D. The first geographers’ task was cartography. Блок 3 XXI. Кейс-задание по дисциплине 1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. Linguistics 1. Linguistics investigates the cognitive and social aspects of human language. The field is divided into areas that focus on aspects of the linguistic signal, such as syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics and phonology; however, work in areas like evolutionary linguistics and psycholinguistics cut across these divisions. 2. The majority of modern research in linguistics takes a predominantly synchronic perspective (focusing on language at a particular point in time), and a great deal of it aims at formulating theories of the cognitive processing of language. However, language does not exist in a vacuum, or only in the brain, and approaches like contact linguistics, Creole studies, discourse analysis, social interactional linguistics, and sociolinguistics explore language in its social context. 3. Sociolinguistics often makes use of traditional quantitative analysis and statistics in investigating the frequency of features, while some disciplines, like contact linguistics, focus on qualitative analysis. Ferdinand Saussure is considered the father of modern linguistics. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста Укажите не менее двух вариантов ответа. A. Sociolinguistics and contact linguistics are the same. b. Sociolinguists often use statistics data. C. Sociolinguistics often employs quantitative analysis and statistics. d. Sociolinguists often use qualitative analysis. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. Укажите не менее двух вариантов ответа. Ferdinand Saussure is …. A. is a founder of modern linguistics b. is considered to be a creator of human languages C. is known as the one who laid the foundations of present linguistics d. is a founder of a synchronic perspective Ответьте на вопрос: What linguistic discipline makes use of qualitative analysis? A. Contact linguistics does. b. Sociolinguistics does. c. Evolutionary linguistics does. d. Discourse analysis does. Определите основную идею текста. a. Linguistics studies different aspects of human languages in cognitive and social contexts. b. Linguistics studies human languages at a particular point in time. C. Linguistics studies aspects of the linguistic signal, such as syntax, semantics, morphology, etc. d. Linguistics studies creole languages, discourse analysis, quantitative analysis and statistics. 2. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. Geography 1. Geography as a discipline can be split broadly into two main subfields: human geography and physical geography. The former focuses largely on the built environment and how space is created, viewed and managed by humans as well as the influence humans have on the space they occupy. The latter examines the natural environment and how the climate, vegetation and life, soil, water and landforms are produced and interact. As a result of the two subfields using different approaches a third field has emerged, which is environmental geography. 2. Geographers attempt to understand the earth in terms of physical and spatial relationships. The first geographers focused on the science of mapmaking and finding ways to precisely project the surface of the earth. In this sense, geography bridges some gaps between the natural sciences and social sciences. Historical geography is often taught in a college in a unified Department of Geography. 3. Modern geography is an all-encompassing discipline, closely related to GISc that seeks to understand humanity and its natural environment. Practitioners of geography use many technologies and methods to collect data such GIS, remote sensing, aerial photography, statistics, and global positioning systems (GPS). Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста Укажите не менее двух вариантов ответа. a. The first geographers’ task was to discover new lands. B. The first geographers were looking for the ways of the earth’s surface precise projection. c. The first geographers’ task was to instruct navigators. d. The first geographers’ task was cartography. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. Physical geography studies …. Укажите не менее двух вариантов ответа. |