The System of Government in Great Britain Установочное занятие На установочном занятии студенты учатся работать в системе дистанционного образования Сибирского государственного индустриального университета, знакомятся со структурой, содержанием и графиком изучения дисциплины. Каждый студент получает логин и пароль для авторизации на портале дистанционного образования СибГИУ и доступа к учебным материалам. Тема 1. Спряжение глагола to be. Закрепление грамматического материала на основе упражнений. Местоимения (грамматические формы). Устная тема «About Myself». Навыки перевода технического текста (тексты 1, 2; текст для дополнительного чтения 1). Работа с тематической лексикой. Тема 2. Грамматическая конструкция there is/there are. Практическое использование данной конструкции на материале грамматических упражнений. Устная тема: «Our University». Перевод технических текстов (тексты 3, 4; текст для дополнительного чтения 2). Работа с тематической лексикой. Тема 3. Глагол to have и его грамматические формы. Закрепление грамматического материала на основе упражнений. Устная тема: «Novokuznetsk». Перевод технических текстов (тексты 5, 6; текст для дополнительного чтения 3). Работа с тематической лексикой. Тема 4. Повторение грамматического и лексического материала. Закрепление навыков перевода технических текстов (текст 7; текст для дополнительного чтения 4). Описание контрольной работы №1 В контрольной работе необходимо, используя материал электронного учебника "Английский язык. Часть 1", выполнить задания соответствующего варианта. Порядок выполнения контрольной работы 1. Выбрать вариант контрольной работы по первой букве фамилии студента. 2. Обязательно указать в начале работы номер варианта. 3. Выполнить задания контрольной работы. 4. Задания №№ 1, 3, 4 выполнить по образцу, приведенному в контрольной работе. 5. Задание № 2 выполнить в виде полного варианта перевода указанных в задании абзацев английского текста на русский язык. 6. Задание № 5 выполнить в виде полных вариантов ответов на вопросы на английском языке. 7. Задания №№ 6, 7, 8 выполнить в виде полных вариантов предложений с пропусками, заполненными правильными грамматическими формами. 8. Выполненную контрольную работу сохранить в виде текстового файла и прислать на проверку преподавателю. 9. В случае получения отрицательной рецензии на контрольную работу, исправить указанные замечания и вновь прислать работу на проверку. Выполнение контрольной работы является обязательным условием для допуска к сдаче зачета! Варианты контрольной работы №1 Вариант 1 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются c букв А-Д) Упражнение № 1. Переведите следующие существительные, обозначающие профессии и род деятельности, на русский язык. Образец: worker - рабочий driver, editor, programmer, lawyer, biologist, scientist, academician, musician, interpreter, artist . Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите на русский язык абзацы 3- 5. London 1. London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a very large city. Its population is about 8 million people. London is one of the oldest and the most interesting cities in the world. 2. Traditionally it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are different from each other and seem to belong to different towns and epochs. 3. The heart of London is the City, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks and offices are situated there, including the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the Old Bailey. Few people live here, but over a million people come to the City to work. There are some famous ancient buildings within the City. Perhaps the most wonderful of them is St Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It was used as a fortress, a royal palace and a prison. Now it is a museum. 4. Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London. Nearly all English kings and queens were crowned here. Many outstanding statesman, scientists, poets and painters were buried here: Newton, Darwin, Chaucer, Dickens, Tennyson, Kipling, etc. 5. Across the road from Westminster Abby is Westminster Palace, or the Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell, known as «Big Ben». 6. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best shops, hotels, restaurants, clubs and theatres are situated there. 7. Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. It is named in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The tall Nelson's Column stands in the middle of the square. 8. The East End is the poorest district of London. There are a lot of factories, workshops and docks here. The streets are narrow and unimpressive. The East End is densely populated by working class families. Упражнение № 3. Найдите русские эквиваленты английский слов. Образец: population – население 1) political center 2) to be divided 3) different epochs 4) business center 5) Stock Exchange 6) to be crowned 7) statesman 8) luxury 9) densely populated | 1) деловой центр 2) роскошь 3) государственный деятель 4) густонаселенный 5) быть разделенным 6) политический центр 7) разные эпохи 8) быть коронованным 9) фондовая биржа | Упражнение № 4. Определите, какому абзацу текста соответствует каждое название. Образец: 1 – e) The size and the population of the city. a) The financial and business center of London. b) The seat of the British Parliament. c) The wealthy district. d) The parts of London. e) The size and the population of the city. f) The place of the coronation. g) The geographical center of London. h) The district for the poorest. Упражнение № 5. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста. 1. Is London a large city? 2. What is the heart of London? 3. Who was St Paul's Cathedral built by? 4. What is Big Ben? 5. Where do the working people of London live? Упражнение № 6. Употребите необходимое местоимение. 1. My cousins are schoolchildren. …….study very well. 2. Pass ……some bread, please. 3. We are students of the Siberian State Industrial University. There are 25 students in ……group. 4. «Did you see our boss yesterday?» «No, I didn't. I haven't seen ……for ages». 5. My relatives have three children. ……children are wonderful! 6. They really tried to help him, but he didn't want ……help. Упражнение № 7. a) Употребите правильную форму глагола to be. 1. I … the Art Gallery yesterday. There …….a lot of people there. 2. The students are writing a serious test now. Everybody …..very attentive. 3. They say that it……very cold next winter. 4. ……you ready for the test now? 5. ……..the students… the laboratory tomorrow? b) Употребите правильную форму конструкции there is/there are. 1.There…..a spacious library in our university. 2. «I translated a scientific article yesterday». “…..there any difficult words and word combinations in that article?» 3. There…… old non-economical electric lamps in our houses soon. 4. There……any meat in the fridge. Please, buy some 5. Who ……there in the house? Упражнение № 8. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have. 1. Everybody ……the right to get higher education. 2. Who …..a pet at home? 3. They were very rich. They……a lot of money. Now they are poor. They …….any money. 4. She dreams that she…….a new house next year. 5. ………… any chance to get that job last year? 6. We cannot go there. We …… free time. Вариант 2 ( для студентов чьи фамилии начинаются с букв Е - К) Упражнение №1. Переведите следующие существительные, обозначающие профессии и род деятельности на русский язык. Образец: manager-менеджер worker, musician, miner, specialist, librarian, driver, psychologist, welder, scientist. Упражнение № 2. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите абзацы 3 – 5. British Holidays 1. Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people. It will help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and countries. 2. One cannot speak about England without speaking about its traditions and customs. They are very important in the life of English people. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. 3. There are six public holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go in to work.They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday.Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though it would be right to say that for the greater part of the population they have long lost their religious significance and simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry. 4. Christmas day is one of their favorite holidays .It's celebrated on the 25-th of December. There are some traditions connected with it. One of them is to give presents to each other. It is not only children and members of family. It's a tradition to give Christmas presents to the people you work with. Another tradition is to send Christmas cards. All these cards are brightly and colored. 5. Most of big cities of G.B., especially London, are decorated with colored lights and Christmas trees. On Trafalgar Square, in the center of London a big Christmas tree stands. It is a gift from the people of Oslo. It is over 50 feet high. Many families celebrate Christmas day in the open air near the Christmas tree in order to catch the spirit of Christmas. Children find Christmas presents in their stockings. The traditional English dinner on Christmas is turkey and pudding. 6. The New Year in Great Britain is not as widely or as enthusiastically observed as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed on New Year's Eve. Many others, however, do celebrate it in one way or another, the type of celebration varying much according to the local custom, family tradition and personal taste. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party, either a family party or one arranged by a group of young people. This usually begins at about eight o'clock and goes on until the early hours of the morning. There is a lot of drinking, mainly beer, wine, gin and whisky. 7. Besides public holidays, there are other holidays, anniversaries and simply days, for example Pancake Day and Bonfire Night, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days. Упражнение № 3. Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих английских слов и словосочетаний: Образец: tradition- традиция 1) custom 2) tradition 3) celebrate 4) be proud of 5) Christmas tree 6) decorate 7) significance 8) religious origin 9) to give presents | 1) значение 2) гордиться 3) религиозное происхождение 4) рождественская елка 5) традиция 6) дарить подарки 7) обычай 8) украшать 9) праздновать | Упражнение № 4. Определите, какому абзацу текста соответствует каждое название. Образец. 1 – c) The importance of knowing traditions and customs a) A big Christmas tree b) Other holidays c) The importance of knowing traditions and customs d) The number of public holidays in Great Britain e) The celebration of the New Year f) The importance of English traditions g) The celebration of Christmas Упражнение № 5. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста 1. How many public holidays are there in Great Britain? 2. What is the favourite holiday of British people? 3. What is the traditional dinner for Christmas? 4. Do people in Great Britain celebrate the New Year? 5. What other British public holidays do you know? Упражнение № 6. Употребите необходимое местоимение: 1. I don’t know this woman. Do you know … ? 2. I want my magazine back. Please, give it to … . 3. Don’t keep children indoors in this fine weather, let … go for a walk. 4. I like this camera. I am going to buy … . 5. I can’t visit you. I don’t know … address. 6. I don’t like dogs. I am afraid of … . Упражнение 7. а) Употребите правильную форму глагола to be : 1. It … cold in Moscow in winter. 2. … you at the university now? – Yes, I … . 3. Today it … warm, but yesterday it … cold. 4. He … … economist soon. 5. There … 25 students in our group last year. b) Употребите правильную форму конструкции there is/ there are 1. There … a pen here, but I don’t see it now. 2. … there a bank near here? 3. There … many skyscrapers in New York. 4. I wanted to drink, but there … not any water in the bottle. 5. You should answer, there … no time for discussion. Упражнение № 8. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have 1) Yesterday I … no time to go to the cinema. 2) She can’t translate this word, she … no dictionary. 3) We … … industrial training next year. 4) They … no vacant rooms in the hotel. 5) … he got a new car? Вариант 3 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются с букв Л-О) Упражнение №1. Переведите следующие существительные, обозначающие профессии и род деятельности, на русский язык. Образец: worker - рабочий producer, director, actress, engineer, scientist, metallurgist, teacher, economist, electrician, conductor Упражнение №2. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите на русский язык абзацы 5 – 7. Canada 1. Canada is over 3.8 million square miles in area. It is the second largest country in the world, covering nearly half of the North American continent. 2. The population of Canada is about 30 million people. Over two-fifths is of British stock. French-speaking descendants of the original French colonist constitute about 30 per cent. The rest are of other origins. Most French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, but there are also many in other parts of the country, notably New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba. After the British conquest of Quebec, the French retained their language, culture and traditions. The third largest ethnic group of Canada are the Germans. Other large groups are the Ukrainians, Italians, Scandinavians, Netherlanders and Poles. The native peoples of Canada, the Indians and the Eskimos, comprise only 1.4 per cent of the population. 3. The name “Canada” was given to the country by its first inhabitants. The Indians used the word kanata to describe a settlement. 4. The story of modern Canada began in the 14th century. A Genoese navigator John Cabot discovered it but he didn’t found any settlement. The true founder and settler of French Canada was the French explorer Samuel de Camplain who established the first tiny settlements of French pioneers between 1604 and 1634. The first English pioneers settled in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. 5. The American Revolutionary War of the 1770s caused a march on Montreal by American forces, and both English and French colonists in the North chose British sovereignty instead of political independence. 6. The British North America Act of 1867 created the Confederation of Canada, embracing four provinces – Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The Act also provided a parliamentary system of Government. Executive authority remained with the Queen of England. The Governor General has since followed the parliamentary tradition and has acted on the advice of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet. 7. Canada is a highly developed industrial country. The mining industry in Canada is 4 centuries old. The Government of Canada pays much attention to education. There are about 70 universities and 300 other post-secondary institutions, mainly colleges. Упражнение № 3. Найдите русские эквиваленты английских слов. Образец: population – население 1. sovereignty | 1. независимость | 2. descendant | 2. исполнительная власть | 3. settlement | 3. потомок | 4. pioneers | 4. население | 5. independence | 5. суверенитет | 6. province | 6. область | 7. executive authority | 7. поселение | 8. population | 8. пионеры | Упражнение № 4. Определите, какому абзацу текста соответствует каждое название. Образец: 1 – c) The territory of Canada. a) The origin of the name of the country. b) The first settlements in Canada. c) Ethnic groups. d) Creation of Confederation of Canada. e) Industry and education. f) The British sovereignty. Упражнение № 5. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста. 1. What is the total area of Canada? 2. Who are the native peoples of Canada? 3. When did the story of modern Canada begin? 4. Who was the true founder of French Canada? 5. Does the Government of Canada pay much attention to education? Упражнение № 6. Употребите необходимое местоимение. 1. Yesterday I met Nick. I asked ……to come and see me. 2. Mary is fond of reading. ……asked me to bring some books. 3. Second year students went to the laboratory. We went with ……. 4. This girl is my sister. ……name is Ann. 5. Give me your pencil, please. ……. pencil is broken. Упражнение№7. a)Употребите правильную форму глагола to be. 1. ……they the students of this university? 2. They…..not in the library now. 3. Russia ……a multi-national country. 4. Were……you …….tomorrow? 5. Nobody…….ready for the test yesterday. b) Употребите правильную форму конструкции there is/there are. 6. There ……many ways to do it. 7. ……there any bread on the table? 8. There ……a large reading room in this library. 9. There ……a meeting tomorrow. 10. ……..there anybody in the room yesterday? Упражнение№8. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have. 1. Do you…… a dictionary? 2. She ……no job. 3. He ……many friends when he was a school-boy. 4. We ……a grammar test tomorrow. 5. The students ……. industrial training last year. 6. The university …… a spacious library. Вариант 4 (для студентов, чьи фамилии начинаются с букв П-Я) Упражнение №1. Переведите следующие существительные, обозначающие профессии и род деятельности, на русский язык. Образец: worker - рабочий Shop-assistant, customer, painter, sociologist, typist, consumer, sailor, translator, politician, metallurgist Упражнение №2. Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите на русский язык абзацы 5 – 7. The System of Government in Great Britain 1. Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch – Queen Elizabeth II – as head of State. The British constitution, unlike those of most other countries, is not set out in a single document. Instead it is made up of a combination of laws and conventions. Conventions are rules and practices which are not legally enforceable, but which are regarded as vital to the working of government. 2. Political stability owes much to the monarchy. Its continuity has been interrupted only once (the republic of 1649-60) in over a thousand years. 3. Today the Queen is not only head of State, but also an important symbol of national unity. The royal title in Britain is: «Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith». 4. In law the Queen is head of the executive, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces of the Crown and the «supreme governor» of the established Church of England. As a result of a long evolution, during which the monarchy's absolute power has been progressively reduced, the Queen is impartial and acts on the advice of her ministers. 5. The Queen and the royal family continue to take part in many traditional ceremonies. Their visits to different parts of Britain and to many other countries attract considerable interest and publicity, and they are also closely involved in the work of many charities. 6. Parliament, Britain's legislature, comprises the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Queen in her constitutional role. The House of Commons has 651 elected Members of Parliament, each representing a local constituency. The House of Lords is made up of 699 hereditary and life peers and peeresses, and the two archbishops and the 24 most senior bishops of the established Church of England. 7. The center of parliamentary power is the House of Commons. Limitations on the power of the Lords – it rarely uses its power to delay passage of most laws for a year – are based on the principal that the House should complement the Commons and not rival it. Once passed through both Houses, legislation receives the Royal Assent and it then becomes law. Упражнение № 3. Найдите русские эквиваленты английский слов. Образец: population – население 1) single 2) law 3) enforceable 4) to owe 5) the Commonwealth 6) the executive power 7) legislature 8) judiciary 9) hereditary | 1) быть обязанным 2) законодательная власть 3) судебная власть 4) один, единый 5) закон 6) переходящий по наследству 7) осуществимый (о законе, плане) 8) Содружество 9) исполнительная власть | Упражнение № 4. Определите, какому абзацу текста соответствует каждое название. Образец: 1 – d) The British constitution. a) The royal title of the Queen. b) The structure of Parliament. c) The center of parliamentary power. d) The British constitution. e) The other Queen's titles. f) The age of the British monarchy. g) The royal family's public life. Упражнение № 5. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы по содержанию текста. 1. Who is head of State in Britain? 2. Is the Queen a symbol of national unity? 3. Does the royal family take part in many traditional ceremonies? 4. What does the British Parliament comprise? 5. What is the center of parliamentary power? Упражнение № 6. Употребите необходимое местоимение. 1. Mary has no money. Give …….some, please. 2. I am a lawyer, I like……..job very much. 3. The students worked hard and this article was translated by …….. 4. Yesterday I watched a new film. ……..was very interesting. 5. Oh, hello John! I haven't seen ……for ages! How are you? Упражнение№7. a)Употребите правильную форму глаголаto be. 1. The news ……is very good! - …….you sure? 2. What …….your favourite season? 3. Your hair ……..long yesterday. How your hair…..short. Have you had a haircut? 4. …….everybody ready? Let's start our lesson then. 5. …………here tomorrow? b) Употребите правильную форму конструкции there is/there are. 6. There……. more customers at this fair next time. 7. …….there any money in the purse? 8. There ……a lot of difficult words in this text. 9. …… there a conference in our University last month? 10. Unfortunately, there……..some mistakes in your last test. Упражнение№8. Употребите правильную форму глагола to have. 1. He …….a lot of friends. 2. …… you…….any questions to me? 3. When she was young she …….a lot of money. 4. Who …….a computer at home? 5. The students ……. industrial training next year. 6. Every fruit …….its season. |