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IV. Translate this letter from Russian into English.


Variant I

I. Translate this letter from English into Russian.

Dear Mr. Stern,

Subject: Summer Tours to Greece

In reply to your letter of 2 Mars this year we would like to inform you that our company organises 10 days and 14 days tours this summer. We enclose with this letter leaflets with detailed programmes of excursions and sightseeing and a price list. As you will see we offer both group and individual programmes. The prices include accommodation in a first class hotel, meals and excursions.

We would like to draw your attention to special discounts on the basic price we offer for groups of more than 18.

We look forward to receiving your bookings.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Molten


Encl.: leaflets — 5 pages

II. Put these words parties, terms, binding, obligatory, enforceable in each sentence.

1. Every year the company changes ... of the contract. 2. A contract must have the terms ... for all the parties to the contract. 3. A contract is an ... agreement which binds the parties at certain conditions. 4. A contract gives ... right and obligations. 5. An offer will become ... if it is accepted.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. In case of delay ... supply against the dates we pay ... the Buyer the penalty ... the rate ... 0,5% of the value of the goods not delivered ... due time. 2. We pay these 0,5% ... every week of the delay ... the first four weeks. 3. You can’t pay more than 10% ... the value of the equipment as a penalty. 4. The penalties are deducted ... the Seller’s invoices when they are paid ... the Buyer. 5. The Seller must pay penalty ... the first request of the Buyer. 6. The shipment was notified ... delay. 7. The equipment has been manufactured ... full conformity with the conditions of the Contract. 8. The period ... guarantee ... the trouble-free operation is 12 months. 9. The Buyer has to request a reduction ... the price of the equipment. 10.The defective equipment was returned ... the Seller ... his account.

IV. Translate this letter from Russian into English.

Уважаемый сэр!

Из вчерашнего номера газеты business news я узнал о новом магнитофоне, производимом Вашей компанией.

Я был бы Вам признателен, если бы Вы выслали мне дополнительную информацию, в том числе сведения о стоимости товара, размерах скидки в случае оптовой закупки, сроках доставки и условиях ее оплаты.

С уважением,

Джон Браун

V. Write a letter of complaint.


Variant II

I. Translate this letter from English into Russian.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of 21 November concerning operating instructions for knitting machines.

We regret that we are unable to supply you with operating instructions and specification sheets in Russian. As you know it is our first experience of exporting knitting machines to Russia. At the moment we are taking measures to get all the necessary documentation translated into Russian as soon as possible.

We are very sorry about the inconvenience. Be assured that we shall provide you with the papers you need as soon as they are at our disposal.

Yours faithfully,

Anne Ralf


II. Put these words illegal, repudiate the contract, supplement, injured party, voluntarily in each sentence.

1.I can't understand why you decided to ... . 2. The revocation entitles ... to annul the contract. 3. A contract is made ... . 4. The contract is void if it has ... terms. 5. The parties to the contract can ... it if they have mutual consent about this term.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1. The Seller has to repay the sums paid ... the Buyer. 2. The Seller has to eliminate the defects ... the Buyer's request. 3. These parts are ... good quality. 4. I am entitled to demand ... the Seller payment of penalty. 5. He pays penalty beginning ... the date when the claim has been made. 6. The charges are to be borne ... the Seller. 7. IBM was released ... responsibility for non-fulfillment ... its obligations. 8. The losses were caused ... circumstances of Force Majeure. 9. The time of fulfillment of the Contract is extended ... the period ... three months. 10. It became impossible ... our party to meet all obligations ... this contract.

IV. Translate this letter from Russian into English.

Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за письмо от 23 января, в котором Вы предложили нам услуги при размещении заказов на публикацию рекламных объявлений наших клиентов в журналах, издающихся во Франции.

Наши клиенты заинтересованы в Вашем предложении и хотели бы получить полную информацию в отношении журналов, в которых Вы намерены помещать их рекламные объявления. В частности, они хотели бы знать круг их читателей, тираж и расценки за публикацию одноразовых рекламных объявлений.

С нетерпением ждем Вашего скорейшего ответа.

С уважением,

Эдвард Ридинг

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