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Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами. 1. Bob: Do you ......... if I use your phone to call my wife?


(a) value

(b) worry

(c) mind

(d) allow


2. Bill: Sure. Would you ......... use my cell phone or the one in my office?


(a) rather

(b) prefer

(c) like

(d) take


3. Bob: The one in your office is fine. Do I need to ......... anything special to get out of the building?


(a ) press

(b) press down

(c) press on

(d) dial


4. Bill: Yes. You ......... dial 9 and then your number.


(a) should

(b) could

(c) would

(d) shall


5. Bob: If another call comes in a while I'm on the phone, should I put my wife on ......... and take it?


(a) wait

(b) hold

(c) hope

(d) the side


6. Bill: No, that's all right. If you don't answer it will just go through to my ......... and I can call them back later.


(a) answering machine

(b) voicemail

(c) voice-recoder

(d) e-mail


7. Bob picked up the ......... and dialed 9 then his home number.


(a) catcher

(b) tuner

(c) phone

(d) receiver


8. Bill straightened up the office, pretending not to listen to Bob's ......... of the conversation with his wife.


(a) end

(b) part

(c) words

(d) half


9. Finally Bob ..........


(a) stopped

(b) finished

(c) hung up

(d) hung over


10. Bill: I couldn't help but ......... you're having chicken for dinner tonight. Can I come over?


(a) overhear

(b) hear

(c) listen

(d) understand



Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами.


1. Hello! I'm just ......... out my new mobile.


(a) testing

(b) probing

(c) finding

(d) trying


2. Oh yes. Are you ......... away?


(a) distant

(b) long

(c) far

(d) quite


3. Not really. I'm quite ..........


(a) nearer

(b) near

(c) next

(d) nearly


4. You ......... very clear.


(a) sound

(b) ring

(c) hear

(d) speak


5. Well, I did ......... a lot of money on it.


(a) use

(b) lose

(c) spend

(d) waste


6. Where are you at the .........?


(a) time

(b) second

(c) hour

(d) moment


7. I've already told you I'm in the ..........


(a) place

(b) area

(c) office

(d) location


8. Well, this is very interesting but I am very ..........


(a) busy

(b) occupied

(c) hurried

(d) active


9. Don't ........., I'll see you very soon.


(a) remember

(b) care

(c) worry

(d) mind


10. Oh, there goes the front door bell. Oh, it's you! I might have ..........


(a) thought

(b) believed

(c) supposed

(d) guessed



Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами.


1. Do you know ......... time it is?


(a) which

(b) when

(c) what

(d) how


2. No, I have ......... idea.


(a) any

(b) no

(c) not

(d) some


3. It's time you got ..........


(a) on

(b) in

(c) over

(d) up


4. I don't believe you. You can't be ..........


(a) right

(b) accurate

(c) sure

(d) definite


5. I'm telling that you must ......... up or…


(a) stand

(b) be

(c) hurry

(d) quick


6. Or what? ......... on, tell me.


(a) Get

(b) Come

(c) Take

(d) Put


7. Simply that you're going to be ......... for work.


(a) late

(b) later

(c) lately

(d) latest


8. I think there's something you've ..........


(a) forget

(b) forgot

(c) got

(d) forgotten


9. Now, it's your ......... to tell me.


(a) right

(b) left

(c) turn

(d) chance


10. Remember that there's no work today ......... it's Sunday.


(a) for

(b) while

(c) because

(d) as



Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами.


1. Customer: Have you had a chance to ......... at my car yet?


(a) see

(b) examine


(c) view


(d) look


2. Mechanic: Yes, we've given it a ......... examination.


(a) complete



(b) controll

(c) absolute

(d) full


3. Customer: And what do you think is ......... with it?


(a) incorrect

(b) wrong

(c) false

(d) strange


4. Mechanic: That's a ......... of a difficult answer to give in a few words.


(a) part

(b) lot

(c) bit


(d) section


5. Customer: Well, just give me the ......... picture


(a) easy

(b) general


(c) objective


(d) simple


6. Mechanic: To start ......... . It's losing a lot of oil.


(a) at

(b) for

(c) in


(d) with


7. Customer: I see. Anything .........?


(a) else

(b) ever

(c) over

(d) indeed



8. Mechanic: Well, there's a lot more. I mean the petrol tank has a ......... in it.


(a) gap

(b) hole

(c) problem

(d) opening


9. Customer: Why don't you tell me the .......... What should I do?


(a) picture


(b) reason

(c) truth

(d) rightness


10. Mechanic: Okay, I'll come straight to the......... . Buy a new car!



(a) full stop

(b) detail

(c) end

(d) point




Заполните пропуски подходящими вариантами.

1. Cashier: Good morning, ……….


(a) madam

(b) sir

(c) mister

(d) gentleman


2.Man: I’d like to ……… an account, please.


(a) start

(b) close

(c) open

(d) take into


3.Cashier: Certainly, sir. Do you live in ……… ?


(a) Washington

(b) Moscow

(c) Zurich

(d) Geneva


4. Man: Yes. I’m ……… the Interpreters’ School.


(a) in

(b) at

(c) studying

(d) learning


5. Cashier: What ……… of account would you like?


(a) kind

(b) type

(c) sort

(d) category


6. Man: A ……… account, I think.


(a) checking

(b) savings

(c) deposit

(d) current


7. Cashier: There are two or three types of account. They ……… you to withdraw up to ten thousand francs a month.

(a) permit

(b) allow

(c) advise

(d) let


8. Man: Can I ……… money directly from abroad?


(a) transfer

(b) receive

(c) get

(d) take


9. Cashier: ……….


(a) Think so.

(b) I’m afraid, not.

(c) Certainly.

(d) Think, yes.


10.Man: I’ll ……… back later, then.


(a) turn

(b) go

(c) come

(d) show


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