NAMES OF CHURCHES, CATHEDRALS, MUSEMS, etc CITIES OF RUSSIA SPEECH PATTERNS How can I help you? Sorry? Welcome! See you soon! Good-bye! Could you tell me? May I ask you? Excuse me, please. Never mind! Thank you. What a pity! I invite you …/ I’d like to invite you… Which day would suit you? With pleasure! | Чем могу помочь? Извините? Добро пожаловать! До скорой встречи! До свидания! Не могли бы вы сказать мне …? Могу я спросить вас? Извините, пожалуйста. Ничего. Спасибо. Как жаль! Я приглашаю вас…/ Я хотел бы пригласить вас… Какой день удобен для вас? С удовольствием! | Exercise 1.Read the dialogues; translate them paying attention to the usage of these speech patterns. A. - Excuse me, please, Sir! - Can I help you? - Could you tell me how I can get to the Tretyakov Gallery from here? - Sorry, I can’t, because I am a stranger here, too. - Oh, what a pity! B. – Could you tell me if I can get to the Square of Heroes on foot? - No, you can get there either by bus or by tram. - How long will it take me if I go there by bus? - About 15 minutes. - And by tram? - A bit longer. It will take you 20 minutes. - Thank you. - Never mind. Exercise 2.Read the following dialogue translating Russian parts into English. - (Добро пожаловать) to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski! I think your visit to this wonderful region will be unforgettable. - (Не могли бы вы сказать мне) what first excursion we shall have? - (Я хотел бы пригласить вас) to see our great valley of gazers. - (С удовольствием!) - (Какой день удобен для вас?) - I think we can start tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to seeing this nature phenomenon. Exercise 3.Read the dialogues and dramatize any of them. A) - Excuse me, could you help me? - What can I do for you? - Will you show me the way to the Local Lore Museum. - Certainly, it is very near. - Shall I take a bus or a trolley bus? - No, you needn’t. Go straight ahead and then turn to the right at the first traffic lights. You will see a beautiful building of red colour on your right. - Thank you. B) –May I ask you how I can get to the Drama theatre? - Certainly, you will take the trolley-bus 1 and get off on the third stop. - Is the theatre far from that trolley-bus stop? - You will see the building of the theatre just on the opposite side of the street. - And where is the stop here? - It is just round the corner. - Thank you. Exercise 4.Make up a short dialogue: а) invite your friend to see some place of interest. b) how to get to some place ACTIVE VOCABULARY. NOUNS 1. a birthplace – место рождения 2. a cathedral – собор 3. a cemetery – кладбище 4. a church – церковь 5. a cradle – колыбель 6. a customs point – таможенный пост 7. deed – подвиг 8. a dome = a cupola – купол 9. an ensemble – ансамбль 10. entrance – вход, въезд 11. an exile – ссылка 12. a fair – ярмарка 13. fate - судьба 14. a fight – битва, борьба 15. a fortress – крепость 16. an icon – икона 17. an invention – изобретение 18. an item – экспонат 19. outskirts = suburbs - окраины 20. a peasant – крестьянин 21. scenery – пейзаж 22. a settlement – поселение, населенный пункт 23. a structure – зд. конструкция 24. a subsidiary – филиал 25. a temple – храм 26. a tomb – могила 27. a tower - башня 28. trade – торговля 29. an uprising – восстание | VERBS 1. to admire – восхищаться 2. to build – строить 3. to burn down – сжигать дотла 4. to commemorate – увековечить, служить напоминанием 5. to construct – строить 6. to contribute –вносить вклад 7. to date back – датироваться 8. to defeat – наносить поражение, разгромить 9. to defend – защищать 10. to destroy – разрушать 11. to devote – посвящать 12. to erect – воздвигать, возводить 13. to exhibit – выставлять 14. to face – сталкиваться, смотреть на 15. to found – основывать 16. to head – возглавлять 17. to include – включать в себя 18. to make an impression = to impress - производить впечатление 19. to preserve – сохранять 20. to reign – править, царствовать 21. to restore – восстанавливать 22. to save – спасти 23. to strike – 1) бить, отбивать 2)поражать, впечатлять 24. to survive – выжить 25. to unite – объединять | ADJECTIVES 1. graceful – грациозный 2. interior – внутренний 3. magnificent - величественный 4. picturesque - живописный 5. precious – драгоценный 6. sincere – искренний 7. splendid – роскошный, великолепный 8. truthful – правдивый, настоящий | PHONETIC DRILLS Exercise 1.Pronounce the following words paying attention to the rules of pronunciation of the stressed vowels. /a:/ heart, remarkable, /۸/ custom, suburbs, structure, construct /e/ architectural, emperor, majestic, guest, cemetery, entrance, exile, peasant, commemorate, picturesque, precious /Eə/burial, fair /au/ crowned, outskirts /iә/ imperial, sincere /כ/ conquest /כ:/ fortress /i/ cathedral, magnificent /i:/ deed, scenery, precious /u/ truthful /ei/ graceful, cradle, fate, reign /ai/ fight, icon, item, survive, unite /aiə/ admire /auə/ tower /ə:/ birthplace, church, preserve /ju:/ cupola Exercise 2.Read the following words paying attention to unpronounced letters. Tomb, exhibit, reign, picturesque Exercise 3.Remember the pronunciation of the following proper names. NAMES OF CHURCHES, CATHEDRALS, MUSEMS, etc the Assumption Cathedral /əs۸'mp∫әn/– Успенский собор the Archangel Cathedral / a:’keinʤәl/ – Архангельский собор the Annunciation Cathedral /ә,.n۸nsi’ei∫n/– Благовещенский собор the Cover Cathedral /’k۸vә/– Покровский собор the Cathedral of St.Bazil the Blessed /snt’bæzil ðə’blest/– собор Василия Блаженного the Church of Cover on the Ditch /’k۸və כn ðә’dit∫/– церковь Покрова-на-рву the Church of St. George “past the hill”/snt’ʤכ:ʤ ‘pa:st ðə ‘hil/ – церковь Георгия-за-верхом St. Trinity Cathedral /snt ‘triniti/– Троицкий собор the Church of Women Myrrh Bearers /’wimin ‘mә: bEәrәz/– церковь Жен Мироносиц the Church of John the Precursor /’ʤכ:n ðә pri’kə:sə/– церковь Иоанна Предтечи the Church of Nicolas the Miracle Worker /’nikələs ‘mirәkəl ‘wə:kə/– церковь Николая Чудотворца the Church of Lord’s Transfiguration /’lכ:dz ,trænsfigju:’rei∫n/– церковь Преображения Господня the Cathedral of Kozma and Domian /’kכzmə ənd ‘dכmiən/– собор Козьмы и Домиана. the Armoury Chamber /’a:məri ‘t∫eimbə/– Оружейная Палата the Museum of Armoury – музей оружия the Diamond Treasury /’diəmənd ‘treʒəri/– Алмазный Фонд Faceted Palace /’fæsitid/– Грановитая Палата a Tsar-Bell /’za: ‘bel/– Царь-колокол a Tsar-Cannon /’za: ‘kænən/– Царь-пушка Ivan the Great Bell Tower /’aivən ðə ‘greit ‘bel ‘tauə/– колокольня Ивана Великого Lenin Mausoleum /,mכsə’liəm/- Мавзолей Ленина the Eternal Flame /i’tə:nəl ‘fleim/– Вечный огонь the Local Lore Museum /’lכkəl ‘lכ: mju:’siəm/– краеведческий музей the Art Museum – художественный музей the Representation Church of Pafnuty-and-Borovsk monastery – подворье Боровско- Пафнутьевского монастыря LEXICAL EXERCISES Exercise 1.Read the following words, define the way of their construction and group them according to the parts of speech (nouns, adjectives) a birthplace, entrance, fortress, invention, settlement, graceful, uprising, truthful. Exercise 3.Make up pairs of equivalents. fate кладбище a fair основывать an exile храм deed ссылка a cemetery пейзаж to fight подвиг a temple конструкция to survive живописный scenery судьба to found сражаться a structure восстанавливать to restore ярмарка picturesque выживать Exercise 4.Make up pairs of synonyms. A dome, fight, a subsidiary, a settlement, an uprising, to build, to include, to make an impression, to save, splendid A revolution, to impress, magnificent, to construct, a battle, village, to preserve, a cupola, a branch, to comprise Exercise 5.Read the following sentences translating Russian words into English. 1. During the (царствование) of Ivan III the walls and (башни) were redbrick. 2. The clock that (отбивают) every quarter of an hour is on the Spassky Tower. 3. St.Bazil’s (собор) (был воздвигнут) by architects Postnik and Barma to (увековечить) Russia’s conquest of the Kazan Kingdom. 4. Kaluga (была построена) as a (крепость) in 1371. 5. There is his (могила) and a memorial there. 6. Kaluga was a (защитник) of Russian lands. 7. Kaluga was the centre of the (крестьянское восстание) (возглавляемое) by Ivan Bolotnikov. 8. In October 1812 French soldiers (были разгромлены) in the (битве) at Maloyaroslavets. 9. Kaluga region is the (место рождения) of many heroes. 10. Kaluga is the (колыбель) of cosmonautics. 11. The memorial complex (посвященный) to heroes is situated here. 12. (Мемориальный комплекс) is at the (въезд) of the city. 13. There are a lot of (церквей) in Kaluga. 14. This monument (производит впечатление) tourist. 15. This museum (выставляет) a lot of unique (экспонатов). 16. Citizens do their best to (сохранить) architectural (памятники). Text 1 MOSCOW. Exercise 1.Read and translate the text using the active vocabulary and notes. NOTES: a fort – укрепленный пункт redbrick walls – стены из красного кирпича to crown – короновать burial places – места захоронений Monomach - Мономах Emperor - император conquest – завоевание invaders – захватчики institution – институт, учреждение memorial plates – мемориальные таблички The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. Together with Red Square it constructs the oldest historical and architectural centre of Moscow. First the Kremlin was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built in white stone. During the reign of Ivan III the walls of white stone were replaced by new redbrick walls and towers. The Tsar invited Italian architects to construct the cathedrals. The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475-1479. The Russian Tsars and Emperors were crowned here. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tsars. The Annunciation Cathedral was erected in 1484. It is famous for the icons painted by Andrey Rublyov and his apprentices. One of the most remarkable structures of the 16th century – Ivan the Great Bell Tower rises in the centre of the Kremlin. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals into a majestic ensemble which faces Cathedral Square. On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Tower there is a Tsar-Bell – the largest in the world. Not far from it one can see a Tsar-Cannon. They have never been used but are considered to be the examples of art of the 15th century. Another fine example of Russian architecture is the Faceted Palace. It was built in 1487-1491. One of the well-known Kremlin museums is the Armoury Chamber. It was built in 1851. The famous golden cap of Monomach is kept here. Another famous museum is Diamond Treasury. The first Russian imperial crown of Katherine II, made of silver, and many other precious historical items are exhibited there. There are 20 towers in the Kremlin. On the five tops one can see shining ruby stars. The clock that strikes every quarter of an hour is on the Spassky Tower. The Kremlin with golden domes and towers attracts everybody’s attention and makes a strong impression on tourists and guests of the capital. The square near the Kremlin is Red Square, the central and the most beautiful one in Moscow. Here one can see the Cathedral of St.Bazil the Blessed or the Cover Cathedral erected by architects Postnik and Barma to commemorate Russia’s conquest of the Kazan Kingdom in 1552. Then there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky in front of the Cathedral. It was designed by Ivan Martos in memory of the Russian victory over the Polish invaders in 1612. The History Museum in Red Square is a magnificent building, besides, it is one of the major scientific and educational institutions where we can follow the life of Russian people since ancient times. There is Lenin Mausoleum near the Kremlin wall in Red Square which is considered to be some kind of the museum. Near the Kremlin wall and in the wall we can see memorials and memorial plates to Russian famous people of the 20th century who are buried here. Exercise 2.Give your own title to this text. Exercise 3.Answer the following questions: 1) What is the historical centre of Moscow? 2) What cathedrals can we find inside the Kremlin? What are they famous for? 3) What role does Ivan the Great Bell Tower play in the architectural ensemble? 4) What examples of art of the 15th century can we see here? 5) What can we see in the Armoury Chamber and in the Diamond Treasury? 6) How many towers of the Kremlin are topped with ruby starts? 7) Why is the Spassky Tower world-known? 8) What do you know about the history of the Cathedral of St.Bazil the Blessed? What is its second name? 9) Why was the monument to Minin and Pozharsky erected in Red Square? 10) What museums can we find in Red Square and in the Kremlin? 11) Have you got any new information about the Kremlin and Red Square? Have you ever been there? Text 2 KALUGA AND TSIOLKOVSKY Exercise 1.Read the following text and say: 1) why the name of Kaluga is associated with Tsiolkovsky 2) what places in Kaluga are connected with his name. Some places of interest in Kaluga are connected with the name of K.E. Tsiolkovsky. He lived and worked in Kaluga since 1892. In 1936 the house where he had been worked for almost 30 years became a memorial house-museum. Then there is a monument to him in Peace Square. The park where he was buried in 1935 is called Tsiolkovsky Park (before it the park was called Zagorodny Sad). There is his tomb and a memorial here. The schools number 9 and 6 where he taught physics, some other buildings where the scientist lectured have memorial plates on. Kaluga State Pedagogical University bears the name of Tsiolkovsky. In 1967 the Tsiolkovsky Museum of History of Space Exploration was opened in Kaluga and the first stone of this building was laid by Yuri Gagarin. There is also a memorial-house of Tsiolkovsky in Borovsk where he had lived before he came to Kaluga. Text 3 Exercise 1.Look through the list of the words and say what the following text is about. a defender – защитник raids of nomads – набеги кочевников invasion – вторжение, захват examples of courage – примеры храбрости yoke – иго bloody fights – кровавые сражения wounds – раны liberation – освобождение fascists concentration camps – фашистские концентрационные лагеря Exercise 2.Read the text and give your own title to it. The history of Kaluga dates back to the 14th century. Kaluga was founded as a fortress in 1371. Since that time the land of Kaluga had been a defender of Russian lands. For several centuries it had defended the Moscow State’s borders from the raids of nomads, Tatar-Mongolian Horde, Polish-Lithuanian invaders, Napoleon’s army and German fascists. Truthful sons of the Motherland showed examples of courage and spirit fortitude over not so large territory of the land. In 1238 Kozelsk was called “an angry town” for a long-term defense of the town. In 1480 the Horde yoke having been lasting for 300 years finished on the banks of the Ugra River. In 1606-1607 Kaluga was the centre of the peasant uprising headed by Ivan Bolotnikov. In 1610 citizens of Borovsk together with prince Volkonsky defended the Russian land against Polish invaders. In the war of 1812 Kaluga played an important role. It was the main supply base of the Russian army. In the village of Tarutino the Russian army “saved Russia and Europe”. In October 1812 French soldiers were defeated in the battle at Maloyaroslavets. In 1941 thousands of soldiers defended their Motherland at the approaches of Moscow. Bloody fights with fascist invaders were taking place on this land till September 1943. The most important battles were at the Ilyinsky Defense Lines, on Zaitsev Hill, near Kremyonky, on Unknown Hill. The song “On Unknown Hill” is devoted to this very episode of the war. Kaluga region is the birthplace of many heroes. Among them we can’t help mentioning the name of G.K. Zhukov. Time cured the war wounds, but it cannot reign over man’s memory. Honourable history of the foregoing generations is kept and passed to new ones in created memorial complexes, museums and monuments. One can see them on the bank of the Ugra in memory of the Great Standing, near Tarutino, Maloyaroslavets, the settlement Ilyinskoye, Rubezhenka. One can visit museums in Maloyaroslavets, Lyudinovo (the museum devoted to young partisans), Zhukovo. One can see monuments to the war in Kaluga. They are: the monuments to the liberation of Kaluga, the monument to Victory with the Eternal Flame and the memorial in Victory Square devoted to those who were in fascist concentration camps, to Tankmen, to the Medical Nurse, the Square of Marshal Zhukov, Karpov square, the memorial in the city cemetery. The memorial connecting the Patriotic War and the Great Patriotic War is situated in Moskovskaya Street. The memorial devoted to people who fought in Afghanistan and other “hot points” is not far from Victory square. The memorial complex devoted to the history of Kaluga was opened in 1978. It is at the entrance of the city in Gagarin Street. Exercise 3.Choose the correct variant of the ending of each sentence. 1) The history of Kaluga dates back to … a) the 13th century b) the 14th century c) the 15th century 2) Kaluga was the defender of Motherland… a) during the Patriotic and Great Patriotic Wars b) in the whole course of its history c) during Polish-Lithuanian invasion 3) In 1238 Kozelsk was called “an angry town” because … a) there were a lot of angry people there b) the Horde yoke finished here c) of the long and heroic defense of this town 4) Russian army “saved Russia”… a) near Tarutino b) near Borodino c) near Maloyarolsavets 5) One of the memorial places in Kaluga region connected with the Great Patriotic war is associated with … a) a poem b) a novel c) a song 6) In Moskovskaya street we can find a monument devoted to … a) the liberation of Kaluga b) the heroes of Patriotic war c) two Patriotic Wars 7) The memorial devoted to people who … is not far from Victory Square. a) fought in Afghanistan b) fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya c) fought in Afghanistan and other different so-called “hot points” Exercise 4.Find in the text the passages where it is told about the Great Patriotic war and memorials devoted to it, read them and translate. Text 4 KALUGA. Exercise 1.Look through the next text “Kaluga” and find the proper names which you can see in the list of the ones given above. Remember their pronunciation and translation. Exercise 2.Read and translate the text. Kaluga is one of the oldest Russian cities. It stands on the banks of the Oka River. At every step we can come across with many fine monuments dating back to the 16th-17th centuries. In different parts of the city we can see old churches and cathedrals. The oldest of them are church of the 17th century “of Cover on the Ditch” and the Cathedral of St. George “past the hill” of the same period. Several years ago St. Trinity Cathedral renewed its work. There are a lot of other churches here. The most famous are “of Women Myrrh Bearers”, of St. John the Precursor, of St. Nickolas the Miracle Worker, the Church of St. Kozma and Domian, the Church of Lord’s Transfiguration which is the Representation Church of Pafnuty-and-Borovsk monastery. There are many other architectural monuments in Kaluga. Among them there is the building of the Local Lore Museum. The museum itself was established in 1897. Since 1922 it has been placed in the former town estate of the merchant Zolotaryov that was built in 1805-1808. Remained wall and ceiling murals, highly artistic bas-reliefs and encrusted floor belong to the work of first-class painters, architects and marble-masters in Russia of the beginning of the 19th century, worked in the workshop of Compioni. Two exposition departments – of history and nature of the land of Kaluga – are arranged in the museum halls. The museum unites 10 subsidiaries, situated in the region districts. One of the most precious private residences of the first decades of the 19th century of the Bilibins (Chistokletovs) merchants houses the Regional Art Museum. It was organized in 1918 on the bases of the collection of doctor Nikanor Ivanovich Vasilyev, the gratis given to the city. At present the museum contains about 7000 works of painting, graphics, architecture and decorating and applied art. Over 200 of them are exposed in the halls of ancient Russian (16th-18th centuries), Russian (18th-20th centuries) and West-European (16th-19th centuries) art. Art works of painters, such as Tropinin, Levitsky, Aivazovsky, Shyshkin, Polenov, Yaroshenko, Surikov, Savrasov, Korin, Grigoryev, Fonvizin and others are exhibited in the museum. The museum has two subsidiaries: in Tarusa and Ulyanovo picture galleries. The Korobovs’ Chambers is the first stone building in Kaluga built in the 17th century. According to the legend Marina Mnishek lived in this house but the documents say that the building was constructed several years later her coming. Now it is the branch of Kaluga Local Lore museum. The Makarovs’ Chambers are of the similar design. The Stone Bridge across the Berezuyevsky Ravine was built in 1780 in honour of Kathenine II’s visit to Kaluga. There are only a few bridges of such design in Europe. The whole architectural complex including the Central Park of Culture and Rest, the Stone Bridge and the building of Prisutstvenniye Mesta (Places of the Attendance) was designed by the architect Nikitin. An Inn Yard (Gostiny Dvor) was built in memory of the past. It was an old trade centre in the 18th-early 19th centuries. Many famous people visited Kaluga. N.V.Gogol spent several years in Kaluga and wrote here a part of his famous “Dead Souls” (Myortviye Dushi). There is a memorial in the place of the house where he lived. You can see it in Tsiolkovsky park. The Decembrists were exiled to Kaluga and in Pushkin street you can see a memorial plate on one of the houses. It tells that Obolensky lived here. Also in Pushkin street there is a house where Shamil lived during his exile. Certainly Kaluga is connected with the name of Pushkin. In Polotnyany Zavod not far from Kaluga there was an estate of the Goncharovs. Now it is a museum with a wonderful park. And certainly Kaluga has been visited by cosmonauts of Russia and of foreign countries and by scientists who work in the field of space exploration. Now Kaluga is an important industrial centre because there are some industrial enterprises in it. Some of them are joint ventures, for example Volkswagen, Citroёn and others. There are more than 50 secondary schools in Kaluga. Some of them are gymnasiums and lyceums. Young people can continue their education at vocational and technical schools. If they want to get higher education they can enter higher educational schools some of which are branches of famous Moscow and St. Petersburg universities and institutes. Kaluga is also a cultural centre. Citizens like visiting our Drama theatre which is more than 230 years old. Children can see performances of Kaluga Puppet theatre and the theatre of the Young Spectator. Also people can go to a concert hall, an exhibition hall and cinemas in Kaluga. Pupils, students and researchers have the possibility to work in libraries. The richest one in Kaluga is the library named after V.G.Belinsky. The main streets of Kaluga are straight and wide. Bus, trolley-bus lines stretch the city in different distance. Kaluga is decorated with many parks and squares. The oldest one is the Central Park of Culture and Rest. Here one can enjoy the scenery of the Oka and its picturesque banks from the observation platform of this park. The next favourite place of spending free time is the Square named after cosmonaut Volkov. Many sports and cultural events are held here. Due to the greenery Kaluga is called “a corner of St. Petersburg”. Day after day Kaluga is growing. New residential areas appear in former outskirts of the city. Exercise 3.Choose the sentence which covers the main idea of the whole text. 1. Kaluga is an ancient city and is beautiful due to its old architecture. 2. Kaluga is both an ancient and a modern city. 3. There are a lot of churches, architectural monuments and modern buildings in Kaluga. 4. Kaluga is our native city and we can get to know its history in the halls of the Local Lore Museum. 5. There are a lot of places where to go to in Kaluga. Exercise 4.Arrange the following points of the plan according to the contents of the text. 1. Proofs of the fact that Kaluga is a cultural centre. 2. Churches of Kaluga. 3. The possibilities of getting education. 4. The fate of the former private residences in Kaluga. 5. Parks and squares of Kaluga. Exercise 5.Correct the statements according to the contents of the text. Begin your sentence with: “I’m sorry but you are wrong…”, “I can’t agree with you …”, “According to the text…”, “You are partly right…”, etc. 1). The oldest churches of Kaluga are the Church of “Cover on the Ditch” and the Church of St. John the Precursor. 2). The Local Lore museum has been housed in the Zolotaryovs’ town estate since 1897. 3). In the expositional departments of the Local Lore Museum we can get to know about the history of Kaluga land. 4). Kaluga Regional Art museum was organized due to the collection of the merchant Chistokletov. 5). In the halls of the Art museum we can see the works of Russian art from the 12th century. 6). The Korobovs’ Chambers is the only stone building in Kaluga built in the 17th century. 7). Nikitin designed only the Stone Bridge which is unique in Europe. 8). There are few establishments in Kaluga where people can get higher education. 9). There are no places in Kaluga where children and adults can see theatrical performances. 10). From the observation platform in the Central Park one can admire the view of Kaluga. Exercise 6.Using the knowledge of our city say in what streets we can see: the Church “of Cover on the Ditch”, the Cathedral of St. George “Past the Hill” St. Trinity Cathedral the Church of Wives Myrrh Bearers the Church of St. Nickolas Miracle Worker the Churchl of Kozma and Domian the Church of Lord Transfiguration = the Representation church of Pafnuty-and-Borovsk monastery the town estate of the merchant Zolotaryov the house of the Chistokletovs the Korobovs’ Chambers the Makarovs’ Chambers the memorial house-museum of Tsiolkovsky the Tsiolkovsky museum of History of Space Exploration the monument to Tankmen the monument to a Medical Nurse the monument to the Liberation of Kaluga Exercise 7.Answer the questions using the information of all three text devoted to Kaluga and you own knowledge. 1). When was Kaluga founded? 2). What role did Kaluga play in the history of Russia? 3). What happened on Kaluga land during the Tatar-Mongol yoke? 4). What events took place on Kaluga land at the beginning of the 17th century? 5). What role did Kaluga play in the war of 1812? 6). What places in Kaluga region are connected with the events of the Great Patriotic War? 7). What monuments devoted to the Great Patriotic War do you know in Kaluga? 8). What monument is situated at the entrance of the city? 9). What churches and cathedrals can we see in Kaluga? 10). What buildings are both architectural monuments and museums in Kaluga? 11). What is included into the architectural ensemble designed by Nikitin? 12). Can you prove that Kaluga is a cultural centre? Do, please. 13). Why is Kaluga called “a corner of St. Petersburg”? 14). Can you prove that Kaluga is growing day after day? Do, please. 15). Do you know what famous people visited Kaluga? S |