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Functional Style, Register: Definition

A translator has to deal with diverse texts, belonging to various styles and registers. The term ‘style’ has acquired several definitions. First, it means the how of the text, that is, the way something is said, done, expressed (elevated, or bookish, neutral, and low, or colloquial styles). Second, the combination of distinctive features of literary expression, execution, or performance characterizing a particular school, person, etc. (Byron’s style, baroque style). Third, the term ‘style’ is often a reduction for ‘functional style’, i.e., a language variety specific of a certain social sphere and characterized by a definite predominant function.

The concept of functional style has been developed in Russian (V. Vinogradov, M. Kozhina, D. Shmelyov et al.) and Czech (B. Gavranek, V. Mathesius and others) linguistics. American and British linguists use the term ‘register’, which is close in meaning to functional style. Register is defined as the style of language, grammar and words used for particular situations.

There have been a number of classifications of functional styles. Most linguists single out everyday colloquial style, journalistic (publicistic) style, scientific and technical style, official, or bureaucratic style. All of them, except for the everyday colloquial style, are represented by informative texts, carrying an informative function. The status of literary style, or the style of imaginative literature, is controversial. Also disputable is the style of advertizing, as well as colloquial style.

All styles are subdivided into substyles and genres. They can be of written and oral forms.

A translator has to know not only special features of each style, but also the differential peculiarities of a style in the source and target languages.


The term ‘publicistic style’ is a coinage of Russian linguists. Foreign researchers speak of different variations, like ‘journalistic language’, ‘news media language’, ‘newspaper language’, ‘broadcasting language’, etc.

In Russian and Ukrainian linguistics, the publicistic style is understood as a variety of language that carries out simultaneously two functions – informative and expressive – and is used in public and political spheres of activity.

This style incorporates such substyles (sometimes called styles) as newspaper, journalistic, oratorical, and propagandist substyles. Each substyle has particular genres. The newspaper substyle includes editorials, news stories, chronicles, reports, summaries (e.g., weather broadcasts, sports results, etc.). The journalistic substyle is made up of commentaries, comic strips, analytical articles, pamphlets, reviews, essays and the like. The oratorical substyle comprises speeches, sermons, and orations. And the propagandist substyle implies slogans, proclamations, appeals, promotions, commercials - the last genre, though, is now referred to as a new style of advertising.

The main distinctive features of the publicistic style are standardization and expressiveness. These features fulfill the two basic functions: to inform the readership as quickly as possible, which demands from a journalist the use of ready-made phrases, or clichés, sometimes called journalese. Expressiveness results from the necessity to influence public opinion.

Expressiveness can be detected in lexical characteristics of newspapers, magazines and broadcasting, and also in headlines.

English mass media are abundant in connotative colloquial words and phrases, even slang: eyesore, blackleg, new words (drunk-driving, think-tank), abbreviations (champ for ‘champion’, E. Germans for ‘East Germans’). Metaphorical and metonymical associations are not infrequent [Russia’s perestroika has turned missiles into sausages. (The Daily Telegraph)], especially those connected with sports: An industrial portreceived a serious blow…; Mortgage lenders call for curbs on ‘low start’ advertisements (The Daily Telegraph). Epithets sometimes accompany nouns (strenuous political activity, aggressive grain exporters, the crystal-clear waters).

Though expressive, most metaphors in newspapers are trite and commonplace: We have also suffered the virtual death of such vital industries as machine tools, motor cycles, and shipbuilding. (The Guardian). It concerns both languages, English and Ukrainian.


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