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Оси и плоскости тела человека

Оси и плоскости тела человека - Тело человека состоит из определенных топографических частей и участков, в которых расположены органы, мышцы, сосуды, нервы и т.д.

Отёска стен и прирубка косяков Отёска стен и прирубка косяков - Когда на доме не достаёт окон и дверей, красивое высокое крыльцо ещё только в воображении, приходится подниматься с улицы в дом по трапу.

Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) - В простых моделях рынка спрос и предложение обычно полагают зависящими только от текущей цены на товар.


Билет №1

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту‘TEA LEAVES’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Говорят, что школьные годы — счастливая пора. А ты можешь сказать, что ты был счастлив в школе? Почему? My school.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы хотите поступить на курсы иностранного языка. Позвоните на курсы и узнайте, где они находятся, каковы сроки обучения, сколько стоит обучение и что необходимо для поступления.


There was a time when drinking tea was almost unknown in European countries; many people had never even heard of tea. This anecdote is about an old woman and her son, who lived before tea-drinking became popular in England.

He was a sea captain, and every time he returned from a far-away country, he brought his mother a gift. He tried to bring something unusual, that she could show to her friends.

Once the young man came back from India with a box of tea for his mother. She didn't know anything about tea, but she was proud of her son, and she invited all her friends to come and try what he had brought her. When her son came into the room, he saw cakes and fruit and jam on the table, and a big plate full of brown tea-leaves. His mother and her friends were sitting round the table, eating the leaves with butter and salt. Though they all smiled, it was clear that they didn't enjoy eating the leaves.

"Where is the tea, Mother?" the captain asked.

His mother showed him the plate in the middle of the table.
"We are having tea for lunch", she said.

"No, no, those are only the tea-leaves", said the cap­tain. "Where is the water?"
"The water!" his mother said. "I threw the water away, of course!"

Билет №2

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘ECONOMY WASTED TRIP’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Если ты захочешь продолжить свое образование, куда ты пойдешь учиться? My plans for the future.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, планируете, что будете делать в выходные. Спросите, когда он/она свободен/свободна, обсудите, чем вам заняться, почему именно этим.


An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea. But he had very little money. He had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.

As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning he tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry; but he didn't go to the dining-room. In the evening he was still more hungry, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill.

The next day the Englishman was half-dead and couldn't stand the hunger any longer.

"I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea", said he to himself.

So he went to the ship dining-room and had his dinner.

In the evening he had supper but was very much afraid of his future because he didn't pay for the meals.
At last he addressed the waiter and said: "Bring me the bill, please".

1. "What bill?" asked the waiter.

2. "For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-room".

3. "Don't trouble, Sir. You paid for your meals when you bought the ticket".

Билет №3

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту ‘A GOOD LESSON’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Выбрать профессию нелегко. Как ты думаешь, что может помочь тебе сделать правильный выбор? Your future profession.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, собираетесь поехать на экскурсию. Обсудите с другом, куда и когда лучше всего пойти/поехать; кого с собой пригласить. Примите совместное решение.


One day a well-known singer was invited to the house of a rich lady to sing to her guests at a dinner-party. But instead of inviting the singer to dine with her guests, the lady ordered dinner for him in the servants' room. The singer said nothing. He dined well and after dinner said to the servants: "Now, my good friends, I am going to sing to you".

The servants were very much surprised but said they were awfully glad to have a chance to hear the great singer. He sang a good many beautiful songs and the servants enjoyed listening to him.

Later the lady sent one of her servants to bring the singer up to the drawing-room, where all her guests were waiting for him.

"But I cannot sing twice in one evening, Madam", said the singer to the lady when she met him at the door leading into the drawing-room.

"What do you mean?" asked the lady.

"I mean I have already sung for about an hour to your servants, Madam", answered the singer, "it was a pity you were not there, for I always sing to the people with whom I dine". And with these words he left the house.

Билет №4

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. A HOT SUMMER WEEK-END’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Существуют разные возможности познания мира (средства массовой информации, книги, путешествия, посещение музеев, встречи с интересными людьми и т. д.). Какие из них предпочитаешь ты? How do you get knowledge about the world?

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы должны написать статью о защите окружающей среды в школьный журнал, который издается на иностранном языке. Обсудите с редактором, какие проблемы следует осветить, как назвать статью, к какому сроку ее сдать.


It was a week-end in summer and all the down trains were overcrowded. An old man was walking along the platform, looking for a vacant seat. Suddenly he saw one in a non-smoker. The old man got in. A small bag was lying on the seat and a well-dressed gentleman was sitting beside it.

"Is this seat vacant?" asked the old man. "No, it is occupied by a man who has gone to buy a newspaper. He will soon come".

"Well", said the old man, "I'll sit here until your man comes back". Ten minutes passed.

"There is only one minute left before the train starts. Your man will miss the train if he doesn't hurry", said the old man.
The train started.

"Your man has missed the train", said the old man, "but let him not lose his bag".

With these words he took the bag and was about to throw it out of the window.

The well-dressed gentleman jumped up and cried out: "Don't! It's my bag".

Билет №5

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘A FUNNY STORY’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Путешествие — один из способов узнать другие страны. Чем привлекает туристов Россия? Что бы ты показал своим зарубежным друзьям? Moscow.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш класс выиграл конкурс, и вам дали грант. Объясните иностранному журналисту, от кого вы получили грант, за что и что вы планируете купить на полученные деньги для школы.


A nervous man, who lived in one of suburbs of a big town in England, was walking home from the railway station. The road was dark and lonely. Suddenly he heard footsteps approaching him from behind and thought he was being followed. He walked quickly. The footsteps continued to follow. The man started running. The footsteps still followed him. The man jumped over a wall and, running into an old cemetery, threw himself on the grass near one of the graves.

"If he comes here", he thought, "there will be no doubt he wants to rob me".

The man behind was following. He also got over the wall and came up to the grave. The nervous man stood up and asked:

"What do you want? Why are you following me?"

"I say", answered the other man, "do you always go home like this?
Or are you having some special sort of jumping, exercises tonight?
I am going to Mr. Ro­bertson's and the man I at the railway station told me to follow you, as you lived next door. Excuse my asking you, but will you have some more gymnastics or will you go straight home?"



1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘ASADSTORY”’.
2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Каждая страна имеет свои особенности. С чем ассоциируется у тебя страна изучаемого языка и ее жители? England.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш друг вернулся из поездки в страну изучаемого языка. Расспросите его о поездке: где он был, что произвело на неого наибольшее впечатление и почему.


Three men were spending their holiday in New York. They were living in a hotel which had forty-five floors and their room was on the last floor.

Returning to the hotel late one night, they were told by the lift man: "I am very sorry, but the lifts in our hotel aren't running. They stop working at twelve o'clock. You must walk up to your room".

"We are still young", one of the men said. "I suppose we, can climb up to the forty-fifth floor". So the men took off their coats and put them in the coat-room. As they were walking past the tenth floor one of the men said: "I am becoming a little tired. I have an idea how to make the climb easier. I shall tell happy or funny stories the next five floors: then Bill will sing songs the next fifteen floors, and Tom will tell sad stories the last fifteen floors".

They continued climbing, and soon all of them were feeling very tired. But they did not want to show to each other that they were tired, so the first man told happy stories, and jokes and the second sang happy songs. When they arrived at the thirtieth floor, the first man said: "Now, Tom, you can begin telling sad stories".

"Yes", Tom said, "I must tell you a very sad story. The key to our room is lying in my coat pocket, in the coat-room!"


Билет №7

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘A FISH BONE’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Каждая страна гордится своими достижениями и успехами. Какими достижениями своей страны гордишься ты? Our famous people.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. В одном из европейских городов вы отстали от группы во время экскурсии. Вам нужно добраться до отеля, где вы остановились. Спросите у прохожего, каким транспортом туда быстрее добраться, сколько это займет времени и где ближайшая остановка.


One day, some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London. When the fish was put on the table, a young man said: "Let's examine the fish carefully. Perhaps we'll find a diamond in it". Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: "Yes, I'm sure we have all heard such stories. Let me tell you what happened to me once".

"When I was a young man", he began, "I worked for a big company in New York: and I was sent to England to do some work there. I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we decided that we would be married when I returned home."

I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters or postcards to the girl almost every day, but after the first two weeks I didn't receive any answers. But I didn't think anything was the matter, and before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.

On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to be married to another man. I was so angry that I threw the diamond ring into the sea. My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. When we were sitting down at the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?

"The diamond!" all the Americans cried.
"No", the old man answered. "It was a fish bone".


Билет №8

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘THE KING AND THE CRITIC’.
2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. О ком из людей, прославивших нашу страну, ты рассказал бы своим зарубежным друзьям? Кем из знаменитых людей страны изучаемого языка ты восхищаешься? Что сделало их знаменитыми?

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы в магазине в одном из европейских городов и хотите купить что-то из новой одежды на лето. Посоветуйтесь с продавцом, что купить, идет ли вам эта вещь, узнайте цену и решите, покупать ли вам.


There was a king who thought that he could paint very well. His pictures were bad, but the people to whom he showed them were afraid of the king. They all said that they liked his pictures very much.

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and asked:

"I want to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? Am I a good painter or not?"

The painter looked at the king's pictures and said:

"My king, I think that your pictures are bad, and that you will never be a good painter."

The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison.

After two years the king wanted to see the painter again.
"I was angry with you», he said, «because you did not like my pictures. Now forget all about it. You are a free man again and I am your friend."

For many hours the king talked with the painter, and even asked him to dine. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter and asked: "Well, how do you like them now?"

The painter did not answer anything. He turned to the soldier who was standing near him and said:

"Take me back to prison."

Билет №9

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. “ABOUT CONAN DOYLE”

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Что бы ты рассказал своим зарубежным сверстникам о традиционных русских праздниках? Что ты знаешь о праздниках в странах изучаемого языка? Russian holidays.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы собираетесь сделать доклад о стране изучаемого языка. Посоветуйтесь с учителем, какую тему выбрать, как подготовиться к докладу, узнайте, сколько времени на него отводится.


There is probably no one among book-lovers who has not heard of Sherlock Holmes, the skilful and clever detective in the stories by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Sherlock Holmes's method of analysing the most difficult problems was to notice the smallest facts, even if they seemed unimportant. His method never failed; the criminal always had to give up, and to become the prisoner of the great detective.

Conan Doyle once arrived in Paris, after spending a month in the south of France. There was a long row of cabs outside the gate of the railway station. Conan Doyle got into the first cab and ordered the driver to take him to a good hotel. The driver was silent all the way to the hotel, but when Conan Doyle paid him, he said, "Thank you, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle".

"How do you know who I am?" Conan Doyle asked in the greatest surprise.

"I have never seen you before", the man answered, "so I can't pretend that I recognized you. But I read in the newspapers that you were expected in Paris after your vacation in the south of France. The train you arrived on came from the south of France.
I could tell from your clothes, especially your hat, and also from the strange way you pronounce French words that you were English. These facts helped me to guess that you were probably Sir Arthur Conan Doyle".

"Fine work! Wonderful!" Conan Doyle cried. "You analysed the facts quite correctly. It's a pity you aren't a detective!"

"Of course", the driver added, "your name is on both your travelling bags. I can't pretend that that fact didn't help".

Билет №10

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘THE GREATEST POET OF SCOTLAND’.

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Ты собираешься провести месяц в семье твоего зарубежного друга. Как ты думаешь, что этой семье будет интересно узнать о тебе? Our family.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вам позвонил зарубежный друг. Он хочет чтобы вы встрерили его в аэропорту. Спросите, когда и каким рейсом он прилетает, где хотел бы побывать и что увидеть в вашем городе.


Robert Burns (1759—1796) is Scotland's national poet and January 25 — the day of his birth — is always cele­brated in his country and all over the world, with great excitment. The celebrations are going on in every big city and in a small village pub, in every remote cottage with workers and farmers dressed in kilts or in ordinary working clothes.

The love for Burns is indeed a unique phenomenon. Most nations consider political or military men as their national heroes. But Scotland, though she honours the memory of her two great national liberators, William Wallace and Robert Bruce, has adopted a poet as her true hero. Why is it so? I think because Burns' poetry was very much consonant to people's aspirations. It was closely connected with the national struggle of the Scot­tish people for their liberation from English oppression. Burns considered his literary work as his patriotic duty.

Burns wrote many poems in English, but his best verses are written in the dialect of his own country, Ay-shire. His best poems are The Jolly Beggars, Halloween, The Cotter's Saturday Night, Holy Willie's Prayer, To a Mouse, The Two Dogsand others.

Burns travelled a lot about Scotland collecting popular folk songs. Many of his own lyrical poems were put to music. All in all he contributed 2000 songs to the Scots Musical Museum. So Robert Burns is considered to be the creator of the Scottish song. His songs are memorable for extraordinary truthfulness passion and lovely melody. They reflect the people's soul and national character. The Poet's song Oh, My Love is Like a Red Red Roseis one of the most loved lyrical songs. Many of songs he devoted to his wife, the woman who had been the great love of all his life and the in spirator of his numerous verses.

Burns' songs are the soul of music and it is not sur­prising that Beethoven, Schuman, Mendelssohn and others compose music to the poet's verses. Russian composers have also set many of Burns' verses to music. The best known cycle to Burns' songs have been successfully writ­ten by Dmitri Shostakovich, Nikolai Myaskovsky, Juri Levitin, Mark Milman, Victor Oransky and a number of other composers. All songs are based on Marshak's trans­lations which are considered to be the best translations of Burns' poetry into Russian

Билет №11

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. "OBSERVING NATURE"

2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.

Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Читательские интересы у людей разные. А что любишь читать ты? My favourite book.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы в гостях у своего зарубежного друга. Вместе с ним вы хотите записаться в спортивную секцию. Обсудите, каким видом спорта заняться и почему, согласуйте с ним, по каким дням вы будите заниматься спортом.


If people carefully observe nature it can tell them many interesting and useful things.

Do you know that thanks to observing nature you can forecast weather? "How?" you may ask.

By watching birds and animals, insects and flowers. It is known that some insects become more troublesome before a change in the weather. Flies and mosquitoes, for example, begin to hum and bite before the rain. Big blue-black beetles fly only on evenings before nice weather.

You should know that the smell of flowers in the gar­dens and in the parks is very strong before it rains. Flowers have much sweet nectar before rain and the nectar is good food for insects. So if you see insects flying over flowers in large numbers you should know that it may rain soon.

Birds and animals also help to forecast weather. Birds fly lower than usual before it rains. If you happen to see a bird hiding its head under its wing, it means that soon it will become colder.

Even your cat can tell you what the weather will be like. The cat washing behind the ears is telling you about the coming rain. Look at the sky and it will tell you about the weather. A red evening sky tells of good weather the next day, to say nothing about a little yellow or green sky. A grey sunrise gives promise of a good day too. If you want to fore­cast weather, you must know something about winds too.

The South wind brings wet weather,
The North wind is wet and cold together,
The West wind always brings us rain,
The East wind blows it back again.
Study nature, observe it and you'll understand that it needs your love and protection.

Билет №12

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту. ‘THE BLIND MAN AND THE GREAT ARTIST’.
2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Сейчас много говорят о телевидении, отме­чают как положительные, так и отрицательные его стороны. А что думаешь ты? TV in our life.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы хотите пойти на курсы иностранного языка. Ваш друг считает, что не нужно учить иностранные языки, так как это требует много времени и усилий, в то время как всегда можно прибегнуть к услугам переводчика. Вы с ним не согласны. Приведите не менее двух причин, почему вы так не думаете. Спросите, согласен ли ваш друг с вашим мнением.



Every day in one of the streets of Vienna you could see a blind man playing the violin. His dog sat near him with a cap in his mouth. People, who were passing them, dropped coins into the cap.

One day, when the weather was very cold, the man was playing for a long time, but nobody wanted to give him anything. The poor man thought that he would have to go to bed without supper. He was so tired and so weak that he stopped playing.

At that moment a young man came uр to him and asked him why he stopped playing. The blind man said he had played for two hours but nobodyr had given him anything. "Give me your violin. I shall help you", said the man. And with these words he began to play. He played so well that people began to gather and soon there was a big crowd. Everybody was eager to listen to the fine music and to thank the young man for the pleasure.

Soon the cap was full of money.
"I don't know how to thank you", said the blind man. "Who are you?"

"I am Paganini", was the answer.

Билет №13

1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы по тексту “A STRANGE PICTURE”.
2. Прочитайте текст и выскажитесь по проблеме, затронутой в тексте.
Аргументируйте вашу точку зрения. Чем наиболее часто занимаются в свободное время подростки в разных странах (в США, Великобритании, Германии, во Франции, в Испании)? А что привлекает тебя? Почему? Hobbies in our family.

3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Возьмите интервью у популярного зарубежного певца. Расспросите его, когда он начал свою карьеру, почему он выбрал именно этот вид искусства, каковы его планы на будущее.

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