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Higher Education in the United States


There is no national system of higher education in the United States. Basically, American higher education developed its own pattern by the adaptation of two traditions: the collegiate tradition of England and the university tradition of the continent.

In the USA there is no consistent distinction between the terms “college” and “university”. The general tendency, however, is to call a college a higher educational institution offering courses of instruction leading to the Bachelor’s degree; a university is a college or a group of colleges or departments offering courses of institution leading not only to the Bachelor’s degree but also to the Master’s and the Doctoral degrees.

There are two types of universities and colleges in the United States – private and public (state). High quality institutions are found equally among public and private universities. The principal difference is funding. State universities fall into two categories: Research universities and Land Grant and Sea Grant universities. State Research Universities in addition to offering undergraduate education stress research as well as teaching. Land Grant and Sea Grant Universities provide a broad general education in many fields and emphasize the application of knowledge in such fields as agriculture and engineering.

The cost of going to the University in the USA is at least several thousand dollars a year and can exceed $ 20.000 a year at many private colleges and universities, and amounts to $2.000-10.000 at state schools. But it is an investment that will reward you all of your life.

Admission to colleges and universities is based on several criteria, including the results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). It is an examination in school subjects that high school students must take before they can go to college or university. SAT results tell only the part of the story. Most schools will also ask for personal information; a transcript of high school grades; a Standardized Freshman Application Form; teachers’ recommendations; essays in various topics. The admission process is complex, no single factor carries overwhelming weight and the final decision is based on many factors, both academic and non-academic. The three basic requirements for admission to educational institution in the US are: a strong academic background, adequate financial resources and a command of the English language.

A Bachelor’s degree program lasts four years. Students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A freshman is a first-year student, a sophomore – a second-year student, a junior – a third-year student, and a senior – a fourth-year student. A student working toward a Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) is called an undergraduate; one working toward a Master’s (MA or MS) or Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) is called a graduate student. Some students receive scholarships that pay all or part of their tuition. A person on such a fellowship is called a university fellow.

The first two years are mainly devoted to general education. The program includes broad survey courses for general knowledge from which the student can go on to a specialized interest in the junior year. This interest is usually termed a “major” or a “field of concentration”.

A second field of interest, in which one takes almost as many courses, is often called a “minor”. The American academic year usually runs from the middle of August to the beginning of May or June. Most schools divide the academic year into 3 terms or 2 semesters (Fall and Spring semesters). Achievement is measured by grades which are given on papers and tests during the course of the semester and a final examination at the end of the term. The final grade is based on all the work done for the course.

A grade point average (GPA) is determined at the end of a term to show the student’s overall achievement. College grades, determined by each instructor on the basis of class work and examinations, are usually on a four-point scale, with letters to indicate the level of achievement. “A” is the highest mark, followed by “B”, “C”, “D”, “F”, the last failure. This system is unlike that of most European countries. Higher education institutions are governed usually by a board of regents, trustees.


1. What is the pattern of higher education in the USA?

2. What is the difference between a college and a university?

3. What difference can be found between private and public universities?

4. What are the entry requirements at institutions of higher education in the USA?

Are they complex?

5. Does the cost of study vary among higher educational institutions?

6. What are the highest degree titles at American Universities?

7. What is the student’s major? Minor?

8. When does the American academic year start? How long does it last?

9. How is the student’s progress evaluated? What is a grade point average?

10. Who runs the educational institutions in the USA?


1. to develop one’s own pattern- создать свою собственную модель

2. collegiate tradition- академическая, университетская традиция

3. land grant university- сельскохозяйственный университет

4. sea grant university- морской университет

5. reward- вознаграждать

6. scholastic aptitude test (SAT)- проверка способностей учащегося с целью

определения целесообразности соответствующего курса обучения

7. a transcript of high school grades- стандартная форма (перечень

прослушанных курсов с указанием академических часов и полученных


8. standardized Freshman Application Form – стандартное заявление


9. teacher’s recommendations- рекомендации учителей

10. essays in various topics- эссе по различным темам

11. a strong academic background- прочная академическая подготовка

12. a command of the English language- владение английским языком

13. freshman- первокурсник

14. Sophomores-студенты второго курса

15. juniors- студенты предпоследнего курса

16. seniors- студенты старших курсов

17. a graduate student- аспирант

18. fellowship – стипендия на проведение научно-исследовательских работ

18. broad survey courses- широкие обзорные курсы

19. a major- основной предмет специализации

20. a minor- неосновная, непрофилирующая дисциплина

21. a grade point average- средний балл

22. a board of regents- правление; a board of trustees- совет попечителей

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