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The use of articles with names of people

Revision of the Use of the Articles (in tables)

Classification of Nouns

Common Names Proper Names
countable nouns uncountable nouns Names of People Geographical Names
concrete abstract concrete (mass nouns) abstract Rebecca Benjamin Britten Colonel Townsend Lake Huron Mount Everest the River Thames
a tree an idea glass love    
a house an offer iron fear    

Functions of the Indefinite Article

Classifying Generic Numeric Aspective
The article shows that the noun belongs to a certain class of things. The article shows a typical member of a certain class of things. The article shows its original meaning of the numeral ‘one’. The article shows a special aspect of the notion expressed by an uncountable abstract noun.
This flower is a rose. They bought her a book as a present. A rose is a flower. (= every rose is a flower)   Henry gave Lydia a big red rose. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. With that rose he offered her an unusual love. It was an elation that seemed to give her wings.

Functions of the Definite Article

Specifying (individualizing) function Generic function
The article shows a particular object that is singled out from the whole class of these objects. The article shows that the noun means the whole class of things it denotes.
The book I need is on the table. He was eating the bread that the servant had brought him the day before. The book is a great source of knowledge. Nobody knows when the violin was first made.  

Don’t confuse the articles in the generic function

a the
The article shows a typical member of a certain class of things. The article shows that the noun means the whole class of things it denotes.
A writer is someone who writes books, stories etc, especially as a job. (gives a definition of any writer’s job) Should the writer be impartial while writing his books? – (implies the idea of the writer’s responsibility)

The use of articles with names of people

  Definite Article indicates: Indefinite Article indicates: Zero Article indicates:
the whole family as a unit · The Forsytes usually gathered for weddings and funerals. · My visit was a surprise for the Kellogans. Note: the proper name is used in the plural. one member of the family · Fleur acted like a real Forsyte. · You just look at him and immediately understand that he is a Weasley. a person’s name or surname · One of the wings in the Tate Gallery houses hundreds of William Turner’s pictures. · Bill’s younger sister, Penny, was in Henry’s new class.
a member of somebody else’s family The mother asked the son to be more polite to his grandparents. an unknown person · Robert, here is a Mr. Blake to see you. Note: the name of the person can be preceded by the attribute ‘certain’= ‘некий’, · Father, there is a certain Mr. Butler waiting for you in the hall.   a member of one’s own family · Mother has some definite plans for the coming Sunday. · It’s up to Aunt to decide what to do in this situation. Note the word combinations like ‘mother and daughter’, ‘father and son’, e.g. · Father and daughter looked at each other with affection.
that the name is clear from the situation (often with a limiting attribute) · The Gloria of 26 was still the Gloria of 20. · You are not the Andrew Manson I married that a proper name is used as a common noun · This man doesn’t know a Rembrandt from a Rubens. (pictures belonging to the brush of Rembrandt or Rubens) · He behaves like a modern Monte Christo. a person’s position, rank, family relationship or title · It’s elementary, Doctor Watson! · Colonel FitsPatrick never hesitated either on the battle field or in the ballroom. · Aunt Polly was very strict with Tom. · Mr. Hardy will be very pleased with you, John. President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
a person’s profession The painterWilliam Turner is one of the most honoured artists in England. Note: an unusual aspect of a person’s character, emotional state or behaviour, It was a very different John Mary had known seven years before.   age or personal qualities modified by the adjectivesyoung, old, poor, dear, honest, lazy, little, ugly, silly, pretty · Little Charles was made to start work when he was twelve. · Honest Abe was the name many American people used to refer to Abraham Lincoln.
5 a person’s permanent feature of character or quality · Paul understood that he would miss the beautiful Sonya. · You can always rely on the cautious George.    


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