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Speak about a book or story you have read, a film you have seen ,

using the following pattern:

I am going to say a few words about a book (story/film) I've recently read/seen.

The book (story/film) is written by the well-known English (American/ Russian/ French etc.) writer of the ...-th century ..... (name of the writer).

The title of the book (story/film) is .....

It's a historical novel( an adventure story, a science fiction story, a novel of everyday life etc.)

The scene is laid in (place) in the (time).

The plot of the book (story/film) is interesting.

The characters are well drawn/ acted.

The book tells about a ……. who ……. (here the contents of the book (story/film) must be given very briefly.

There are some humorous (funny, sad, tragic) episodes in the book (story/film).

I could not help smiling (laughing, feeling, sad, crying) when I read/seen, about (how) …..

To cut a long story short, …….(here the end, of the book (story/film) must be given).

My account is very incomplete, I haven't mentioned, for instance, the …. and the…. , but (because)…. .

On the whole, the book (story/film) is good. It is worth reading.

If you like historical novels (adventure stories, science fiction, novels of everyday life), I advise you to read/see it.




Hunger games. The plot of this film is about not far future. It is about the republic,called Panem. It was not good country. The poor population organized the revolt against rich population,but the revolt was suppressed and the republic was divided on 12 districts. Capitoliy,the capital of Panem decided to punish the poor population.. They organized the show,called Hunger games. On this show Capitoliy gathered 2 teenagers from every district and they had to kill each other on arena.This show entertained Capitoliy. It was the story about girl from 12 d. She had no hope to win but her dream come true and she made a long and hard way. She made her d. r happy and they got food they need. I liked this film because of the perfect plot,actors played their roles well and also I liked for its realness because situations like this can really come true. Nowadays we have some shows which entertain us but participans of those shows get pain and fear because of the severe tasks and many people watch on it with pleasure. The most popular severe shows with people are Severe Games,Big races in Russia,Fear factor in USA etc So in my opinion Hunger games can to come true. But we can have some doubts. We will see everything later.



Film review

I have recently seen a good film and I want to tell you about it.

This film was set in a small town. It tells the story about a poor girl, whose mother had died, when she was 17. The film is direсted by Fedor Bondarchuck. It is based on a book "The Swallow`s nest" by Anton Sakhov. It is a romantic film.

The film`s plot is fast-paced. Suddenly, she met her father. Father`s family did not love her, but then she saved life of one of her relatives. She worked hard and fell ill. She had not any hopes to be rescued, but wonder had happened. The plot has an unexpected twist and ending.

It is poorly filmed in gloomy colours.This film is very interesting. I found the cast excellent because some of my favourite actors took part there. The script is very exciting and I would like to watch this film again! It has a surprising end because nobody of spectaculars thought that she could be alive.

I would recommend everybody to see this film because it is worth doing that.




Описание фильма "Гарри Поттер и философский камень"

I decided to dedicate my review to my favorite film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." This movie is based on the novel of J.K. Rolling. This is the first part of the book series about the adventures of young wizard Harry Potter. The film was shot by a famous American director Chris Columbus, known for such masterpieces as the comedy "Home Alone." "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - is only the first part of a great story. But here for first time we see the main characters, learn their nature and characteristics. The film drags at once thanks to the excellent plot and beautiful scenery. Director with the help of computer graphics could show amazing creatures - goblins, dragons, trolls. The film is impregnated with an unforgettable atmosphere that prevailed in the book.

The story is about the boy Harry. He lives with his uncle and aunt, who don’t love him. They harassed him every way, but he doesn’t have another variants. His parents died in a car accident and he is an orphan. But on his 11th birthday, he learns that he is the magician and is invited to study at Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Hagrid,(who delivered the letter) explains to the young wizard the cause of the scar on his forehead and the real circumstances of the death of his parents. They were killed by the evil wizard VoldeMort. Harry learns that he was also cursed by the evil wizard, but miraculously survived. After buying (with the help of Hagrid) everything necessary, Potter goes to magic school. There he finds his true friends, learn magic and goes through various adventures. Despite of the fact that the school seems to be all quiet, after arrival of Harry odd things concerned with VoldeMort start to happen. Over time, Harry learns about his devious plan to steal the Philosopher's Stone, which gives immortality. The young wizard is eager to stop him. With the help of his friends, he manages to break the plans of VoldeMort.

The film, on the background of a magical atmosphere, talks about simple things and values, which in fact is often neglected. He teaches kindness, honesty, loyalty and true friendship. Great music and great acting, of course, complete the dynamic plot. Director created a fairy tale can please all the ages.


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