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A) were you driving/happened

B) were you drived/happened

C) was you driving/happen

D) are you driving/happened

E) were you drove/happened


26. Choose the correct answer: Nowadays Aktobe is (жоғары дамыған/высоко развитая) industrial and cultural centre.

A) developed


B) highly developed


C) low developed


D) not developed


E) developed


27. Choose the correct preposition: Nick has gone, but he will return …an hour.

A) by

B) near

C) to

D) in

E) after


28. Choose the right variant: She likes to go shopping ... Sunday mornings.

A) on

B) to

C) from

D) at

E) in


29. Complete the sentence:… nearly 11 o’clock

A) They


B) This is


C) There is


D) There are


E) It is



30. Choose the right answer: What is the lower chamber in Kazakhstan’s Parliament?

A) legislative branch


B) judicial branch


C) theMazhilis

D) the Senate


E) executive branch


Вариант – 6




1. Choose the right variant: I was born … September.

A) for

B) in

C) at

D) during

E) on


2. Where is the UK situated?

A) on the British Isles

B) In Canada

C) In the USA

D) In Asia

E) In Eurasia


3. Choose the synonym to the word-combination: free time-

A) clock time

B) time

C) much time

D)a little time

E)spare time

4. Choose the right tense form for the sentence: By the time she comes, he … dinner.

A) is cooking

B) cooked

C) have cooked

D) will have cooked

E) cooks


5. The capital of England is ... .

A) Belfast

B) Cardiff

C) Edinburgh

D) London

E) Manchester


6. What tense form is the given sentence related to: She always helps her mother about the house.

A) Past Perfect

B) Present Perfect

C) Past Continuous

D) Present Simple

E) Present Continuous


7. Find the right variant: The palace … to public in 1990.

A) is opened

B) was opened

C) has been opened

D) open

E) opened


8. Choose the negative answer in the Past Simple: She left her coat in the cloakroom.

A) She does not left her coat in the cloakroom.

B) She will leave her coat in the cloakroom.

C) She did not left her coat in the cloakroom.

D) She does not leave her coat in the cloakroom.

E) She did not leave her coat in the cloakroom.


9. What kind of state is Great Britain?

A) democratic

B) totalitarian

C) constitutional monarchy

D) unitary

E) federal


10. Choose the right answer: He has (никогда) been to London.

A) seldom

B) never

C) often

D) sometimes

E) always


11. Write the time: It’s half past three p.m.

A) 15.45.

B) 05.30.

C) 05.15.

D) 15.15.

E) 15.30.


12. Choose the right answer: My sister has 200 stamps.

A) two thousands

B) two hundred

C) two hundreds

D) two thousand

E) the two hundred


13. Find the antonym: midnight-

A) sun

B) soon

C) noon

D) midnoon

E) midday


14. Choose the correct variant: Many cameras…. in Japan every year and they are very expensive.

A) Have been made

B) Are made

C) Made

D) Having been made.

E) Are being made


15. Choose the right answer: What is the lower chamber in Kazakhstan’s Parliament?

A) legislative branch

B) judicial branch

C) the Senate

D) executive branch

E) theMazhilis


16. Choose the correct preposition: Nick has gone, but he will return …an hour.

A) after

B) near

C) in

D) by

E) to


17. Choose the right preposition: I saw Jack …. the concert last Saturday.

A) by

B) at

C) for

D) on

E) in


18. Choose the correct answer: When did Astana City become as a capital of our country?

A) 1991

B) 2000

C) 1998

D) 1993

E) 1995


19. Choose the right tense form for the sentence: When we get there, the film … .

A) started

B) will have started

C) will started

D) have started

E) starts


20. Give three forms of the verb: ‘ to ring’

A) ring/rang

B) ringing/runging

C) ring/rung

D) rang/rung

E) rung/rang


21. Choose the synonym to the expression: to have a rest-

A) To be busy

B) To have an opportunity of doing smth.

C) To be late

D) To have a


E) To have a lot of work to do


22. Choose the right variant: What is the population of Kazakhstan?

A) 17 mln

B) 2.7 mln

C) 6 thousand

D) 20mln

E) 12 mln


23. Choose the right variant: Do...know the young man, ... name is Patrick?

A) they/whom

B) you/that

C) he/which

D) you/whose

E) she/whose


24. Choose the right variant: What is the climate of Kazakhstan?

A) sharply-continental

B) hot

C) tropical

D) mild

E) changeable


25. Choose the correct answer: Aktobe is a (іріғылымиорталық/крупныйнаучныйцентр).

A) large industrial centre

B) large cultural centre

C) bigcentre

D) largecentre

E) large scientific centre


26. Write the time: It is quarter past twelve.

A) 11.45.

B) 12.15.

C) 12.45.

D) 11.15.

E) 12.30.


27. Choose the appropriate formula of the Future Simple Tense:


A) had + V-3

B) V2

C) shall/will + V

D) have/has + V3

E) V, V-s,es


28. Choose the appropriate formula of the Present Continuous Tense:


A) shall/will + V

B) had + V-3

C) have/has + V3

D) V2

E) am/is/are + V-ing


29. Choose the right variant: (Мнетребуется/Маған қажет)2 hours to do homework.


A) It takes me

B) It takes mine

C) It takes I

D) It takes my

E) It takes myself


30. Complete the sentence with the verb: I _________my homework yesterday.


A) listened

B) drove

C) played

D) lived

E) did



Вариант – 7




1. Choose the right tense form: When the phone rang, she … a letter.

A) will write

B) write

C) wrote

D) was writing

E) writes


2. Choose the right variant: Is there … strange in what I’m saying?

A) any

B) nothing

C) anyone

D) some

E) anything



3. Find the right variant: The palace … to public in 1990.

A) open

B) has been opened

C) is opened

D) was opened

E) opened


4. Complete the sentence: What did you do … night? - I went to the cinema.

A) last

B) love

C) left

D) lend

E) leave



5. Write the time: It is quarter to twelve.

A) 11.45.

B) 12.30.

C) 12.15.

D) 12.45.

E) 11.15.


6. Choose the right answer: My sister has 200 stamps.

A) two hundreds

B) two thousands

C) two hundred

D) two thousand

E) the two hundred


7. Give 2 forms of the verb: to speak ---- /-----.

A) speaking-spoken

B) speak-spoken

C) spoke-spoken

D) speak-spoke

E) speaking-spoke


8. Choose the right answer: How is "Aktobe" translated?

A) "Aktobe" is translated as " green tree "


B) "Aktobe" is translated as " white hill "


C) "Aktobe" is translated as " white tree "


D) "Aktobe" is translated as " big city "


E) "Aktobe" is translated as " big city "



9. Put the verb into the correct form: How fast (you/drive), when accident (happen)?

A) were you drived/happened

B) were you drove/happened

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