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Mixed-ability classes and differentiation (individualization)

Groups of learners can seldom be homogeneous. Most often we deal with mixed ability classes. Learners may differ in mental abilities ( be bright learners and the so called slow learners), learning styles (individual learners prefer to study alone, group learners remember more and work more efficiently if they work with other people) and learning experiences, language knowledge etc. If learners are of different gender, they may be interested in different topics. Even one learner may not always be the same, e.g. can have different levels of competence development: be good in speaking and reading but poor in writing.

The philosophy of education nowadays aims at dealing with mixed classes to give each person a chance of equal opportunities. In a mixed class learners must be allowed to learn and progress at their own pace, their achievement to be compared with their own achievement at a prior stage rather than with other learners’. So the teacher should know ways of how to make tasks manageable for every and any learner. In other words, how to differentiate.

The teacher adapts some parts of the task, instructions or materials to suit the needs of particular learners and to ensure all learners are included in the lesson. In a differentiated lesson the teacher takes account of the learners’ levels, interests and learning styles. In a differentiated lesson, all learners should achieve the same aim but they may do it in different ways: expand on the main aim or achieve it in a more basic way.

With slow learners it’s important to go over key points frequently as they have short memories. Since concentration span is short, give a number of different tasks, none very long and with clear instructions. Keep interest and motivation, arouse their curiosity, give praise, occasionally use competition. Encourage them to join in the class even though their answers or contributions are poor compared with others. Don’t let slow learners switch off. Give individual attention when you can. Keep an interest in them as people, the things they like and are good at. Be consistent in your demands, even-tempered but firm.

With gifted learners it’s often also difficult. The bright learners get bored if the teacher spends time explaining to the weaker ones. They often finish an exercise when other students have only just begun and may start disrupting a lesson. In frontal or group work they tend to dominate and monopolize the talking. The main idea is that bright learners should be regarded as a positive influence, not a threat. If stronger learners are given more challenging tasks to do, it is less likely that they will finish quickly. Open-ended activities also allow learners to respond their own level and should keep stronger learners occupied. Fast learners should be set extra tasks, never just left doing nothing. You can get the stronger learners involved by getting them to explain (play the role of the teacher) or have the learners doing different things in the class: while the teacher spends time “teaching” a group of weaker learners, the stronger learners can be doing another task on their own.

The main factors teachers can use to differentiate:

· Time (different amount of time for slow and gifted students)

· Amount and kind of support (visual/verbal/key words/textual etc)

· Amount and form of input (content)

· Task complexity

· Type of response

· Grouping ( vary layout of the classroom: where learners sit, who they sit with, how much space they have for moving around and whether they work in small or large groups).

How can we differentiate content?

· Abstractness – certain learners will need work with concrete facts and objects before they are ready to deal with abstract concepts.

· Complexity – learners need to have a reduced number of facts, and facts in context not isolation. For example, if we are reading a book in a class of young learners, some learners can be asked to focus on one character to describe, and other learners can focus on all the characters.

· Variety – some learners will need shorter activities and more varied ways of presenting which access all learning styles, interests and strengths.

Type of the task may change: write a paragraph about yourself; write a paragraph about yourself (key points/plan is given); complete the sentences about yourself; fill in the table with information about yourself; fill in the table with information about yourself, for questions 3 and 4, choose words from the box below.

Response: verbal and non-verbal, in complete sentences or in one-word answers etc.

Surely, in differentiation there is much more preparation for the teacher. Besides learners may feel labelled as weak, medium or strong and therefore embarrassed. The weaker learners in particular may feel demotivated. Stronger learners may resent always having to work harder. Still all learners are challenged at an appropriate level of difficulty and get involved in the lesson. No one should be left behind or have nothing to do.

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