International Economic Organisations The GATT arose oul of an international conference held at Havana in 1947 at which it was decided to establish an International Trade Organisation. The organisation did not in fact come into being. . However, a General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) had been agreed shortly before the conference, involving a series of tariff concessions and trade rules, and this originally temporary instrument continued. The arrangement operated on the basis of bilateral approach to trade negotiations coupled with unconditional acceptance of the most favoured nation principle (by which the most favourable benefits obtained by one state are passed on to other states), although there were special conditions for developing states in this respect. A series of tariff and trade negotiating rounds were held under the auspices of the GATT, which thus offered a package approach to trade negotiations, and a wide variety of tariff reductions was achieved, as well as agreement reached on mitigating non-tariff barriers. The eighth such round, termed the Uruguay round, commenced in 1986 and concluded with the signing at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994 of a long and complex agreement covering a range 6f economic issues, such as agriculture, textiles and clothing, rules of origin, import licensing procedures, subsidies, intellectual property rights, and procedures on dispute settlement. In addition, the agreement provided for the establishment of the World Trade Organisation on 1 January 1995! as a permanent institution with its own secretariat. The organisation consists of a Ministerial Conference, consisting of representatives о all members meeting at least once every two years; a General Counci composed of representatives of all members meeting as appropriat< and exercising the functions of the Conference between sessions Councils for Trade in Goods, Trade in Services and Trade Relatec Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights operating under the general guidance of the General Council; a Secretariat and a Director? General. The organisation's main aims are to administer and imple? ment the multilateral and plurilateral trade.agreements together makf ing up the WTO, to act as a forum for multilateral trade negotiation^ to try and settle trade disputes and to oversee national trade policies 39. The GATT of 1947 continued until the end of 1995, when it was effectively subsumed, with changcs, as GATT 1994 within the WTO system. 18. Match the words in column A with the appropriate words in column B. A | | — - , | \ | I) intellectual с | 1 a) settlement | \ | 2) trade | b) state | \ | 3) dispute | c) property | \\ | 4) package | d) concessions | ^ | 5) developing | e) reduction | | 6) trade | \ f) barriers | л | i 7) tariff | 1 g) rule | i | 8) tariff | \ h) procedure | | i 9) non-tariff | t i) approach | | 10) licensing | j) negotiation | | ■t 19. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any five items and make sentences. 51 to arise the situation; 2) to come ... being; 3) ... the basts ... smth; 4) trade negotiations coupled ... unconditional acceptance; VIII benefits obtained ... one state are passed other states; 6) ... this respect; 7) to be held ... the auspices ... the GATT; S) the round commenced ... 1986; 9) the round concluded ... the signing ... Marrakesh ... 15 April 1994 ... an agreement; 10) General Council composed ... representatives ... all members; Щ20. Which of the statements are true to the above text? 16) The GATT arose out of an international conference held at Ottawam 1947 at which it was decided to establish an International Ti*de Organisation, i 40. 52 A series of tariff and trade negotiating rounds were held under the auspices of the GATT. 53 The agreement provided for the establishment of the World Trade Organisation on II February 1995 as a permanent institution with its own secretariat. 54 The World Trade Organisation consists of a Ministerial Conference, consisting of representatives of all members meeting at least once every three yearsi 55 The GATT of 1947 continued until the end of 1996. 21. Read the text and choose the most suitable sentence from the list (A -G) for each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning. A The Permanent Committee was set up in Vienna in 1993 to assist in regular decision-making. В There is also an Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, which is responsible for the promotion of human rights and democracy in the OSCE area. С It played no meaningful part in the Gulf wars and crises from J980 to 2003. D The OSCE has established a variety of Missions to assist in dispute settlement and has been assigned a role in the Bosnia peace arrangements. E. To complete the transformation of the CSCE, it was renamed th| Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe as from January 1995. F. The Final Act was not a binding treaty but a political documeni concerned with three areas or 'baskets', being security question in Europe; co-operation in the fields of economics, science an\ technology, and co-operation in humanitarian fields. G It was only really after the changes in Eastern Europe in the la 1980s that the CSCE began to assume a coherent structure. 41. The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe [OSCE] The Organisation was originally created in 1975 following the Helsinki Conference of European powers (plus the US and Canada). The Helsinki Final Act laid down a series of basic principles of behaviour among the participating states, including sovereign equality; prohibition of the threat or use of force; inviolability of frontiers; territorial integrity of states; peaceful settlement of disputes; nonintervention in internal affairs and respect for human rights. [ 1 — F |. The Conference itself (at the time termed the CSCE) was a diplomatic conference with regular follow-up meetings to review the implementation of the Helsinki Final Act, together with expert meetings on a variety of topics including human rights, democratic institutions, the environment and the peaceful settlement of disputes. [ 2 \. The Charter of Paris for a New Europe signed in 1990 provided for the first standing institutions. These were the Conflict Prevention Centre in Vienna, the Office for Free Elections in Warsaw (now renamed the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) and the Secretariat based in Prague. The Paris Conference also established a system of consultation and decision-making bodies being regular summit meetings of Heads of State or Government; the Council of Ministers, consisting of the Foreign Ministers of participating states, and the Committee of Senior Officials to deal with day-to-day business. In December 1992, the post of Secretary General was created, while a strengthened Secretariat was established in Vienna. [ 3 J. Further institutional steps were taken at the Budapest Summit in 1994. j 4 ]. The Council of Ministers (now termed the Ministerial Council) constitutes the central decision-making and governing body of the Organisation, while the Senior Council has the function of discussing and setting forth policy and broad budgetary guidelines. The Permanent Council is the regular body for political consultation and decision making and can also be convened for emergency purposes is composed of the permanent representatives of the participating 42. states meeting in Vienna. There is also a Forum for Security Cooperation which meets weekly in Vienna to discuss and make decisions regarding military aspects of security in the OSCE area, in particular confidence- and security-building measures, and the Senior Council/Economic Forum which convenes once a year in Prague to focus on economic and environmental factors that affect security in the Chairman-in-Office, who is assisted by the Troika (i.e. the present, preceding and succeeding Chairmen). The High Commissioner on National Minorities was appointed in 1992 and there exist a variety of personal representatives of the Chairman-in-Office and ad hoc steering groups in order to help the work of the Organisation. [6 ]. A Parliamentary Assembly was established in 1991. In March 1995, the Final Conference on the Pact on Stability in Europe adopted a Final Declaration, which together with some 100 bilateral and regional со- 5 operation agreements, constitutes an attempt to mitigate tensions in ! the region. The Declaration contains a commitment to act against in-] tolerance and discrimination, while the agreements include those dealing with cross-border co-operation, economic, environmental and minority protection issues. The Pact is supplemented by measures to be taken by the European Union and is integrated within the OSCE sys-j lem. It has been agreed that in the event of difficulties over observance of the agreements, the states participating in the Pact wouldi rely on existing OSCE institutions and procedures for settling disputes peacefully, including the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration There are currently fifty-five participating states in the organisation. вф 22. Solve the crossword puzzle using the information from thi above text J) a state or other political entity with political, industrial, о military strength — POWER 56 the region of a country bordering on another or a line, barri etc., marking such a boundary; 3) unity; wholeness; a meeting of chiefs of governments or other high officials; 43. 57 a group of llirec people, esp. government officials; 58 lo have a conversation about; consider by talking over; debate; 59 to act or work together for a particular purpose, or to help someone willingly when help is requested; 60 a method of helping the parties in a dispute lo reach agreement, esp divorcing or separating couples to part amicably; 61 a situation or condition of hostility, suspense, or uneasiness; 62 lo get information or advice from (a person or book with special knowledge on a particular subject). 44. 15) intergovemmcnlal political organizations | о. общественно-политическая организация | j 16) general international or- ganizaiion | p. Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития, ОЭСР; | I 1 7) creation of international 1 organizations | q. всеобщая международная организация; | j I 8) office of an international , 1 organization | г. правовая организация международного сообщества | 1 19) Vgal organization of the / international community | s. межправительственные политические организации | 1 20) member organizations | t. политическая организация | 1 21) international non- 1 governmental organization or- / ganizations | и распустить организацию | j 22) political organization | V. отделение международной организации; | J 23) public organizations | w. внешнеторговые организации | ! 24) regional organizations | х. выйти из (состава) организации | / 25) socio-political organization | у. функционирование организации; руководство организацией | | Я$> 28. Translate the following text into Russian. The Organizationof American States I0AS1 The OAS was created on the basis of the Pan American Union. In J947, an Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance was signed in Rio de Janeiro, and in 1948 the OAS Charter was adopted in Bo-| gota. In 1967, a number of alterations were introduced. At present the; OAS includes 35 States. The Organization ofAmerican States was formedas aregional] organization. Its Charter contains provisions for the collective security of its member-states. An act of aggression by any State against th$ territorial integrity orpolitical independence of any one of its memr bersisviewed asan actof aggression against all other membersa£ well,and providesgrounds for the useof armed force. с * 45. The OAS has the following organizational structure. The General Assembly is its highest body in which all member- states are represented. It is convened annually. The General Assembly determines the policy, activities and budget of the Organization and the structure and functions of its organs. A Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers was established to consider urgent problems of concern to all member-states. This could be an armed attack on a member-state of OAS, and for this reason, an Inter-American Defense Board was created within that body. The OAS's executive body is its Permanent Council, which consists of representatives of all the member-states, and which has set up a number of subsidiary councils and committees. The OAS's General Secretariat is headed by a Secretary-General elected for a term of five years. A considerable number of regional specialized agencies function within the OAS. Its headquarters are located in Washington. 63 Render the following text into English. |