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Декан факультету іноземних мов


Variant 10

Choose the correct answer.

1. They sold their house for only S 15,000, so the buyer got a wonderful

a) amount b) bargain c) cost d) worth

2. If we want to buy a house, we'll have to our spending,

a) care for b) cut back c) let down d) save

3. The rise in house prices... him to sell his house for a large profit.

a) achieved b) enabled c) managed d) succeeded

4. I would love to have a house..... , but for the time being I must rent this flat.

a) by my own b) for my own c) of my own d) to my own

5. Our main concern is to raise the lodgers' of living.

a) capacity b) conditions c) degree d) standard

6. Students in hostels are... to keep their rooms clean and tidy.

a) desired b) expected c) hoped d) wanted

7. Are you going to.... your flat in Cracow while you are abroad?

a) dispose b) hire c) let d) sale

8. He asked if we would.. to share the room.

a) accept b) agree c) approve d) consider

9. The....... for the flat is $ 70 a week.

a) due b) fee c) hire d) rent

10.We are...... into our new flat next week.

a) arriving b) entering c) moving d) transporting

11.The tenants were ..... not to disturb other tenants after 11 p.m.
a) appealed b) demanded c) desired d) requested

12.Could we both stay at your flat? Have you got enough ?

a) area b) place c) room d) space

13.My landlady doesn't... me to have parties.

a) agree b) allow c) appreciate d) approve

14.When the owner let the Flat to me I signed a(n). that / would /eave at the end

of June.

a) advice b) agreement c) bargain d) insurance

15....... a flat with someone is cheaper than living on your own,

a) Dividing b) Halving c) Parting d) Sharing

16. Your new flat me very much of the one we had in London.

a) recalls b) recollects c) remembers d) reminds

17. The of newcomers, to longstanding residents is very high in this block of flats.

a) average b) cross-section c) percentage d) proportion

18. I should like to rent a flat; modern, comfortable and in a quiet position.

a) above all b) after all c) before all d) over all

19. The room was noisy and not very for studying.

a) fitted b) matching c) proper d) suitable

20. Many accidents in the home could be if householders gave more thought to safety

in their houses.

a) avoided b) excluded c) preserved d) protected


Декан факультету іноземних мов


Variant 11

Choose the correct answer.

1. A row of trees.... the house from the north wind.

a) fence b) prevent c) shelter d) warn

2. The house is old and it's in bad.....

a) condition b) damage c) situation d) state

3. Many old houses have an underground room called a(n)

a) attic b) cave c) cellar d) loft

4. People were strolling under the trees on either side of the broad through the park.

a) alley b) avenue c) path d) track

5. His flat is in the........

a) basement b) cellar c) ground d) lift

6. He hung up his overcoat in the.. as soon as he came into the house.

a) attic b) cella c) hall d) loft

7. The shop had..... on the door but it was closed.

a) available b) free c) open d) vacant

8. Some town children had never seen grass or trees and could play only in a small be­ tween their houses.

a) field b) garden c) park d) yard

9. There was a magnificent drive which found to the front of the mansion.

a) arched b) bent c) curved d) inclined

10. Three stone..... lead up to the front door.

a) levels b) stairs c) stones d) steps

11. It is a large building, on six.. , and many families live there.

a) flats b) floors c) stages d) stairs

12. The....... from the gate to the cottage was overgrown with weeds.

a) passage b) path c) road d) street

13. The hall seemed..... lit after the bright sunshine outside.

a) dimly b) faintly c) slightly d) vaguely

14. Their office..... of four small rooms.

a) consists b) contains c) includes d) numbers

15. He went down to his workskop in the.

a) annexe b) basement c) ground floor d) loft

16. In this part of the country, the fields are separated by stone

a) barriers b) fences c) hedges d) walls

17. My address is 52 Long Street, and I live on the

a) basement b) cellar c) ground floor d) foundations

18.Their flat is on the top....

a) attic b) floor c) loft d) store

19.They have a tennis. at the bottom of their garden.

a) court b) field c) ground d) pool

20.We haven't got a garage, so we leave our car outside in the

a) drive b) garden c) pavement d) porch


Декан факультету іноземних мов


Variant 12

Choose the right answer.

1. Granny is coming for lunch. Please the room before she arrives.

a) arrange b) order c) polish d) tidy

2. You shouldn't walk around with feet. The floor isn't very clean.

a) bare b) naked c) nude d) stripped

3. The attic was thick with.. as no one had cleared it for years.

a) dust b) powder c) rust d) sediment

4. Will you...... the beds at once! Our guests are at the door!

a) clean b) cover c) make d) smooth

5. The house felt cold and.. after weeks of bad weather.

a) damp b) moist c) watery d) wet

6. It you don't like washing up, you could into the possibility of buying a washing-up


a) ask b) look c) order d) save

7. I must got to the laundry and. my washing.

a) bring b) carry c) clean d) collect

8. Mrs Helpful has cleaned our house from to bottom.

a) attic b) first floor c) roof d) top

9. The only way to clean the box is to ..... it in soap and warm water,
a) brush b) polish c) wash d) wipe

10. Don't forget to put the... back on the toothpaste when you have finished with it.

a) cap b) cover c) hat d) lid

11. She has to work hard to keep the house. and tidy with such a big family.

a) arranged b) neat c) ordered d) smooth

12. "....... your feet before you come into the house," cried Mrs Tidy.

a) Clean b) Polish c) Rub d) Wipe

13. Your...... for today is to do the washing up.

a) duty b) homework c) labour d) task

14.Ask your sister if she could give me with the washing up.

a) an aid b) an assistance c) a hand d) a help

15.They managed to get.. all their unwanted things at the jumble sale.

a) away with b) even with c) out of d) rid of

16.When you've washed up,. the plates before you put them away.

a) clean b) dry c) dust d) sweep

17................... It's your to clean the room; I did it last week.

a) occasion b) time c) try d) turn

18...... the tube gently, so as not to waste the toothpaste.

a) Hit b) Lick c) Press d) Squeeze

19.Don't leave your coat lying on the sofa like that! Hang it up by the at the back of the collar.

a) band b) hole c) hook d) loop

20.Please close the window; there's a terrible

a) breeze b) current c) draught d) headwind


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