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Тестові завдання до рисунків 9 страница

C. The Horbachevsky State Medical University was founded about fifty five years ago.

D. The Horbachevsky State Medical University was founded above fifty six years ago.

E. The Horbachevsky State Medical University was founded about fifty five years ago.

25. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень, що стосується нашого університету, не відповідає дійсності

A. The Horbachevsky State Medical University is known for its high quality teaching and research.

B. The Horbachevsky State Medical University is rich in scientific tradition.

C. Innovative educational concepts and technologies are constantly introduced into the teaching process.

D. *The curricula and syllabi do not correspond to the examples of the world’s leading medical schools and universities.

E. The curricula and syllabi are being thoroughly revised and modernized.

26. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень, що стосується нашого університету, не відповідає дійсності

A. Innovative educational concepts and technologies are constantly introduced into the teaching process.

B. The curricula and syllabi at our University follow the example of the world's leading medical schools and universities.

C. The curricula and syllabi are being thoroughly revised and modernized.

D. The University is well known throughout Ukraine and far beyond.

E. *The University recognizes the importance of further developments in processing knowledge.

27. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень, що стосується нашого університету, не відповідає дійсності

A. *Students have the option to be trained in three faculties of the Academy:

B. At the Medical Faculty, students are trained to become certified doctors.

C. Admission to the Medical faculty is highly competitive.

D. Applicants have to sit entrance examinations.

E. Applicants have to achieve high marks in order to be admitted.

28. Виберіть, у якому із поданих тверджень допущена смислова помилка

A. *At the Medical Faculty, students are trained to become certified dentists.

B. The Post-graduate Training Faculty includes therapy, paediatrics, surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics chairs.

C. At the Faculty of Pharmacy, students are trained to become certified pharmacists.

D. Applicants have to sit entrance examinations.

E. The curricula and syllabi are being thoroughly revised and modernized.

29. Виберіть слово, яке найдоречніше доповнює зміст речення The governing body of the University considers enhancing the overall prestige of the Academy as a … .

A. collaterality

B. peripheral question

C. *priority

D. minor question

E. marginal question

30. Виберіть слово/словосполучення, яке найдоречніше доповнює зміст речення The governing body of the University considers … the overall prestige of the University as a priority.

A. enhance

B. *enhancing

C. aggravate

D. making worse

E. declining

31. Виберіть слово/словосполучення, яке найдоречніше доповнює зміст речення The University departments are being provided with … equipment.

A. non-topical

B. old-fashioned

C. obsolete

D. out-of-date

E. *state-of-the-art

32. Виберіть слово/словосполучення, яке найдоречніше доповнює зміст речення The University scientific laboratories and other premises are … being modernized.

A. formerly

B. once

C. never

D. *currently

E. in the old days

33. Виберіть слово, яке найдоречніше доповнює зміст речення The University computerized reading-halls were established in order to … the training and education process with the latest scientific research data.

A. *complement

B. complete

C. follow

D. make

E. accomplish

34. Виберіть визначення до наступного терміна treatment

A. *medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal

B. an illness which affects people, animals, or plants

C. protection of someone or something

D. the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization

E. good physical condition

35. Виберіть визначення до наступного терміна disease

A. medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal

B. *an illness which affects people, animals, or plants

C. protection of someone or something

D. the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization

E. good physical condition

36. Виберіть визначення до наступного терміна care

A. medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal

B. an illness which affects people, animals, or plants

C. *protection of someone or something

D. the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization

E. good physical condition

37. Виберіть визначення до наступного термінаadmission

A. medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal

B. an illness which affects people, animals, or plants

C. protection of someone or something

D. *the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization

E. good physical condition

38. Виберіть визначення до наступного терміна shape

A. medical attention given to a sick or injured person or animal

B. an illness which affects people, animals, or plants

C. protection of someone or something

D. the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization

E. *good physical condition

39. Виберіть термін на визначення лексичної одиниці The part of a tooth that is covered by enamel.

A. *crown

B. neck

C. root

D. apex

E. gum

40. Виберіть термін на визначення лексичної одиниці The slightly narrowed region of a tooth between the crown and the root.

A. crown

B. *neck

C. root

D. apex

E. gum

41. Виберіть термін на визначення лексичної одиниці The embedded or basal portion of a hair, tooth, nail, nerve, etc.

A. crown

B. neck

C. *root

D. apex

E. gum

42. Виберіть термін на визначення лексичної одиниці The highest point of the tooth.

A. crown

B. neck

C. root

D. *apex

E. gum

43. Виберіть визначення лексичного терміну The firm, fleshy tissue covering the alveolar parts of either jaw and enveloping the necks of the teeth.

A. crown

B. neck

C. root

D. apex

E. *gum

44. Виберіть визначення лексичного терміну layer

A. *Single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance.

B. Any of several elongated, threadlike cells.

C. The act of protecting something by covering it.

D. An enclosed space within the body.

E. A thin layer or fold of tissue, usually supported by a fibrous network, serving to cover or line some part or organ, and often secreting or absorbing certain fluids.

45. Виберіть визначення лексичного терміну covering

A. Single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance.

B. Any of several elongated, threadlike cells.

C. *The act of protecting something by covering it.

D. An enclosed space within the body.

E. A thin layer or fold of tissue, usually supported by a fibrous network, serving to cover or line some part or organ, and often secreting or absorbing certain fluids.

46. Виберіть визначення лексичного терміну chamber

A. Single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance.

B. Any of several elongated, threadlike cells.

C. The act of protecting something by covering it.

D. *An enclosed space within the body.

E. A thin layer or fold of tissue, usually supported by a fibrous network, serving to cover or line some part or organ, and often secreting or absorbing certain fluids.

47. Виберіть визначення лексичного терміну membrane

A. Single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance.

B. Any of several elongated, threadlike cells

C. The act of protecting something by covering it.

D. An enclosed space within the body.

E. *A thin layer or fold of tissue, usually supported by a fibrous network, serving to cover or line some part or organ, and often secreting or absorbing certain fluids.

48. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень не стосується медицини

A. They like the idea of working in a caring profession.

B. This job is very rewarding because its main aim is to treat people and cure them.

C. *They make use of indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

D. He picked up a lot about treating some diseases.

E. I hope to become a registered nurse.

49. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень не пов’язане з організацією навчального процесу в університеті

A. The course is quite long - about six years.

B. *This job is very rewarding.

C. The students make use of indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

D. In my second year I will do courses in biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy.

E. We have five lectures on various subjects a week.

50. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень не розкриває особливості характеру людини

A. I always try to be helpful and kind to people.

B. He is a sociable person, so he gets on well with his classmates.

C. She is an enthusiastic and open-minded.

D. *These students really enjoy studying medicine.

E. My friends find me intelligent.

51. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень побудоване граматично неправильно

A. I like working with people.

B. In my spare time I dislike cleaning and cooking.

C. I love going out with my friends.

D. I really enjoy studying medicine.

E. *I would like travelling all over the world.

52. Виберіть, яке із поданих тверджень побудоване граматично неправильно

A. *She would like going out with her friends.

B. She dislikes doing much.

C. My sister loves meeting people and travelling.

D. I like the idea of working here.

E. She would like to travel all over the world.

53. Виберіть, у якому із поданих тверджень допущена смислова помилка

A. I have always got on well with children, so I hope to become a paediatrician

B. He is a sociable person, so he gets on well with his classmates.

C. *Volleyball is a team game, so you cannot play it with your friends.

D. This job is very rewarding because its main aim is to treat people and cure them.

E. The students make use of indoor and outdoor sports facilities to keep in good shape.

54. Виберіть визначення до наступного слова tongue

A. the jaw or jawbone, specifically the upper jaw in most vertebrates.

B. the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone.

C. *the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

D. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

E. any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates.

55. Виберіть визначення до наступного слова tongue

A. the jaw or jawbone, specifically the upper jaw in most vertebrates.

B. the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone.

C. any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates.

D. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

E. *no correct answer

56. Виберіть термін до наступної дефініції A point where two or more things are joined.

A. movement

B. mastication

C. *junction

D. protection

E. separation

57. Виберіть дефініцію до наступного терміна слина

A. *watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

B. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

C. the slimy protective secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting mainly of mucin.

D. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function.

E. a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.

58. Виберіть визначення до наступного слова maxilla

A. *the jaw or jawbone, specifically the upper jaw in most vertebrates.

B. the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone.

C. the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

D. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

E. any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates.

59. Виберіть термін до наступної дефініції An act of moving.

A. *movement

B. mastication

C. junction

D. protection

E. separation

60. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню The theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

A. *knowledge

B. experience

C. skill

D. test

E. course

61. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню Knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity.

A. knowledge

B. *experience

C. skill

D. test

E. course

62. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню The ability to do something well.

A. knowledge

B. experience

C. *skill

D. test

E. course

63. Виберіть дефініцію до наступного терміна кров

A. watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

B. *the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

C. the slimy protective secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting mainly of mucin.

D. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function.

E. a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.

64. Виберіть визначення до наступного слова mandible

A. the jaw or jawbone, specifically the upper jaw in most vertebrates.

B. *the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone.

C. the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

D. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

E. any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates.

65. Виберіть термін до наступної дефініції An act of biting something in order to eat it.

A. movement

B. *bite

C. junction

D. protection

E. separation

66. Виберіть дефініцію до наступного терміна вода

A. watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

B. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

C. the slimy protective secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting mainly of mucin.

D. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function.

E. *no correct answer.

67. Виберіть визначення до наступного слова chin

A. the jaw or jawbone, specifically the upper jaw in most vertebrates.

B. the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone.

C. the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

D. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

E. *no correct answer.

68. Виберіть термін до наступної дефініції An act of biting something in order to eat it.

A. movement

B. separation

C. junction

D. protection

E. *no correct answer

69. Виберіть дефініцію лексичного терміна root.

A. rotten matter or tissue

B. a bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates

C. the arrangement or condition of the teeth in a particular species or individual

D. a piece of metal or other material used to fill a cavity in a tooth

E. *the embedded part of a bodily organ or structure such as a hair, tooth, or nail

70. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню Decay and crumbling of a tooth or bone.

A. *caries

B. pulpitis

C. gingivitis

D. alveolar abscess

E. periodontitis

71. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню The hard glossy substance that covers the crown of a tooth.

A. root canal

B. *enamel

C. dentine

D. pulp

E. pulp chamber

72. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню Hard dense bony tissue forming the bulk of a tooth.

A. enamel

B. pulp

C. *dentine

D. root canal

E. pulp chamber

73. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню Inflammation of the pulp of a tooth.

A. alveolar abscess

B. caries

C. gingivitis

D. *pulpitis

E. periodontitis

74. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначеннюThe highly vascular sensitive tissue occupying the central cavity of a tooth.

A. dentine

B. enamel

C. root canal

D. saliva

E. *dental pulp

75. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню The part of the pulp cavity lying in the root of a tooth.

A. *root canal

B. dentine

C. enamel

D. pulp

E. cementum

76. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню A watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

A. protein

B. *saliva

C. filling

D. acid

E. enamel

77. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню An opening at or near the apex of the root of a tooth.

A. *apical foramen

B. root canal

C. sinus

D. dentine

E. pulp chamber

78. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню The thin layer of bone making up the bony processes of the maxilla and mandible, surrounding and containing the teeth.

A. flat bone

B. cartilage bone

C. *alveolar bone

D. ramus

E. antrum

79. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

A. *tongue

B. muscle

C. palate

D. duct

E. lip

80. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню A tissue composed of bundles of elongated cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

A. tongue

B. *muscle

C. palate

D. duct

E. lip

81. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

A. tongue

B. muscle

C. *palate

D. duct

E. lip

82. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

A. tongue

B. muscle

C. palate

D. *duct

E. lip

83. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню Either of the two fleshy folds surrounding the mouth, playing an important role in the production of speech sounds, retaining food in the mouth, etc.

A. tongue

B. muscle

C. palate

D. duct

E. *lip

84. Виберіть поняття, яке відповідає визначенню Any of various bonelike structures set in the jaws of most vertebrates and modified for biting, tearing, or chewing.

A. tongue

B. muscle

C. palate

D. duct

E. *tooth

85. Виберіть визначення, яке відповідає терміну tongue

A. *It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

B. A tissue composed of bundles of cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

C. The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

D. A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

E. The organ of smell.

86. Виберіть визначення, яке відповідає терміну muscle

A. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

B. *A tissue composed of bundles of cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

C. The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

D. A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

E. The organ of smell.

87. Виберіть визначення, яке відповідає терміну palate

A. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

B. A tissue composed of bundles of cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

C. *The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

D. A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

E. The organ of smell.

88. Виберіть визначення, яке відповідає термінуduct

A. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

B. A tissue composed of bundles of cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

C. The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

D. *A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

E. The organ of smell.

89. Виберіть визначення, яке відповідає терміну nose

A. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

B. A tissue composed of bundles of cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

C. The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

D. A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

E. *The organ of smell.

90. Виберіть визначення, яке відповідає термінуarch

A. It is the organ of taste and aids the mastication and swallowing of food.

B. A tissue composed of bundles of cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part.

C. The roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.

D. A tube or canal by means of which a substance, esp. a fluid or gas, is conveyed.

E. *A curved structure.

91. Виберіть дефініцію до наступного терміна фермент

A. watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

B. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

C. the slimy protective secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting mainly of mucin.

D. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function.

E. *a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.

92. Виберіть визначення до наступного слова bone

A. the jaw or jawbone, specifically the upper jaw in most vertebrates.

B. the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone.

C. the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.

D. the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates.

E. *any of the pieces of hard, whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other vertebrates.

93. Виберіть термін до наступної дефініції The action or state of moving or being moved apart.

A. movement

B. mastication

C. junction

D. protection

E. *separation

94. Виберіть дефініцію до наступного терміна cлиз

A. watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

B. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

C. *the slimy protective secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting mainly of mucin.

D. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function.

E. a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.

95. Виберіть дефініцію до наступного терміна клітина

A. watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.

B. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.

C. the slimy protective secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting mainly of mucin.

D. a part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function.

E. *no correct answer.

Тестові завдання до рисунків

  1. Вкажіть назву зубів, які позначені номером 1 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. *molars
    2. premolars
    3. canines
    4. incisors
    5. no correct answer
  2. Вкажіть назву зубів, які позначені номером 1 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. cuspid
    2. premolars
    3. canines
    4. incisors
    5. *no correct answer
  3. Вкажіть назву зубів, які позначені номером 2 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. molars
    2. *premolars
    3. canines
    4. incisors
    5. no correct answer
  4. Вкажіть назву зубів, які позначені номером 2 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. molars
    2. cuspids
    3. canines
    4. incisors
    5. *no correct answer
  5. Вкажіть назву зубів, який позначені номером 3 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. molars
    2. premolars
    3. *canines
    4. incisors
    5. no correct answer
  6. Вкажіть назву зубів, який позначені номером 3 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. molars
    2. premolars
    3. wisdom teeth
    4. incisors
    5. *no correct answer
  7. Вкажіть назву зубів, які позначені номером 4 (See Рис. Fig. 1)
    1. molars
    2. premolars
    3. canines
    4. *incisors
    5. no correct answer
  8. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 1 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. *upper central incisor
    2. upper lateral incisor
    3. upper cuspid
    4. upper first molar
    5. upper second molar
  9. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 2 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. upper central incisor
    2. *upper lateral incisor
    3. upper cuspid
    4. upper first molar
    5. upper second molar
  10. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 3 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. upper central incisor
    2. upper lateral incisor
    3. *upper cuspid
    4. upper first molar
    5. upper second molar
  11. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 3 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. upper central incisor
    2. upper lateral incisor
    3. lower cuspid
    4. upper first molar
    5. *no correct answer
  12. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 4 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. upper central incisor
    2. upper lateral incisor
    3. upper cuspid
    4. *upper first molar
    5. upper second molar
  13. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 5 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. upper central incisor
    2. upper lateral incisor
    3. upper cuspid
    4. upper first molar
    5. *upper second molar
  14. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 5 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. upper central incisor
    2. upper lateral incisor
    3. upper cuspid
    4. upper first molar
    5. *no correct answer
  15. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 6 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. lower central incisor
    2. lower lateral incisor
    3. lower cuspid
    4. lower first molar
    5. *lower second molar
  16. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 7 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. lower central incisor
    2. lower lateral incisor
    3. lower cuspid
    4. *lower first molar
    5. lower second molar
  17. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 8 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. lower central incisor
    2. lower lateral incisor
    3. *lower cuspid
    4. lower first molar
    5. lower second molar
  18. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 9 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. lower central incisor
    2. *lower lateral incisor
    3. lower cuspid
    4. lower first molar
    5. lower second molar
  19. Вкажіть назву зуба, який позначений номером 10 (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. *lower central incisor
    2. lower lateral incisor
    3. lower cuspid
    4. lower first molar
    5. lower second molar
  20. Вкажіть цифру, якою позначений upper central incisor (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. *1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
  21. Вкажіть цифру, якою позначений upper lateral incisor (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. 1
    2. *2
    3. 3
    4. 4
    5. 5
  22. Вкажіть цифру, якою позначений upper cuspid (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. *3
    4. 4
    5. 5
  23. Вкажіть цифру, якою позначений upper first molar (See Рис. Fig. 2)
    1. 1


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