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Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям.




Упражнение 1. Переведите текст на русский язык.

1. Globalisation is the growth and enactment of world culture. Since at least the middle of the nineteenth century, a rationalised world institutional and cultural order has crystallised that consists of universally applicable models that shape states, organisations, and individual identities. Conceptions of progress, sovereignty, rights, and the like, have acquired great authority. Af­ter World War II international life gained a cultural structure. States at very different economic levels adopted common precepts and established com­mon institutions.

2. Far from being the prime movers on the international scene, states derived much of their structure and authority from being em­bedded in a larger system, a world polity consisting of common legitimating models. But states are not the only globally enacted model. More and more organisations, from scientific associations to feminist groups, from standard-setting bodies to environmental movements, helped to elaborate and imple­ment this common world culture.

3. By the end of the twentieth century, world culture became the constitutive element in world society. But it cannot claim global consensus; regions differ, for example, in their interpretation of core notions such as individual rights. Nor is world culture free from contradiction; it contains values such as free­dom and equality that are necessarily in tension. Enacting global models will not lead to a completely homogeneous world, if only because institutionalisa­tion under different conditions will produce significant local variation.

4. World culture actually produces new conflicts, for when many believe they live in one world under universally valid principles, they become critical of state ac­tions that deviate from global norms. Since the state of the world is always bound to fall short of high global standards, world culture actually encourages the discovery of new social problems. But the world-wide recognition of prob­lems, ranging from global warming to corruption, is a sign of world culture’s current strength. In a diverse, conflictual, and decentralised world, it provides common models for thinking and acting.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям.

Всемирная культура; концепция прогресса; универсальные принципы; основная движущая сила; мировая арена; модель законности; всемирное государство; местные отличия; однородный мир; всеобщее согласие

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык следующие пред­ложения. Обратите особое внимание на подчеркнутые словосочетания.

1. Ever since the term globalisation was first used to make sense of large-scale changes, scholars have debated its meaning and use.

2. The term globalisation was used increasingly to express concern aboutthe consequences of global change for the well-being of various groups, the sovereignty and identity of countries, the disparities among peoples, and the health of the environment.

3. Intellectual debate blended with political conflict; in the years to come, debates and conflicts surrounding globalisation will increasingly affectthe processes captured by the term.

4. According to one popular view, globalisation is the inexorable integra­tion of markets, nation-states and technologies to a degree never wit­nessed before in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and na­tion-states to reach round the world farther, faster, deeper and cheaperthan ever before.

5. Discussions of globalisation often convey a sense that something new is happening to the world: it is becoming a “single place”, global practices,values, and technologies now shape people’s lives to the point that we are entering a “global age”, and global integration spells the end of thenation-state.

6. Sceptics counter that there is nothing new under the sun since globalisa­tion is age-old capitalism writ large across the globe, or that govern­ments and regions retain distinct strengths in a supposedly integratedworld, or that the world is actually fragmenting into civilisational blocs.

7. Globalisation used to be widely celebrated as a new birth of freedom: better connections in a more open world would improve people’s livesbv making new products and ideas universally available, breaking downbarriers to trade and democratic institutions: resolve tensions betweenold adversaries: and empower more and more people.

8. Politicians opposed to America’s global influence and activists opposed to the inequities of oppressive global capitalism portray globalisation asdangerous.

9. Many authors attribute the dynamics of globalisation to the pursuit of material interests by dominant states and multinational companies that exploit new technologies to shape a world in which they can flourish ac­cording to rules they set.

10. An alternative view suggests that globalisation is rooted in an expandingconsciousness of living together on one planet, a consciousness that takes the concrete form of models for global interaction and institutionaldevelopment that constrain the interests of even powerful players and relate any particular place to a larger global whole.

11. According to one line of argument, globalisation constrains states: free trade limits the ability of states to set policy and protect domestic com­panies, capital mobility makes generous welfare states less competitive,global problems exceed the grasp of anv individual state, and global norms and institutions become more powerful.

12. Others suggest that in a more integrated world nation states may even be­come more important: they have a special role in creating conditions for growth and compensating for the effects of economic competition, they are key players in organisations and treaties that address global problems, and they are themselves global models charged with great authority byglobal norms.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие слово­сочетания.

Путь истории - think tanks - line of causation - essential and contin­gent - поток событий - unabashed victory - imminent universalisation - абсолютная победа - viable state - conceptual framework - welfare state - to return full circle - всемирная история - в конце концов - определять политику - bypass of history - birth of freedom - turbulent events - об­ходной путь истории — торжество свободы — государства-лидеры — пройти полный цикл - in the long run - жизнеспособное государство - бороться с - «мозговой центр» - triumph of freedom - рождение свобо­ды - государство всеобщего благосостояния - бурные события - to con­tend with - to set policy - причинный ряд - world history - неизбежная глобализация - dominant states - way of history - необходимое и слу­чайное - flow of events - концептуальная основа.

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