Translate the dialogues into English - Завтрак
А: Завтрак готов? В: Да. Чайник кипит. Пора завтракать. У нас будет что-то особенное на завтрак. А: Да, пахнет вкусно, но мне кажется, что у нас будет обычный завтрак: яичница с ветчиной и тосты. В: Нет, дорогой. Я испекла яблочный пирог. Д: Ну, давай садиться за стол. Я умираю от голода. В: Что ты будешь пить, чай или кофе? а: Чай, пожалуйста, с одним кусочком сахара. В: Давай попробуем пирог. А: Как вкусно. Тебе всегда удаются пироги. В: Спасибо, дорогой. Передай мне, пожалуйста, масло. А: Вот, пожалуйста. Можно мне еще одну порцию пирога? В: Да, конечно. Дай мне твою тарелку, я положу пирог. А: Боюсь, что я переел, но так вкусно, что я не могу остановиться. В: Ничего страшного. Мы будем обедать сегодня довольно поздно. Я вернусь домой только в 8 часов. А: Спасибо за вкусный завтрак. 2. В ресторане А: Есть ли столики на девять человек? В: Боюсь у нас нет таких больших столов. Есть несколько, но они расположены слишком близко к оркестру. А: Вот хороший столик. Давай займем его. Какие закуски вы можете предложить? В: Я могу предложить овощной салат, икру, сардины. Рекомендую настоящий русский салат. А: Что он собой представляет? В: Он приготовлен из помидоров, огурцов, перца и лука. А: Хорошо, мне салат из помидоров и немного маслин. И еще, я хочу попробовать вашу знаменитую окрошку. В: Она очень освежает в жаркий день. Она состоит из кваса, огурцов, картофеля, мяса и лука. А: Лук! Тогда мне не надо окрошки. Topics for Oral Compositions - Describe your first visit to a restaurant. - Describe your week-day and weekend menu. - Tell about your family’s favourite dishes. - Many fast food restaurants are being opened in our country. Tell us about one of them (McDonald’s, Pizza Hut etc). - Talk about dishes you (your mother) usually cook for your birthday Party. Humour “I am sorry about the way the pie tastes, darling. It must be something I left out.” “Nothing you left out could make it taste like that. It must be something you put in.” * * * “Only cheese for lunch?” “Yes, the cutlets caught fire and it spread to the apple tart so I had to take soup to put it out.” * * * “What do you give your husband, when the dinner doesn’t suit him?” “His coat and hat.” * * * Husband (angrily): “What? No supper ready? This is the limit. I’m going to a restaurant.” Wife: “Wait just five minutes.” Husband: “Will it be ready then?” Wife: “No, but then I’ll go with you.” * * * Young husband: “This meat is not cooked, not in the pie.” Young wife: “I did it like the cook-book said but as the recipe was for four people and we are two, I took half of everything and cooked it for half the time it said.” Read and translate these recipes Say what ingredients you would need for cooking the dishes Vegetable Soup Peel and cut into very small pieces three onions, three turnips, one carrot аnd four potatoes, put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley; pass them ten minutes over a sharp fire, then add a spoonful of flour, mix well; add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litre of boiling milk; boil up, keeping it stirred; skim it; add a little salt and sugar and run it through a sieve into another pan; boil again and serve with fried bread in it. Stewed Beef and Pork Put into a saucepan about 800 g of beef cut into 8 pieces; 200 g of pork cut into 2 pieces; six table spoonfuls office; 4 middlesized onions peeled and sliced; a table spoonful of sugar; a little pepper and salt; add 2 litres of water; simmer gently for three hours; remove the fat from top and serve. Home Made Cake 250 g of flour; 250 g of castor sugar; 250 g of seedless raisins; 50 g of chopped almonds; 50 g of preserved cherries; 170 g of butter; 4 eggs; pinch of soda. Sieve the flour, sugar and soda together into a basin, add the prepared fruit-chopped cherries and almond. Add eggs and butter. Mix it thoroughly. Place in a tin lined with greaseproof paper and brush with some melted butter. Bake in a slow oven for 2 hours. Leave for 5 minutes in a tin, then turn it out and cool. TEXT EATING OUT As you know I had a nice kitchen in my apartment but I had neither time nor desire to cook. I often bought groceries either from a grocery store or a supermarket on my way home. I would buy a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a dozen eggs or a pound of butter. Sometimes I bought a submarine sandwich from a local shop or maybe a couple of hamburgers or cheeseburgers from a take-out place for my supper. But I had to eat out for most of my meals. I tried to go to a different place each time I went out to lunch during the lunch break, or to dinner after work. At first I always asked Rich or some friends from the office to come along. Some of them insisted on treating me to meal. Then I would insist on treating them. After an argument we would as a rule go Dutch (сами по себе). Eating out in New York is no problem at all. There are so many places to eat. Their names are also different – restaurant or cafe, cafeteria or coffee shop, pancake house or steakhouse, pizza hut or sandwich shop, eatery or simply grill. Some of them have proper names like “The Pines”. Others are named after their owners like “Maria’s” or former owners if the place has earned a good reputation. You can even eat at a deli. When you buy something they ask you: “Here or to go?” The competition is so strong that you can always find a good meal you can afford. From time to time almost all restaurants make “special offers” of cheaper meals. On Sundays, when I liked to sleep late, I always looked in the paper for a “Sunday brunch special”. |