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Read the text below. For questions 23-32 choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Whether it is in print or on television, radio, or billboards, advertising profoundly (23) __________ our life. The ads we see, hear, and smell (in the case of open-and-sniff perfume inserts in magazines) (24) _____________ how we feel and what we think about a wide range of products. Companies pay a lot of money to persuade us that their products are the best.

Advertising has a long history in North America. As early as the 1600s, ads were used to (25)_____________ English settlers to the Colonies. According to historian Daniel Boorstin, these brochures (26) _______ “hopeful overstatements, half-truths, and downright lies…”

In the 1700s famous (27) ____ were involved in the advertising business, (28) _____ them Benjamin Franklin, who ran ads in his publications. And with the boom in mass-circulation magazines, the advertising became the powerful force it is today. Television arrived in the 1940s and (29)_______ a new, action-packed advertising medium.

Creating a good ad isn’t as (30)__________ as it might seem. One key is to find the right spokes person. An effective approach is to have the company president speak. Still another option is to create (31) __________ characters, such as Speedy Alka-Seltzer fellow, or an animated parrot (Gillette).

A memorable slogan is helpful as well: “I can’t (32)_________ I ate the whole thing”; “Where’s the beef?”; “You deserve a break today”…


A influences B inherits C installs D introduces
A accept B infect C affect D protest
A win B attract C invade D involve
A contained B consisted C located D contributed
A numbers B members C peoples D figures
A along B among C between D through
A stayed B remained C created D resulted
A slight B easy C light D heavy
A undesirable B unforgivable C uninviting D unforgettable
A suppose B consider C hope D believe



Task 6

Read the text below. For questions 33-42 choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Planting the seeds of change

The Green Wave project aims to help meet the goals of the United Nations Convention (33) ______ Biological Diversity by (34) __________ young people on the importance of biodiversity. In an ambitious program, students from schools all across the world (35) ____________ to mark the International Day for Biodiversity each year by planting a single tree of an inborn of locally important species. On May, 22, (36) ______ student groups will each plant their tree – uniting to send a ‘green wave’ from east to west around the planet. Promoting research and learning about nature, encouraging team-work and partnership across countries and continents, The Green Wave(37)_______ a positive step toward maintaining biodiversity all over the world.

A about B on C for D of
A educate B educated C educating D educates
A have been invited B have been inviting C invite D have invited
A this B those C that D these
A take B is taking C taking D taken


A Skiing City Break in Austria

Postcard-pretty Innsbruck is the ideal destination for everyone who wants (38) ______ a skiing holiday with a city break. The capital of the Habsburg Empire in the late middle ages, it has a charming old town with many ornate medieval buildings, together with natural baroque additions, (39) _________ the cathedral. The city is home to a wealth (40) ________________ museums, galleries, bars and restaurants, and (41) ______________ twice played host to the Winter Olympics, so it has plenty of winter-sports facilities, and – just a short train ride out of town – ski tracks to challenge the most (42) _____________ of skiers.

A combine B to combine C combines D combined
A included B include C including D includes
A for B Off C in D of
A has B have C had D is having
A accomplishing B accomplish C accomplished D accomplishes



43 You were going to visit your friend in London at the beginning of June. But unfortunately the schedule of the independent testing has been changed. Write a letter to your friend and:

· Apologize for breaking your plans

· State the reason of your not coming

· Express your regret about postponing your meeting

· Ask if it is possible to come later in the summer

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information.

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