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English Agent Nouns Suffixes Ukrainian Agent Nouns Suffixes

Lecture 6. Typological features of the Noun

The categories of gender and case

The category of gender in English is purely semantic (nouns denoting male persons are of masculine gender, female persons – of feminine and the rest of the nouns fall under neuter gender). Ukrainian has morphological gender. Ukrainian gender can be expressed by different language means: (1) zero (дуб, день, час) or positive (сосн-а, дерев-о, мор-е) inflexion in the nominativecase; (2) lexico- grammatical suffixes or suffixes + inflexions (робіт-ник, робіт-ниц-я, поет-ес-а); (3) modifying words (молод-ий лікар, молод-а лікар); (4) the inflexion of the finite word (лікарприйш-ов, лікар прийш-ла).

In English there are no special inflexions for gender, just a small number of feminine lexico-grammatical suffixes like -ess, -ine, -ette (waitress, heroine, farmerette). Modifying words and finite verbs associated with corresponding nouns remain unchanged (the young actor came/ the young actress came).

The category of case in English is represented by zero inflexion (common case) :: positive inflexion’s/’ (genetive case) which is added to a noun in singular (’s) or in plural (’), cf. boy :: boy’s, boys :: boys. In Ukrainian there are seven cases, which have different inflexions in singular and in plural depending on the gender, declension and the consonant group of the noun. The cases are:nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, locative and vocative.

The Category of Number

The only morphological category of the noun, which is almost always marked in present-day English, is that of number. Like in Ukrainian, it is mostly realized synthetically, i.e. through zero and marked inflexions respectively. E. g: childchildren, oxoxen, and correspondingly baths, cargos, jubilees, bushes, watches, countries, heroes/vetoes, etc. An irregularity can be observed in the position of the English inflexion -s in various compounds, e.g.: rake-off = takeoffs, sit-in= sit-ins, forget-me-not = forget-me-nots, merry-go-round = merry-go-rounds, Commander-in-chief = Commanders-in chief; passer-by =passers-by.

Completely allomorphic, i.e. pertained only to the English language is the formation of plural numberby way of sound interchange (ablaut) as in the following seven English nouns: foot — feet, toothteeth, goosegeese; manmen, womanwomen; louselice, mouse – mice.

Unlike English number inflexions, Ukrainian inflexions are predetermined by the gender of the noun, its declension and the final consonant or vowel, which can, respectively, be hard, soft or mixed (sibilant).

There are four declensions of Ukrainian noun: the first declension includes nouns of masculine, feminine and common gender ending in -а (cf. Микола, бригада, площа, сирота) or -я (cf. Ілля, земля, суддя); the second declension embraces masculine nouns ending in a consonant, -й, -о (робітник, товариш, край, батько) and nouns of neuter gender ending in -о, -е, -я except those which do not have suffixes -ат, -ят, -ен in indirect cases (вікно, поле, плече, знання); the third declension has feminine nouns ending in a consonant (ніч, любов, мідь) and the noun мати; the fourth declension includes nouns of neuter gender ending in -а, (курча), -я (теля) which have suffixes -ат, -ят, -ен in indirect cases (плем’я).

Typologically isomorphic is the existence in English and Ukrainian of the classes of singularia and pluralia tantum nouns mostly expressing quantity.

The singularia tantum include some semantic groups of mainly common nouns, which rarely denote singular notions like parts of the world: the North, the South, names of material: iron, copper,срідло, золото; collective nouns: rubbish, hair, білизна; abstract notions: courage, knowledge, знання, кохання. Therefore the main classes of singularia tantum nouns are of isomorphic nature, though their representation is not always equal in the contrasted languages.

Pluralia tantum nouns include:

(1) Summation names cf. trousers/штани, spectacles/окуляри, leggings/легінси, scales/терези;

(2) Names of remnants cf. scraps/покидьки, sweepings/зметини, leavings/недоїдки, siftings/недопитки;

(3) Some geographic names cf. Athens/Афіни, the Netherlands/Нідерланди, the Alps/Альпи, the Carpathians/Карпати, the Bermudas/Бермуди etc.;

(4) Names of games cf. cards/карти, drafts/дротики, drafts/шахи, skittles/кеглі (with the exception of billiards).

Allomorphic are some English pluralia tantum nouns denoting abstract (contents/зміст) and concrete notions (barracks/казарма, goods/товар, police/поліція, arms/зброя). On the other hand, allomorphic are Ukrainian pluralia tantum nouns like вершки/сream, дріжджі/yeast, дрова/wood, гроші/money, фінанси/finance, проводи/seeing-off. Neither has English equivalents of Ukrainian nouns like посиденьки, походеньки, побігеньки, витребеньки; вечірниці; ласощі, пустощі, гульбищі, прикрощі, мудрощі,

ревнощі, скупощі, хвастощі, both for grammatical and semantic reasons.

Grammatical categories.

. Noun is a part of speech, which is characterized by the following features in English and Ukrainian:

1. Lexico-grammatical meaning of substance;

2. The noun is characterized in the contrasted languages by the existence of a system of suffixes and prefixes performing, as a rule, isomorphic functions in both contrasted languages. These suffixes fall into several common in English and Ukrainian subgroups. Among them are traditionally distinguished productive and unproductive suffixes, native and borrowed (or international) suffixes, as well as different semantic groups of suffixes which, when added to various roots or stems, may form agent nouns.

3. Typologically isomorphic are also the main paradigmatic classes of nouns, which are two: 1)common nouns and 2) proper names.

4. The noun possesses the categories of number, case and gender.

The noun as a part of speech is characterized in English and Ukrainian by a common lexico-grammatical nature of substantivity or "thingness". This meaning (thingness) finds its realization not only in concrete nouns (book, boy, house, tree, fish, meat, etc.) but also in abstract nouns (love, hatefulness, business, information, etc.). Hence, typologically isomorphic are also the main paradigmatic classes of nouns, which are two: 1) common nouns and 2) proper names.

Each of these two main classes of nouns is sub-categorized in English and Ukrainian into several minor groups: Common Nouns split in the contrasted languages into the following subclasses: Concrete nouns (arrow, дерево), Abstract nouns (news, сум), Class nouns (cat, кіт), Collective nouns (cattle, гроші), Names of materials (air, сніг).

The morphologically common classes of suffixes and prefixes in the contrasted languages are as follows:

English Agent Nouns Suffixes Ukrainian Agent Nouns Suffixes

-ant: servant, irritant; -ent: de- -ник: завойовник, обвідник;

pendent, solvent, student -ar: -яч-ач: глядач, перекладач,

beggar, scholar; -er: weaver, копач, наймач; -ець: їздець,

teacher, interpreter, farmer; -ier: кравець, співець; -тель: ви-

cashier; -or: sailor, translator, tai- хователь, учитель; -щик/ -

lor. чик: гонщик, пайщик, датчик.


Completely missing in English but available in Ukrainian are augmentative suffixes, eg: -ил-:вітрило, барило; -ищ-: вовчище, дубище, вітрище; -ук-/-юк-: каменюка, зміюка; -уг-/-югдідуга, злодюга; -ур-/-юр-:ціпура, басюра; -ан, -ань:дідуган, головань, здоровань; -ер- бабера; -яр-мисяра, носяра;-яг-/ -як-: чолов'яга, гуляка, Мусіяка, and some others.

Diminutive suffixes of nouns are 53 in Ukrainian and only 14 or 16 in English nouns. Cf. -y (-ie,-ye), -ling (-ing, -ock, -let, -et, -ette, -ee, -een, -erel/-rel, -kin, -ule, -cole, -el/-le, some four of these being productive as in the nouns daddy, grannie; booklet, kitchenette, launderette, gooseling,kingling; ladykin, mouskin, etc.


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