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VII. Paraphrase the sentences using verbals and modal verbs.

Контрольная работа ПКИЯ

(Реклама и связи с общественностью)

(IV семестр)

I. Use the correct form of the gerund or infinitive of the verb in brackets:

1. He promised to come and seeing them before he left.

2. He disliked going on long business trips.

3. Suddenly he stopped laugh and rose to go. (???)

4. He had a pleasant voice and enjoyed singing.

5. I wanted to leave alone and spend the rest of the day in my room.

6. He denied taking that photo.

7. At last the teacher finished explaining the new material and gave us the task to do.

8. There is no use to argue about such a trifle.

9. He refused to join us outright and said that he would prefer spending the holiday at home.

10. She hated calling Irene as if she were a little girl.

II. Complete the sentences using the gerund.

1. She is a perfect housewife. She is never tired cooking.

2. They say you are going to take part in the competition. Are you really good … .

3. Your jacket is too long. It needs shortening/cutting.

4. I got the tooth pulled out without shouting.

5. Jane has a good son. She is proud … .

6. Finally, they decided to get divorced. There was no sense continuing.

7. The performance was so dull that after the first act I felt like … .

8. He offended his friend by kidding.

9. The dressmaker spoilt the dress completely and all because she had little experience … .

10. He began looking for a job after … .

III. Paraphrase the sentences using participle where possible.

1. Having knitted she felt relaxed.

2. The opera-glasses, which I took from an usher, appeared to be of no use.

3. Having booked the tickets in time, I did not have to worry about them on the day of the performance.

4. He was walking along the streets with his hands in his pockets.

5. He had thought over what to say before he went to the Dean’s office.

6. Taking the medicine I felt how the pain was subsiding.

7. They say the producer, having staged this play, has recently died.

8. As Nick was a good doctor, his mother was proud of him.

9. Asking me, I had no other choice but accompany my grandma to the station.

10. I came up to a group of students having been waited for their teacher.

IV. Complete the sentences using finite and non-finite forms of the verb.

1. I felt tears drip … .

2. He was never seen … .

3. There being nothing left to do, … .

4. The washing machine is leaking again, we’d better … .

5. She rushed to me, … .

6. He make a lot of money by … .

7. Entering the house … .

8. He was wandering along the streets, … .

9. Go to the dentist’s and there you will … .

10. Having driven about 5 000 miles, he … .

V. Express surprise, disbelief, supposition on the given sentences.

1. She knows everything about our plans.

2. When I woke up this morning, the light was on.

3. I do not understand why she failed in the exam.

4. It is impossible that he has married a woman twice older than him.

5. David did just the opposite of what I had asked him to do.

6. The bell rang, but nobody heard it.

7. Nick refused to join us for the trip. I am very surprised.

8. I do not know where I will go for the holidays.

9. Mike is always coming late.

10. I am not sure if he will be back to work in a couple of days.

VI. Paraphrase the sentences using modal verbs.

1. Perhaps, they didn’t have to book the tickets yet.

2. Evidently, he could be aware of the danger.

3. I am not quite sure if we’ll have to be given money refund for the discomfort of the trip.

4. It has been raining there for days, I am afraid.

5. He looks much better now. Apparently, the sea air is wholesome for him.

6. In all probability the ship will call at many ports.

7. I am sure, he has made a hotel reservation in good time.

8. Maybe, Nick knows her address. They studied in the same class at school.

9. I am afraid she won’t agree to an operation.

10. Is it possible that they are going by bus from Moscow?

VII. Paraphrase the sentences using verbals and modal verbs.

1. I noticed a well-dressed woman who was passing by the store and I recognized Helen in her.

2. It is impossible that he so careless.

3. Let’s wait, perhaps, something better will turn up.

4. The actress is rather old. She can’t play the role of Desdemona.

5. The conductor fined the passenger because he was travelling a stowaway.

6. The teacher is displeased. His pupils have made a lot of mistakes in the test.

7. It turned out that the touring company was giving a single concert.

8. Is it really so that Jack did not play the fare?

9. I think we were the only spectators who came late.

10. The woman stooped because she was carrying a heavy bag.


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