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Fill in the customs declaration.

Скласти діалоги з теми «Здійснення формальностей під час подорожі».

Вправа 1. Заповніть пусті місця словами з правого стовпчика:

1. Mind, it is ... confidential. 2. He'll have to limit his expenses.... 3. It changes ..., like night and day. 4. We'll contact you ... . 5. They never took me ... . 6. This morning they quarrelled ... . 7. In the grate a log fire burned ... . 8. This chap plays the piano so ... . 9. He expresses his ideas ... . 10. They didn't think twice and came 11. I go to the theatre .... 12. Her mind on her son, she cooked ... 13. They considered the contract ... . 14. I ... get up at 8 o'clock. 15. "Can we come in?" she asked ... . 16. Always try to breathe ... . a. brightly b. well c. hopefully d. badly e. briefly f. automatically g. occasionally h. regularly i. directly j. seriously k. clearly l. immediately m.severely n. normally o. strictly p. deeply



|колони|Вправа 2. Утворіть|дайте| ступені|міри| порівняння наступних прислівників|такого|:

Badly, briefly, carefully, clearly, distinctly, early, effectively, efficiently, far, fast, frankly, frequently, hard, heartily, honestly, late, little, much, often, patiently, soon, well, willingly.

Вправа 3. Розкрийте дужки, утворюючи правильний ступінь порівняння прислівника:

1. Statistics say that women drive (carefully) than men, 2. Please talk a bit (quietly) and (little) aggressively. 3. There's nothing (annoying) than losing your door key, 4. Tom prefers to be alone. He is (sociable) person in the office. 5. This time he tried (hard) than last time. 6. A big car can be parked (easily) than a small one. 7. We walked (far) than we had planned. 8. Today David acted (generously) than ever before. 9. The final exam was (little) difficult of all. 10. This month Caroline worked (badly) of all, though actually she works (well) of all the pupils of her class. 11. You don't remember some details, You should study the papers (closely). 12. They can get here at 7 o'clock at (early). It's a long way from here. 13. Changes will become necessary by the autumn, at (late). 14. Really, Alex, you could work (efficiently)!

Вправа 4. Перекладіть:

1. Вони щасливо прожили разом багато років|сповна|. 2. Кажуть, ти дуже добре виступив|вирушав| вчора|учора|, вітаю! 3. Інспектор негайно вжив необхідних заходів. 4. Посидите тут тихенько, діти, поки|доки| не прийде ваша мама. 5. Моєму другу подобаються тільки|лише| швидкі ма|шини. 6. Люди, які дуже швидко їздять, рано чи пізно потрапляють в аварії. 7. Вчора|учора| до нас абсолютно|цілком| несподівано приїхали гості. 8. Ти даремно витрачаєш свій час. 9. Я практично ніколи не лягаю спати до 11 годин. 10. Я повністю|цілком| з|із| вами згоден.

Вправа 5. Розкрийте дужки і оберіть правильний варіант:

1. The chances are ... . This is a ... complex law. (high, highly) 2. He was a tall man with ... shoulders. The child yawned ... . (wide, widely) 3. We have a very ... opinion of you. The review is ... critical, (high, highly) 4. Her books sell ... . The gap between the poor and the rich is, very ... . (wide, widely) 5. They are ... educated people This is ... fashion, (high, highly) 6. She opened her еуеs ... and stared. These books are ... known, (wide, widely) 7. The students spoke ... of the teacher. He lives to very ... standards, (high, highly) 8. She loved her husband ... . They dug ... down into the earth, (deep, deeply) 9. They are ... religious people. The river was three meters ... . (deep, deeply) 10. We had a ... talk. They stopped ... . Ho told me ... what to do next, (short, shortly) 11. The Marathon runner was breathing ... . We ... know each other, (hard, hardly) 12. The sun was ... above the trees. Her dress was cut ... in front, (low, lowly).

Ex.2. Make up dialogues, filling in the missing remarks.


1.Could I have your passport, please? —...............

2. Where are you going?-.........................................

3. How long are you going to stay? -.......................

4. What's the purpose of your trip? —....................

5. And can I see your vaccination certificate? -...... ..


1....................................... ? - That's right. Shall I open it?

2.................................... .....? - No, I don't think I have.

3......................................... - Thank you.

Робота над заповненням митної декларації.

Fill in the customs declaration.

Full name__________________________________________


Arriving from_____________________________

Country of destination____________

Purpose of visit(business, tourism, private)______

My luggage(including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspec­tion consists of__________ pieces.

With my luggageI have:

1. Weapons of all description and ammunition___

2. Narcotics and appliances for the use there of___

3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures)

4. Currency (bank notes, letters of credit, etc.), securities (shares, bonds, etc.) in foreign currencies, precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewelry and other articles made of precious stones and scrap thereof, as well as property in papers:

5. Othercurrency, payment vouchers, valuables valid any objects belonging to other persons

I am aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Dec­laration, I must submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, sound recordings, postage stamps, graphics, plants, fruits, seeds, live animals, birds, as well as raw foodstuffs of animal origin and slaughtered fowl.

I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of pieces.

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