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Complete the dialogue, translating Russian sentences into English



Jim: Shall I help you dish up, Maggie?

Maggie: Well, I’m afraid lunch isn’t ready yet. You see the meat hasn’t cooked properly. It’s been stewing for two hours but it’s still not quite tender. Perhaps another 10 minutes...?

Jim: Of course, of course. We are not in a hurry. We’ll have a drop of sherry while we are waiting. Oh! It doesn’t seem to be here. Maggie! What have you done with it. I keep it in the sideboard.

Maggie: I’ve been using it for cooking. It’s all gone.

Jim: But that happened to be a very good sherry. I’ve been keeping it for

special occasions. By the way, there is a rather funny smell coming from the kitchen.

Maggie: Good heavens! While I’ve been chatting with you the meat must have

burnt. Oh! It’s burnt to a cinder. I really don’t know what to do. Perhaps I might make an omelet.

Jim: I’ve a much better idea. I’ll come into the kitchen and make omelet I love cooking. And I’ll trust you to break the eggs, Maggie.

At the Restaurant

A: Shall we have our dinner in this restaurant? They serve very good meals here and he prices are reasonable.

B: Well, you lead. You should know better. (In the restaurant)

A: What shall we have? A three-course dinner, I suppose. I’m awfully hungry

B: So am I. And I’m thirsty too.

A: Then let’s have a glass of mineral water first or some orange juice.

B: I’d prefer orange juice with ice or iced tea.

A: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please. Now let’s see the menu and here is the wine list too. How about some hard drinks?

B: I wouldn’t mind having a brandy.

A: So it’s one brandy. And whisky and soda for me. Would you like any starters?

B: A salad would do, I think.

A: And I’ll have shrimps. Would you like any soup? As for me I’ll have mushroom soup and smoked salmon for the main course.

B: I like your choice. I’d rather have the same.


Mr. Smith: Hello. Do you have a table for two, please?

Head waiter: Good evening, sir. Sure. Would you like to have a drink in the bar first and I’ll bring you the menu.

Mr. Smith: What a good idea. What would you say, John?

John: I don’t mind.

Head waiter: This way, gentlemen. Now, what would you like?

Mr. Smith: Scotch for me, I think. What about you, John?

John: I’ll have the same.

Head waiter: So, two whiskies. Very good. Here is the menu.

Mr. Smith: Now, let’s see. What shall we have to start off with? The prawn
cocktail’s very good or the melon is not bad at this time of year.

John: Yes, sir. I think I’ll have the prawn cocktail.

Mr. Smith: OK, And what shall we have to follow?

John: You know what I’d like? Something typically American.

Mr. Smith: OK, then. How about the roast beef?

John: All right. I’ll try that.

Mr. Smith: That’s settled, then. We’ll have prawn cocktails to begin with and roast beef to follow.

Head waiter: Very good. What vegetables would you like?

Mr. Smith: Oh, French fries and asparagus, I think. What about you, John?

John: Is that what one usually eats with roast beef?

Mr. Smith: Yes.

John: I see. Well. Ill have asparagus but I don’t think I’ll bother with the potatoes. Got to think of my waistline, you know.

Head waiter: Very good, sir. Your table’s ready when you are.

Mr. Smith: OK. We’ll be along in a couple of minutes, and would you send the wine steward over?

Waiter: Any coffee, sir?

Mr. Smith: No, thanks, actually. We are in a bit of a hurry. Could we have the bill straight away, please?
Waiter: Sure. I’ll bring it immediately.

John: Look, Mr. Smith. Let me do this.

Mr. Smith: No, no. This one is on me. You can pay next time. Here you are, waiter.

John: Well, that’s very kind...

Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts

1. Mother: Would you like some bread and ham, Tommy?

2. Tommy: All right, pass me the brown bread, please.

3. Mother: Better take some honey.

4. Tommy: No, thanks. Two soft-boiled eggs would do for me.

5. Mother: Another slice of bread, Tommy?

6. Mother: I’m afraid these are hard-boiled. But you can have half of the

omelette I’ve made. I am sure you’ll find it to your liking?

7. Tommy: No, thank you. No more for me.

8. Mother: Very well. Let me pour it out. Some more coffee, Tommy?

9. Tommy: Thanks, the omelette is pretty good.

10. Mother: Here your are.

11. Tommy: May I trouble you for jam?

12. Mother: A cup of coffee?

13. Tommy: Yes, please.

14. Tommy: Oh, no. I never have honey with coffee.

Complete the dialogue, translating Russian sentences into English

(В ресторане)

― Вы не проголодались?

― Oh, yes I am.

― А я очень хочу пить.

― Would you like a glass of orange juice?

― Спасибо. С удовольствием. Мне очень нравится апельсиновый сок.

― And I prefer apple juice.

― Все соки полезны для здоровья: томатный, яблочный, абрикосовый

и, конечно, ананасовый.

― I like pine apple best of all.

― Что мы возьмем?

― The three course dinner, I suppose.

― Что же, выбирайте.

― Let’s start with salad, then chicken soup, fish and chips.

― Я думаю, я возьму зеленый горошек, фрукты и чашку чая без сахара.

― Are you slimming?

― Да.

― What does your diet allow you?

― Немного мяса или рыбы, яйца, немного сыра или молока и много
овощей: зеленый салат, капуста, помидоры, огурцы, свекла и
много фруктов. Никаких пирожных, мороженого, шоколада и
очень мало соли. Я живу не для того, чтобы есть, а ем для того,
чтобы жить.

― Да, вкусы бывают разные.

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