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Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.

Complete the text with an appropriate word in each gap.

The Flannan Isles are a group of seven tiny islands off the north-west coast of Scotland. In 1899, a lighthouse 1)____ built on the largest of the islands to warn passing ships about the dangerous rocks around the islands. Three men had 2)_____ be in the lighthouse at all times to keep the light burning as a warning to any boats in the area.

On the night of 15 December 1900, a passing ship reported 3____________ they hadn’t seen a light in the lighthouse. They told the people on land 4____________ they had seen it on the night before, and with no reason for it to be out, this was curious. However, because of extreme weather, the people on land weren’t able to send a boat out to check if everything was okay until 26 December.

However, when they reached the island, and got 5____________ their boat, the door of the lighthouse was locked. When they looked 6____________ the windows they saw the clock on the wall had stopped and there was no fire in the 7____________ . When they managed to get 8____________ the lighthouse, they came 9____________ a full meal cooked and prepared and still on the table. They looked for the men in the lighthouse and around the island, but they had disappeared.

At the time, some people thought the men might 10____________ been kidnapped by passing pirates. Others believed the men could 11____________ gone mad because of being on the island for too long, and thrown themselves into the sea. However, when the people in charge of the lighthouse looked 12____________ the event, they concluded that the men had probably fallen into the sea during a large storm.

Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.

Experts predict that, by the end of this century, the world’s population 1____ reach ten billion. And it will 2____ reach seven billion this week, according to the United Nations.

This comes just twelve years 3____ the total reached six billion, with official estimates saying that eight billion of us 4____ in the world in 2025, and ten billion 5____ the end of the 2099.

Under-Secretary-General of the UN, Dr Noeleen Heyzer, says that she wants 6____ governments do more to improve the lives of children in poorer countries. However, the life expectancy for 7_____ women and men has increased in every Asian and Pacific country during the past decade, Dr Heyzer added.

With more people to feed and provide medical care for, experts think the world's resources 8____ under more pressure than ever before. Of the 2.3 billion people the UN believes 9____ by 2050, more than one billion will live in Africa, and India 10____ about 630 million more people. If this happens, it 11____ less land and water available 12____ each person.


1 A could B probably C possibly D likely

2 A seems B may C might D probably

3 A after B soon C until D when

4 A are living B have been living C will be living D will have lived

5 A as soon as B before C from D while

6 A are seeing B see C seeing D to see

7 Aboth B two Canother Dother

8 A come B came C to come D will come

9 A are being born B are born C have been born D will have been born

10 A has added B is adding C will add D would have added

11 A had meant B has meant C will have meant D will mean

12 Ato Bfor Cwith Dwithout

4 Complete the text with an appropriate word in each gap.

In 1899, a lighthouse 1)_____ built on one of the Flannan Isles, off the north-west coast of Scotland, to warn passing ships 2)_____ the dangerous rocks around the islands. Three men had to be in the lighthouse at all times to keep the light burning as a warning to any boats in the area.

Then, one night in December 1900, a passing ship said 3____________ they hadn’t seen a light in the lighthouse. They reported 4____________ they had seen it the night before, and with no reason for it to be out, this was curious. They reported this to some people on land, but because of extreme weather, they weren’t able to send a boat out to check if everything was okay for another two weeks.

They eventually reached the island on 26 December, but when they got 5____________ their boat, there was no sign of the three lighthouse men and the door of the lighthouse was locked. When they looked 6____________ the windows they saw the clock on the wall had stopped and there was no fire in the 7____________ . When they managed to get 8____________ the lighthouse, there was a full meal cooked and prepared and still on the table. They looked 9____________ the men in the lighthouse and all over the island but found no one. The three men had just disappeared.

When the people in charge of the lighthouse looked 10____________ the event, they concluded that the men had probably fallen into the sea during a large storm. However, some people believe that the men could 11____________ had an argument and killed each other, before falling into the sea. Others think that they might 12____________ been kidnapped by passing pirates.



5 Complete the text. Choose the correct answers, A, B, C or D.

A new study has suggested that parents shouldn't stay in an unhappy marriage for the benefit of their children. 1____ , for many people, the question still remains: Can unhappy couples who get 2_______ bring up children more 3________ than those who stay together for their children? Some people argue that it is 4____ to make a child choose between each of their parents. 5____ contrast, others claim it is worse for children whose unhappy parents 6____ to stay together.

It is 7____ that children learn both good and bad patterns of behaviour from their parents. Depending on how parents deal with their divorce, it is hard to 8____ that there is likely to be some psychological effect on their children. 9____ the other hand, if unhappy couples don’t get divorced, do their children have happier lives?

Dr Joshua Coleman says, “It is not essential to you or your children's happiness for you to have a great marriage.” Dr Coleman argues that staying in a relationship which isn’t perfect allows each parent to love and care for their children full-time.

10____ , Robert Emery, director of the Centre for Children, Families and the Law at the University of Virginia, says, “11____ a great many young people from divorced families report painful memories and continuing troubles with family relationships, the majority are psychologically normal.”

12____ summary, not all experts agree on the results of this recent study. I think most people would argue that the right decision depends on the different situations in each family.


1 A As a result B Nevertheless C So D Therefore

2 A divorced B divorce C divorcing D undivorced

3 A successful B successfully C success D successing

4 A cruel B messy C scared D tired

5 A At B For C In D To

6 A opt B disagree C refuse D compete

7 A clear B visual C open D opposite

8 A choose B deny C find D view

9 A At B By C In D On

10 A To sum up B However C Finally D Whereas

11 A Although B As C Because D However

12 A For B In C On D To


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