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Read about some inventions of the past century. Make a list of 5 most important icons of the 20th century. Give reasons.

Lesson 25

Ex.1 The 20th century has given us plenty of things that improve our lives: TV, calculators, mobile phones, CDs... It has also given us some household objects that make our lives easier and more comfortable.

Read about some inventions of the past century. Make a list of 5 most important icons of the 20th century. Give reasons.

TV. A Russian engineer Vladimir Zvorykin emigrated to the USA and there in 1931 produced an apparatus that later became known as a television set. The first TV station was located on the Empire State Building in New York City. The programmes could be watched only by those who lived not farther than 60 miles from the station.

Video. In 1975 the Japanese corporation JVC made it possible to record films and TV programmes at home. The system was known as VHS (Video Home System).

Computer. The first computers were huge. They were used for scientific purpos­es. Sinklair ZX 80, the 1980 machine, was the first computer used by ordinary people. Psion Organizer of 1990s shifted computers off the desktop.

Internet. The global network was designed for serious scientific purposes. In 1962 the US scientists started to build a network between the leading scientific centres of the USA. In 1969 this network joined four universities. In 1972 the first e-mail with the symbol @ was sent.

Mobile phone now used by millions of people appeared in 1973. The Ameri­can Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone — Motorola Dyna-Tec. It weighed a kilo. But it took five years to draw in a commercial operator from Bahrein. Now mobile phones have made a massive impact on social and work­ing activities and changed the way we communicate.

Compact Disk from the 1980s brought an end to vinyl records and revolutionized the storage of computer data.

Digital Watch appeared in 1970 on Roger Moore's wrist in the Bond film "Live and Let Die". It brought computer technology into everyday life.

Contact lenses. The first contact lenses were made from plastic in 1936 in New York. But only thanks to new materials and developed technologies there ap­peared soft lenses that let oxygen to the eyes.

Trainers. The first trainers were designed by Adolf and Rudolf Dessler right af­ter WWII. Canvas and rubber soles were used to make them. Later the brothers went each his own way. In 1949 Adolf patented his trainers under the name "Adidas". This is the world famous firm now. The first three letters stand for Adi — a short form of Adolf and the last three letters represent the be­ginning of the surname. The second brother established his own company "Puma".

Plastic bag represents the beginning of the "plastic age" and arrival of the dispos­able society. It replaced shopping baskets and cloth bags from 1952.


Shift – двигати

To draw – протягнути

Impact – вплив

To storage – накопичення

Wrist – запясток

Canvas – парусина , полотно

Soles - Підошва, ступня

Disposable - доступний



Ex.2 Read the text about Yevhen and Borys Paton using a dictionary. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Nouns: principles, space, welding

Adjectives: electric, outstanding, scientific

Verbs: died, graduated, headed

Prepositions: across, for, in


Ukrainian scientists have contributed greatly to the de­velopment of world science.

Among the_________(1) scientists are those of Yevhen and Borys Paton.Yevhen Paton was born on the 4th of March, 1870, in Nice, France, and____________(2) on the 12"' of August 1953 in Kyiv. He was a welding scientist and con­structor technologist; full member of the Ukrainian Acade­my of Sciences from 1929. He _________(3) from Dresden Polytechnical Institute in 1894 and St Peters­burg Institute of Civil Engineers in 1896 and was a professor
at Kyiv Polytechnical Institute in 1904—1939. While head­ing the Bridge Testing Laboratory he formulated the fun­damental ___________ (4) of bridge design and developed a scientific bridge testing methodology. He also published basic textbooks in that field and designed over 35 bridges in 1896—1929, including the major bridge______ (5) the Dnieper River, Paton is also considered to be the father of electric welding in the USSR. In 1929 he or­ganised a laboratory of _________(6) welding technology, which in 1934 became the Institute of Electric Welding, He served as director of the laboratory and institute until his death: today the institute bears his name. His contributions______(7) the field of electric welding include arc welding and automation, welding apparatus design and strength calculations of welding joints. He helped introduce________(8) tech­nology into industrial production.Yevhen Paton served as Vice-President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from 1945 to 1952. In 1964 the Academy established the Paton Prize_______(9) outstand­ing contributions in the field of materials science, particularly welding technology.Borys Paton, son of Yevhen Paton, continued his father's work. Metallurgist, full mem­ber of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences since 1958 and its President since 1962 he has done much to develop his father's ideas. Indeed, there is something enigmatic in the fact that Borys Paton not only_______(10) the Academy for half of its eight decades, but that his birthday (November 27, 1918) coincided with the anniversary of its foundation.His ________ (11) contributions are in welding methods, including electric

arc, electron beam and plasma welding, welding in (12) and seamless pipes. There is a monument to Yevhen Paton outside the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. But the best monument to him is the great scientist's work for his country.


1)Put "+" next to the true statements and "-" next to the false ones.

1) Yevhen Paton is a noted space designer.

2) Yevhen Paton is Borys Paton's son.

3) Yevhen Paton designed 35 bridges.

4) Yevhen Paton is the father of electric welding.

5) Borys Paton is a sculptor.

6) Borys Paton is the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

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