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Choose the right word and word combination


.....are the partners with unlimited liability. general partners

.....has the authority in management but he is not known to public. secret partnes

...fundingis a financing formed by borrowing. equity

...is one the two main records which most of the businesses prepare regularly. income statement


A am sure of the ... of this transaction. Efficiency

A partnership can bring much... to the partners.Profit

A sales manager has direct...over a salesman. authority

A secret partner takes part in... Management

A university can be... corporation. Nonprofit

Accounting records provide ... for stock-holders, independent analysts. Data

All the information about the staff of the firmcan be found in... personnel office

All.....banks make loans to borrowers. Commercial

An accounting helps... the activity of a business. to measure

An educational... usually reinvests all its money. institution

As a result of this deal we'll have greater... than outflow. inflow

As a rule a... usually does not give orders to other departments. a staff department


Do you know the effect of your last...on financial condition of the firm. transaction

Don't ask him... questions it will be impolite. Personal


Federal government.....and to supervise all national banks. to charter

Financing by shares is called... funding. equity


General partners have... unlimited liability


I want to buy some ... in IBM and General Motors. Stock

I want to find a new secretary, so I'll call an employment... в) agency

If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your… resume

If you need applicants for this position,... in a special section of the local newspaper. to advertise

International cooperation between banks makes it possible.....imports and exports. to finance

Is this bank owned publicly or... ? Б)ivately

It is possible to convert American dollars to Swiss francs in ...department. foreign exchange


Less than 20 per cent of European businesses arepartnerships or...г)corporations

Limited partnership is a common form of ownership in... a)real estate


More than 80 per cent of all business... are not from sole proprietorships. В) receipts

My friend works in a......he is responsible for the company product. a line department

My friend......of sales manager. to hold a position


One advantage of a partnership is that it offers a multiple source of... Capital

Organization structure shows ... between each position and positions above and below. relationships

Our company's current... is very high. profit


Partnership very often receive ... from the government.tax benefits

Partnerships have many.... one is that they receive tax benefits from the government. b) advantage

Personnel office will help you to find a new... employer


She has a good... for the position: a college degree, good work experience Employer

Small... are very often service industries.a) businesses

Sole proprietorships... only a small part of all business receipts.А)account


That is a very profitable deal, for that purpose we need extra ... Funding

The ... of the company includes real estate in California. Ownership

The current assets of a company usually include cash and... inventory

The group of people from different countries are going to... a corporation. to establish

The partners didn't put the same… into business. amount of capital

The Red Cross is an international... organization .charitable

The second type of ratio helps the company ... its current financial position to evaluate

The... industries don't produce material goods.б) service

The... of staff departments is to do different services. task

The.....of Germany is the mark. currency

There are three… if business ownership.forms

They ... from the association with that corporation. to profit

They have borrowed much money and they have to pay a big... Interest

To attract greater financial... the company issues the stock. a)resources

We are going to interview three... or the position. applicant

What kind of... is better: buying stock or buying real estate? Investment

When the business gets more...there is a need for staff departments. Complex

You can sell your shares and.... Bond

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