BRITISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH Regional varieties of English Cockney- the regional dialect of London. Cockney vocabulary is lively and witty, imaginative and colourful. Its specific feature is the so-called rhyming slang. E.g. boots are called daisy roots, hat = tit for tat, head = loaf of bread, wife = trouble and strife Scottish Englishuses a number of special dialect words. E.g. aye = yes, dram = drink (usually whisky), loch = lake, lassie = girl Black Englishis the term used to refer to the English which originated in the Caribbean islands and has now spread to many parts of the United Kingdom, Canada and the USA. E.g .jam = improvise, rap = street talk, beat = exhausted Indian English Indolish.Well-educated, middle-aged Indian people speak English which has retained in everyday usage words that may be found in the classics of 19th century. Australian Fnalish - highly colloquial words and expressions. Australian colloquialisms often Involve shortening a word. E.g. smoko (from smoking) = tea or coffee break, beaut (from beautiful) = great Canadian English is influenced both by British and American but it also has some specific features. E.g. shack = a hut, to fathom out = to explain The variety of English spoken in the USA has a literary normalised form called Standard American. The term Americanismis referred to a word or phrase peculiar to the English language as spoken in the USA Seminar # 9 Variants and dialects of the English language. British and American English. 1. Language and dialect. 2. Characteristic of world Englishes. 3. British English 4. Regional varieties of English 5. American English 6. Canadian English. Assignment 1 Translate into British English. American | British | One-way or round trip? | | He left the faucet on. | | We're leaving in the fall. | | It's in the closet. | | We've run out of gas. | | Try to solve these problems. | | Assignment 2 Solve the problem. 1. If an American/a British man asks for a bill,is he more likely to be in a bank or a cafe? 2. If an American/a British man says that he works on the second floor,how many flights of stairs do you need? Which would surprise you more an American or a British man telling you that he wanted to go and change his pants? 3. Would an American/a British child get something hot or something cold if he/she asked for some potato chips? 4. Where would you take an American/a British guest who said they wanted to wash up? BRITISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH British and American English are two main variants of English. Besides them there are: Canadian, Australian, Indian, New Zealand and other variants. They have some peculiarities in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, but they are easily used for communication between people living in these countries. As far as the American English is concerned, some scientists /H.N. Menken, for example/ tried to prove that there is a separate American language. In 1919 H.N. Menken published a book called «The American Language». But most scientists, American ones including, criticized his point of view because differences between the two variants are not systematic. American English begins its history at the beginning of the 17-th century when first English- speaking settlers began to settle on the Atlantic coast of the American continent. The language which they brought from England was the language spoken in England during the reign of Elizabeth the First. In the earliest period the task of Englishmen was to find names for places, animals, plants, customs which they came across on the American continent. They took some of names from languages spoken by the local population - Indians, such as:»chipmunk»/an American squirrel/, «igloo» /Eskimos dome-shaped hut/, «skunk» / a black and white striped animal with a bushy tail/, «squaw» / an Indian woman/, »wigwam» /an American Indian tent made of skins and bark/ etc. Besides Englishmen, settlers from other countries came to America, and English-speaking settlers mixed with them and borrowed some words from their languages, e.g. from French the words «bureau»/a writing desk/, «cache» /a hiding place for treasure, provision/, «depot'/ a store-house/, «pumpkin»/a plant bearing large edible fruit/. From Spanish such words as: »adobe» / sunburnt sun-dried brick/, »bonanza» /prosperity/, «cockroach» /a beetle-like insect/, «lasso» / a noosed rope for catching cattle/ were borrowed. Present-day New York stems from the Dutch colony New Amsterdam and Dutch also influenced English. Such words as: «boss», «dope», «sleigh» were borrowed. The second period of American English history begins in the 19-th century. Immigrants continued to come from Europe to America. When large groups of immigrants from the same country came to America some of their words were borrowed into English. Italians brought with them a style of cooking which became widely spread and such words as: «pizza», «spaghetti» came into English. From the great number of German-speaking settlers the following words were borrowed into English: «delicatessen», «lager», «hamburger», «noodle», «schnitzel» and many others. During the second period of American English history there appeared quite a number of words and word-groups which were formed in the language due to the new political system, liberation of America from the British colonialism, its independence. The following lexical units appeared due to these events: the United States of America, assembly, caucus, congress, Senate, congressman, President, senator, precinct, Vice-President and many others. Besides these political terms many other words were coined in American English in the 19-th century: to antagonize, to demoralize, influential, department store, telegram, telephone and many others. There are some differences between British and American English in the usage of prepositions, such as prepositions with dates, days of the week BE requires «on» / I start my holiday on Friday/, in American English there is no preposition / I start my vacation Friday/. In BE we use «by day», «by night»/»at night», in AE the corresponding forms are «days» and «nights». In BE we say «at home», in AE - «home» is used. In BE we say «a quarter to five», in AE «a quarter of five». In BE we say «in the street», in AE - «on the street». In BE we say «to chat to somebody», in AE «to chat with somebody». In BE we say «different to something», in AE - «different from something». There are also units of vocabulary which are different while denoting the same notions, e.g. BE - «trousers», AE -«pants»; in BE «pants» are «Tpycbi» which in AE is «shorts». While in BE «shorts» are outwear. This can lead to misunderstanding. There are some differences in names of places: BE AE BE AE passage hall cross-roads intersection pillar box mail-box the cinema the movies studio, bed-sitter one-room appartment flyover overpass zebra crossing pavement sidewalk tube, uderground subway tram streetcar flat apartment surgery doctor's office lift elevator Differences in the organization of education lead to different terms. BE «public school» is in fact a private school. It is a fee-paying school not controlled by the local education authorities. AE «public school» is a free local authority school. BE «elementary school» is AE «grade school» BE «secondary school» is AE «high school». In BE « a pupil leaves a secondary school», in AE «a student graduates from a high school» In BE you can graduate from a university or college of education, graduating entails getting a degree. A British university student takes three years known as the first, the second and the third years. An American student takes four years, known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years. While studying a British student takes a main and subsidiary subject. An American student majors in a subject and also takes electives. A British student specializes in one main subject, with one subsidiary to get his honours degree. An American student earns credits for successfully completing a number of courses in studies, and has to reach the total of 36 credits to receive a degree. Differences of spelling The reform in the English spelling for American English was introduced by the famous American lexicographer Noah Webster who published his first dictionary in 1806. Those of his proposals which were adopted in the English spelling are as follows: a)the delition of the letter «u» in words ending in «our», e.g. honor, favor; b)the delition of the second consonant in words with double consonants, e.g. traveller, wagon, c)the replacement of «re» by «er» in words of French origin, e.g. theater, center, d)the delition of unpronounced endings in words of Romanic origin, e.g. catalog, program, e)the replacement of «ce» by «se» in words of Romanic origin, e.g. defense, offense, d) delition of unpronounced endings in native words, e.g. through. Differences in pronunciation In American English we have r-coloured fully articulated vowels, in the combinations: ar, er, ir, or, ur, our etc. In BE the sound / / corresponds to the AE /A/, e.g. «not». In BE before fricatives and combinations with fricatives «a» is pronounced as /a:/, in AE it is pronounced / / e.g. class, dance, answer, fast etc. There are some differences in the position of the stress: BE AE BE AE add'ress adress la'boratory 'laboratory re'cess 'recess re'search 'research in'quiry 'inquiry ex'cess 'excess But these differences in pronunciation do not prevent Englishmen and American from communicating with each other easily and cannot serve as a proof that British and American are different languages. Words can be classified according to the period of their life in the language. The number of new words in a language is always larger than the number of words which come out of active usage. Accordingly we can have archaisms, that is words which have come out of active usage, and neologisms that is words which have recently appeared in the language. |