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Open the brackets and choose the proper form.

The Noun

Exercise 1.

Write the plural form of the following.

A regular nouns

story, play, glass, flag, photo, name, match, knife, bush, chief, page, radio, roof, prize, set, key,

factory, wolf, piano, class, cup, city

В irregular nouns

child, goose, man, foot, mouse, woman, sheep, person, deer, tooth, ox

С nouns of Greek or Latin origin

criterion, datum, formula, crisis, stimulus, index, phenomenon, medium, oasis, nucleus,

memorandum, basis, radius, analysis, symposium, hypothesis

D compound nouns

fellow-worker, merry-go-round, man-of-war, passer-by, sister-in-law, forget-me-not, room-mate,

lily-of-the-valley, ticket-holder, commander-in-chief, governor-general


Exercise 2.

Divide the following words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns (you must get 25 uncountable nouns).

furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice,

information, money, progress, permit, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, kick, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter


Exercise 3.

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. The windows in his car are made of unbreakable glass. 2. He gave me a glass of water. 3. These are the works of Shakespeare. 4. He is not at home, he is at the works. He is installing new equipment. 5. His work is rather dull, he thinks. 6. Do you have scales? I want to weigh this fish. 7. Celsius or Fahrenheit scales are used in many countries. 8.1 spilled the water, give me a cloth, please. 9. Have you bought cloth for draperies? 10. He's got his car insurance police. 11. She always criticizes the government's policy. 12.1 need an iron to press my dress. 13. These items are made of iron. 14. There is neither salt nor pepper on the table. 15. He planted several peppers in the hothouse. 16. Would you like some chocolate? 17. She took a chocolate out of the box. 18. He meets a lot of people every day. 19. A lot of different peoples live in Asia. 20. They run a very profitable business somewhere in South Africa. 21. Business is an essential part of American life.


Exercise 4.

Match the word on the left with its partner on the right.

Example: a piece music — a piece of music

1) a lump

2) a bit

3) a flash

4) a stroke

5) a slice

6) a clap

7) a sum

8) an article

9) a loaf

10) a bar

11) a spot

12) a carton

13) a tube

14) a puff

15) an item

16) a sheet

17) a strip

18) a grain

19) a block

20) a breath


a) lightening

b) thunder

c) clothing

d) air

e) salt

f) bread

g) rain

h) milk

i) soap

j) toothpaste

k) cloth

1) furniture

m) paper

n) cheese

o) money

p) luck

Q) ice

r) sugar

s) information

t) smoke


Exercise 6

Write out the nouns which are used only in the plural form (you must get 25 nouns).

athletics, cattle, scissors, taxes, pyjamas, economics, police, news, means, goods, pants, subjects,

billiards, darts, outskirts, premises, mechanics, spectacles, clothes, stairs, maths, shorts, tights,

gymnastics, congratulations, crossroads, patience, scales, lodgings, foundations, equipment,

research, authorities, soap, contents, looks, countryside, traffic-lights, tongs, toothpaste,

headphones, delays, binoculars, electronics, eyes, trousers


Exercise 7.

Complete the following table and give the corresponding singular or plural form of the nouns, if any. If there is no corresponding form, put a v. The first two words are given as examples.


Singular Plural
means means  
V scissors


means, scissors, pence, Frenchman, Roman, photo, physics, cloth, sheep, halves, news, sleeves,

mice, species, contents, athletics, series, knowledge, feet, phenomena, clothes, bases,

headquarters, Japanese


Exercise 8.

Find the odd word in the chain of the nouns.

Example: tea — butter — onions — meat

1) trousers — spectacles — scales — news 2) advice — knowledge — contents — progress

3) phonetics - vacation - goods – information 4) criteria — datum — oases — radii 5) mice —

men — goats — geese 6) police — work — weather — furniture 7) congress — team —

government — equipment 8) water — potato — milk — bread 9) time — business — stone —

bird 10) means — species — crossroads — wolves 11) thanks — barracks — congratulations —

authorities 12) diagnoses — roofs — cattle — accommodation 13) premises — mechanics —

darts — laughter 14) success — research — applause — path 15) journey — voyage — travel —



Exercise 9.

Open the brackets and choose the proper form.

1.I feel that the jury already (have/has) thought that you are innocent. 2. The government

(was/were) not able to pursue the policy which had been promised before the elections. 3. The

police (is/are) investigating the case now. 4. The crew of the plane (consist/consists) of four

people. 5. His company (was/were) founded in 1996. 6. The party (was/were) in full swing. The

music was playing, the company (was/were) eating and drinking. 7. My family (is/are) early

risers, so at 11 o'clock p.m. the family (is/are) always in bed. 8. The cattle (is/are) in the field

next to it. 9. The committee (is/are) full of enthusiasm. 10. Such an organization as the board of

directors (is/are) elected by stockholders. 11. The ship turned out to be a good ship,the crew

(was/were) skilled seamen. 12, The government usually (consist/consists) of the prime minister

and several ministers. 13. The average American family (have/has) three children.

14. The jury (is/are) represented by twelve people. 15. The crops (is/arc) good this summer,


Exercise 10.

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