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Exercise 1.Match the definitions with the terms:

1)idiomaticity a) is partially non-motivated word-group the whole meaning of which is motivated by the meanings of its components
2)stability b) is a stable by form and usage semantically divisible construction, which components are words with free meanings
3)phraseological unity c) is the quality of phraseological unit, when the meaning of the whole is not deducible from the sum of the meanings of the parts.
4) phraseological unit d) fusion is completely non-motivated word-group which meaning is never influenced by the meanings of its components
5)phraseological expression e) is a quality of word of being stable
6)phraseological collocation f) as units of fixed context, i.e. phrases with a specific and stable sequence of certain lexical components and peculiar semantic relations between them.
7)phraseological fusion g) is motivated word-group in which every word has absolutely clear independent meaning while one of the components has a bound meaning

1- c 5- b

2- e 6- g

3- a 7- d

4- f

Exercise 2. Insert the words missing in the text:

Motivation compiled non-motivated express lexicographers made up communication assumption stability

So, phraseological units are habitually defined as 1) _______________word-groups that cannot be freely 2) ______________in speech but are reproduced as ready-made units. This definition proceeds from the 3) ____________that the essential features of phraseological units are 4) ____________of the lexical components and lack of 5) ______________. It is consequently assumed that unlike components of free word-groups which may vary according to the needs of 6) ______________, member-words of phraseological units are always as single unchangeable collocations. The same as words phraseological units 7) _________a single notion and are used in a sentence as one part of it. American and British 8) ______________ call such units «idioms». They are 9) ____________in special dictionaries.


1) non-motivated

2) made up

3) assumption

4) stability

5) motivation

6) communication

7) express

8) lexicographers

9) compiled


Exercise 3.Define whether the statements right or wrong:

1. Phraseological units are habitually defined as non-motivated word-groups that can be freely made up in speech and don’t reproduce as ready-made units.

2. Taking into account mainly the degree of stability phraseological units may be classified into four big groups: phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological collocations and phraseological expressions.

3. Phraseological expression is a stable by form and usage semantically divisible construction, which components are words with free meanings.

4. Phraseological collocation is partially non-motivated word-group the whole meaning of which is motivated by the meanings of its components.

5. Phraseological units are compiled in special dictionaries.

6. The peculiarities of Biblicisms consist in the high degree of their semantic non-compositionality, indivisibility.



1. W

2. W

3. R

4. W

5. R

6. R

Exercise 4. Answer the questions:

1) Give the definition of the term phraseological unit.

2) What dictionaries that contain phraseological units do you know?

3) What is the difference between phraseological units and free or variable word-groups?

4) Talk about the classification of phraseological units.

5) In what groups phraseological units are divided according to the classification by Arnold?

6) By what degree phraseological unities are as a rule marked?

7) By what groups of phraseological units according to classification of Vinogradov the dominant part of Biblicism is represented?



Exercise 1. Choose the right word:

1) A labour of _____:

a) hate b) sympathy c) love d) favor

2) A Juda’s ______:

a) kiss b) embrace c) handshake d) touch

3) A word out of _______:

a) month b) year c) day d) season

4) Behind the ______:

a) veil b) curtain c) wall d) door

5) Come to ______:

a) dark b) light c) decision d) end

6) As ______ as the hills:

a) high b) strong c) ancient d) old


1) c 4) a

2) a 5) b

3) d 6) d

Exercise 3. Match two parts of idiom:

1) A leopard a) to all men
2) Ashes to ashes b) in sheep's clothing
3) By the skin c) will move mountains
4) The apple d) of his eye
5) Don't cast your pearls e) before swine
6) A wolf f) cannot change its spots
7) Faith g) of your teeth
8) All things h) dust to dust


1) f

2) h

3) g

4) d

5) e

6) b

7) c

8) a

Exercise 4. Match idioms with the definition:

1) A drop in the bucket a) A small but irritating flaw that spoils the whole
2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush b) A group of iniquitous people, congregating together
3) A fly in the ointment c) There is an appropriate time for everything
4) A nest of vipers d) Fall to the ground, wounded or dead
5) A thorn in the flesh e) A very small proportion of the whole
6) Bite the dust f) A number of undesirable qualities
7) For everything there is a season g) A persistent difficulty or annoyance
8) A multitude of sins h) It's better to have a lesser but certain advantage than the possibility of a greater one that may come to nothing
9) Give up the ghost i) In an instant
10) In the twinkling of an eye j) Imminent danger has become apparent  
11) Writing is on the wall k) To die, or in the case of inanimate objects, to cease working














1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. – М.: Высшая школа, 1986. – 295 с.

2. Ginsburg R.S. and others. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. – М.: Высшая школа, 1979. – 269 c.

3. Виноградов В. Об основн ых типах фразеологических единиц в русском языке . – М., 1977. – С. 1 7 -25 .

4. Кунин А.В. Основные понятия английской фразеологии // Англо-русский фразеологический словарь : В 2 т. - 3-е изд ., испр . – М., 1970. – Т 1,2. – С. 1-1172.




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