive function - etaphor is usually used in order to simplify the understanding and mastering some phenomenon, what can be reached by mixing life experience and society verities; -nominative function serves for giving names to objects and phenomena, deducing a new knowledge about object, phenomenon, its properties and features; -informative function consists in conveying an information with metaphor, which is valuable, capacious and caused by multiplicity of imaginative perception during the reading; -mnemonic function includes methods and techniques that simplify memorization of information by developing artificial associations. Thus, it reveals the possibility of metaphor to a better information remembering; -heuristic function demonstrates a productive creative thinking which is based on theory of terms development due to metaphors. It helps to perceive a difficult information and terminology by explaining phenomena and processes; -communicative function - in text metaphor is represented as a tool of a verbal information notation and serves as a method of expressing the opinion; -instrumental function – lexical manipulation becomes apparent in the text. Metaphor can influence a person, his/her conscious and thinking processes; -simulated function – metaphor creates and forms various situations in both reality and a person conscious, being based on conceptual system of this conscious. When translator discovers a metaphor in the text, he has to define the significance of its functions and decide whether it should be transferred in the text of translation or not. However, the total loss of metaphor causes the loss of aesthetic effect. Thus, the metaphorical image must be preserved necessarily. In the theory of translation there is a “rule of metaphor preservation” according to which the metaphorical image should be preserved in the translation text as far as possible. Is translator doesn’t follow this rule, it can lead to alteration of the phrase meaning and to lowering of its aesthetic and pragmatic effects. In previous chapter it was already discussed that in theory of translation metaphors are traditionally divided into conventional and genuine and difficulties of their translation. Thus, it’s appropriate to present classifications of types of translation for each type. V. N. Komissarov singles out the following types of translation of conventional metaphors [Komissarov 1990: 173]: -translation which is based on the same image (broken English — ломаный английский); -translation which is based on similar image (a ray of hope — проблеск надежды); -literally translation of metaphor (as black as sin — черен, как грех); -non-metaphorical explanation (as large as life — в натуральную величину). Another Russian scholar in the field of theory of translation – Y. I. Retsker - differentiates four modes of metaphor transference [Retsker 2007: 157]: -equivalent correlations - this type of translation is possible if regular correlations exist in the language of translation. Thus, for example, the majority of trite English metaphors have Russian equivalents fixed in lexicography; -variational correlations – this method is used in every concrete case when several methods of metaphor transference are fixed in the dictionary; -transformation – requires a full substitution of original metaphor; -calque – requires a reconstruction of the whole analogy of original metaphor in the translation. Undoubtedly, translation of genuine metaphors requires entirely different methods. Thus, K.A. Arzhanova presents the following classification of transference of genuine metaphors: 1. Specification («конкретизация») The methods of specification is used if in the text of translation the word with more narrowing referential meaning than in the source language appears. E.g.: “Not much use, if we have been seen coming here», said Dori, who was always looking up towards the Mountain's peak, as if he expected to see Smaug perched there like a bird on a steeple” [Tolkien 2013: 219]. «— Какой смысл, коли нас уже заметили, когда мы поднимались, — возразил Дори, который беспрерывно бросал взгляды вверх, словно ожидал увидеть там Смога, взгромоздившегося на вершину, как ворона на колокольню» (пер. Н. Рохмановой). Literally translation of the given metaphor could sound as «взгромоздился на вершину как птичка на шпиль». Thus with a help of method of specification the translator not only specifies a kind of a bird sitting on the steeple, but a type of the building on which it sits as well. 2. Generalization («генерализация») Generalization is a specific type of lexical substitution when in the text of translation the words with more broad referential meaning than in the source language is used by virtue that this word is more suitable in the given context according to Russian standards of literary language. E.g.: “They used to go up like great lilies and snapdragons and laburnums of fire and hang in the twilight all evening!” [Tolkien 2013: 7] «— В небе вырастали гигантские огненные лилии, распускался львиный зев или еще какой цветок… они цвели и полыхали до самой темноты!» (пер. Н. Рохмановой) According to this example, the translator thought it was not necessary to present a literally translation for all plants as he thought that the Russian reader isn’t aware of laburnum (ракитник). 3. Translation of metaphor as simile («перевод метафоры сравнением») In traditional theory of translation this method is examined as the most considerable and typical. In most cases metaphor translation is considered as just a stylistic variant. Thus simile is often used in order to work out an image in detail with more expressiveness. E.g.: “My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!” [Tolkien 2013: 203] «— Моя броня вдесятеро крепче щитов, мои зубы — мечи, когти — копья, удар хвоста подобен удару молнии, крылья несут с быстротой урагана, мое дыхание — смерть!» (пер. Н. Рохмановой) The literally translation for the marked metaphor is «удар хвоста – удар молнии». It is worth mentioning that in the result of transference of metaphor into simile, the translator enhances metaphorical explicit potential, however lowers it expressiveness. 4. Biconditional («эквиваленция») In the process of translation biconditional may be used if traditional conventional metaphors appear in the original text, when for providing metaphormization in the corresponding sphere of language of translation an absolutely other image is traditionally used. E.g.: “Bilbo's heart jumped into his mouth, but still he held on” [Tolkien 2013: 80]. «— У Бильбо от его крика чуть сердце не выскочило из груди, но он продолжал бежать» (пер. Н. Рохмановой). The literally translation for this metaphor is «от страха сердце Бильбо чуть не выскочило изо рта». As you can see, in this case the translation provides totally strange for Russian language image. That is why the used form «выскочить из груди» is more appropriate in this case. 5. Stylistic neutralization («стилистическая нейтрализация») In case of using stylistic neutralization, either conventional or genuine metaphors disappear. Genuine metaphor can be totally substituted for non-metaphorical neutral phrase. E.g.: “The truth was he had been lying quiet, out of sight and out of mind, in a very dark corner for a long while” [Tolkien 2013: 64]. «— А случилось именно потому, что он был один в самом темном месте и, стукнувшись головой, долго пролежал тихо» (пер. Н. Рохмановой). The literally translation for this metaphor isn’t difficult to perform, because in the Russian language there is a quite adequate equivalent which is based on the same image – «с глаз долой из сердца вон». However, metaphormization seems unnessesary in this context, that is why the translator used stylistic neutralization. 6. Complete transformation («целостное преобразование») Such transformation (the total alteration of metaphor) is used as the source text fully transforms a fragment of metaphor. E.g.: “It then became pitch-dark — not what you call pitch-dark, but really pitch; so black that you really could see nothing” [Tolkien 2013: 129]. «— Хуже всего было ночью. Тьма становилась непроглядной, и это не преувеличение — они действительно ничего не видели» (пер. Н. Рохмановой). 2.2. Translating metaphor from English to Russian in Tolkien's "The Hobbit" In the previous paragraph the classification of translation of genuine metaphors was given. In this paragraph the heuristic in cognitive linguistics in combination with traditional methodic of translational transformations is intended to use. In this respect, the novel by J.R.R.Tolkien “The Hobbit” and its translated versions were used. We examined metaphor translations that were made by five Russian professional translators and ranged them according to classification, given in the previous paragraph. Thus, we examined 483 metaphor translations given by K.Korolev, N.Rachmanova, I.Togoeva, L.Yachnin and V.A.M. 1. Specification –is used in 3.7% of examined metaphors. During the interpretation of author’s notions, translators specify details of a depicted world: Original text: “He was as noble and as fair in face as an elflord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer” [Tolkien 2013: 48]. N. Rachmanova: «Он был благороден и прекрасен лицом, как повелитель эльфов, могуч, как воин, мудр, как колдун, величествен, как король гномов, и добр, как нежаркое лето». I. Togoeva: «Он был так же благороден лицом, как сам король эльфов, так же силен, как древние северные воины, так же мудр, как самые мудрые из волшебников, так же стар и почитаем, как король гномов, и так же ласков и добр, как теплые летние деньки». 2. Generalization. This method is less popular among Toklien’s translation and used in 2.2%. Original text: “They used to go up like great lilies and snapdragons and laburnums of fire and hang in the twilight all evening!” [Tolkien 2013: 7]. L. Yachnin: «В небе вырастали гигантские огненные лилии, распускался львиный зев или еще какой цветок… они цвели и полыхали до самой темноты!» 3. Translation of metaphor as simile – 2.8% Original text: “My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!” [Tolkien 2013: 203]. N. Rachmanova: «Моя броня вдесятеро крепче щитов, мои зубы – мечи, когти – копья, удар хвоста подобен удару молнии, крылья несут с быстротой урагана, мое дыхание – смерть!» V.A.M.: «Мое оружие в десять раз крепче лат, у меня зубы, как мечи, когти, как копья, удар хвоста, как удар молнии, мои крылья – ураган, дыхание – смерть!» I.Togoeva: «Моя броня мощна, как десять сложенных вместе щитов; мои зубы подобны мечам, а когти – копьям; удар моего хвоста подобен удару молнии, а мои крылья способны поднять ураганный ветер, и дыхание мое несет смерть, смерть, смерть!» 4. Antonymous translation. Metaphor translation with a help of words that have an opposite meaning occurs quite rarely – only in 0.3%. Original text: “He could hardly believe his ears” [Tolkien 2013: 158]. N. Rachmanova: «Когда он услышал голосок Бильбо под дверью, то не поверил своим ушам». V.A.M.: «Торин ушам своим не поверил». L. Yachnin: «Когда он услышал тоненький голосок Бильбо, доносившийся из-за двери, то он поначалу ушам своим не поверил». I. Togoeva: «Торин просто собственным ушам не поверил!» 5. Lexico-grammatical substitutions – 4.9% Original text: “Is that The Mountain? asked Bilbo in a solemn voice, looking at it with round eyes” [Tolkien 2013: 43]. N. Rachmanova: «Та самая гора? – воскликнул Бильбо, с благоговением глядя на нее округлившимися глазами». K. Koroleva: «Это и есть Гора? – спросил Бильбо, глаза которого округлились от изумления». I. Togoeva: «Это та самая Гора? – с почтительным придыханием спросил Бильбо, округлив от изумления глаза». 6. Biconditional – 13.1%. Original text: “The cry brought Bilbo's heart to his mouth, but still he held on” [Tolkien 2013: 80]. N. Rachmanova: «У Бильбо от его крика чуть сердце от страха не выскочило, но он продолжал бежать». V.A.M.: «Не помня себя от страха, Бильбо слышал, убегая, как вой перешел в проклятие». L.Yachnin: «…от которого кровь стыла в жилах». K.Koroleva: «От его вопля сердце Бильбо ушло в пятки, но хоббит не остановился и даже не обернулся». I.Togoeva: «У Бильбо сердце екнуло в груди от этого крика, но он продолжал бежать вперед». 7. Stylistical neutralization – 31.1%. Original text: “The truth was he had been lying quiet, out of sight and out of mind, in a very dark corner for a long while” [Tolkien 2013: 64]. V.A.M.: «А случилось именно потому, что он был один в самом темном месте и, стукнувшись головой, долго пролежал тихо». I.Togoeva: «А все это произошло потому, что, потеряв сознание, он откатился в самый темный угол и довольно долго пролежал там, очень тихий и никому незаметный». 8. Metaphorical differentiation – 8.5% Original text: “They could not stand that, nor the huge bats, black as a top-hat, either; so they gave up fires and sat at night and dozed in the enormous uncanny darkness” [Tolkien 2013: 129]. N.Rachmanova: «Мотыльки надоедали невыносимо, равно как и огромные черные, как вакса, летучие мыши. Пришлось по ночам дремать в сплошной, наводящей жуть тьме». V.A.M.: «И от костра было хуже, потому что на него летели громадные черные, как трубочисты, летучие мыши и тысячи черных или серых ночных бабочек, некоторые величиной с ладонь». L.Yachnin: «Вдобавок ко всему в круг света врывались огромные, черные, как сама ночь, летучие мыши. Опасаясь разводить костры, они теперь проводили все ночи напролет в жуткой тревожной темноте». 9. Complete transformation – 8.5% Original text: “It then became pitch-dark – not what you call pitch-dark, but really pitch; so black that you really could see nothing” [Tolkien 2013: 129]. N.Rachmanova: «Хуже всего было ночью. Тьма становилась непроглядной, и это не преувеличение – они действительно ничего не видели». V.A.M.: «Хуже всего были ночи. Наступала кромешная тьма; не та темнота, которую мы так называем, а по-настоящему кромешная, абсолютно черная». L.Yachnin: «Ночи и вовсе были невыносимы. Наваливалась кромешная тьма, в которой и впрямь ничего нельзя было разглядеть». K.Koroleva: «Ночами было хуже всего. Становилось темно, как в яме – в буквальном смысле слова. Не видно ни зги, темнота хоть глаз выколи». I.Togoeva: «Хуже всего было по ночам. Темнота наступала такая черная и плотная, что невидно было абсолютно ничего! Хоть глаз выколи». CONCLUSIONS In this research we distinguished pecularities of metaphor translation from English to Russian. In Chapter 1 we examined metaphor as a stylistic device and as a trope which provides text with expressiveness. We determined how metaphor differs from simile, examined components of metaphor (which are tenor, vehicle and the ground) and presented the classification of metaphor in stylistics (simple and extended metaphor, trite and genuine metaphor). Further we examined the problems that occur during the translation of genuine metaphor. After analysis of original text and translated version of Nabokov’s “Lolita” , we stated that in translation of genuine metaphor the following modes of metaphor transference are usually used: -searching for imaginative analogy in the language of translation; -creation of a verbal equivalent; -descriptive translation; -substitution of original image for a customary image in the language of translation. Also we discovered that in the theory of translation another classification of metaphor can be singled out: structural, orientational and ontological metaphor – and for each of them different modes of translation are used. In the last paragraph of the chapter we stated the importance of equivalence in metaphor translation and examined the classification of equivalence in the theory of translation which cocnsists of 5 levels of equivalence. Chapter 2 is devoted to metaphor translation in fictional texts. In the first paragraph of the chapter we examined adequacy in metaphor translation. We singled out functions that metaphor performs in the text (cognitive, nominative, informative, mnemonic, heuristic, communicative, instrumenta, simulated) and concluded that traslator should be able to see what function the given metaphor performs and consider it in the translation. At last we examined the classification of types of translation of genuine metaphor. Finally, according to this classification we presented an analysis of Tolkien’s novel “The Hobbit” and analysed 483 metaphor translations provided by several Russian translators (K.Korolev, N.Rachmanova, I.Togoeva, L.Yachnin and V.A.M.). Due to this analysis we stated the frequency of usage of different methods of metaphor translation, which can be describe with the following percentage: -specification – 3.7% -generalization – 2.2% - translation of metaphor as simile – 2.8% - antonymous translation – 0.3% - lexico-grammatical substitutions – 4.9% - biconditional – 13.1%. - stylistical neutralization – 31.1%. - metaphorical differentiation – 8.5% - complete transformation – 8.5% REFERENCES 1. Galperin I.R. Stylistics. М.: Высшая школа, 1981. — 295 с. 2. Mandelblit N. The Cognitive View of Metaphor and its Implications for Translation Theory // Translation and Meaning PART 3. Maastricht: universitaire Press, 1995 3. Maugham S. The Moon and Sixpence. London:Vintage Classics, 1999 4. Nabokov V.V. Lolita . London: Penguin Books Ltd, 2012 5. Nabokov V.V. Lecture on Russian literature. Boston: Mariner Books. 2002 6. Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 7. 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