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The official currency of the United Kingdom is the pound sterling which is equal to one hundred pence.

English banknotes are issued by the Bank of England. As to coins they are minted also by this state bank.

There are banknotes of the following denominations: £1, £5, £10, £20, £50, £100.

The following coins are in circulation: halfpenny, one penny, two pence, five pence, ten pence, fifty pence

On the face of English banknotes one can read the denomination given both in figures and in words.

Then the inscription on the face of the banknote reads: I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of... . And then there are two signatures. The first signature is that of the person authorized by the Government and the Bank of England. The second signature is that of the Chief Cashier.

The backs of English banknotes, like many other banknotes, feature portraits of different famous people.

- The one pound banknote, for example, features Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) a well-known English scientist who made a few very important discoveries including gravitation law.

- The back of the five pound note portrays the Duke of Wellington (1769 - 1852), a famous Irish general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium in 1815.

- On the back of the ten pound note one can see Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910), founder of the nursing profession. She volunteered as a nurse to Turkey to take care of the wounded soldiers from Crimean War, war of England and France versus Russia. And the back of the twenty pound banknote features William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), the greatest playwright of all time.


1. What is the official currency of the UK?

2. What is the smallest unit?

3. How many pence are there in one pound?

4. What banknotes and coins are in circulation in the UK now?

5. Who issues banknotes and mints coins in the UK?

6. What famous people are featured on the back of various English banknotes?


1. The official currency of the United Kingdom is the pound sterling which is equal to one hundred pence.

2. The smallest unit is halfpenny

3. There are halfpenny, one penny, two pence, five pence, ten pence, fifty penoe in one pound.

4. There are banknotes of the following denominations: £1, £5, £10, £20, £50, £100.

The following coins are in circulation: halfpenny, one penny, two pence, five pence, ten pence, fifty penoe

5. English banknotes are issued by the Bank of England. As to coins they are minted also by this state bank.

6. Isaac Newton, the Duke of Wellington, Florence Nightingale, William Shakespeare are featured on the bank of various English banknotes.



The American dollar is subdivided into one hundred cents.

The dollars are issued by the Federal Reserve System, established by Congress in 1913.

Here is the text on the face of an American dollar banknote:

- ...dollars;

- Federal Reserve Note;

- The United States of America;

- this note is legal tender for all debts public and private;

- Washington, D. C.;

- Treasurer of the United States;

- Secretary of the Treasury

On the face of American dollars one can also see the portraits of the following famous persons:

- George Washington (1732—1799), the first President of the United States of America, who gave his name to the capital of the country.

George Washington became the first President after the successful war of 13 British colonies for independence. After they won the war they formed 13 states and united to make the United States of America. Thus Independence was proclaimed on July 4, 1776.

- Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) who was President from 1861 to 1865 after the war between the northern and southern states. It was he who proclaimed freedom of slaves of the south.

- Alexander Hamilton (1755 - 1804), a famous American statesman, who fought in the Independence War together with general George Washington. Later he became the first Secretary of theTreasury.

- Andrew Jackson (1767 - 1845) who was President of the USA from 1829 to 1837, when Texas won independence from Mexico.

- Ulysses Grant (1822 - 1885) who was President of the USA. from 1869 to 1877 when the Centennial Exposition was held in Philadelphia.

- Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) a very popular public figure, writer, diplomat and scientist. It was he who invented bifocal spectacles among many other things.

On the back of banknotes various famous buildings are featured, such as:

- Lincoln Monument, one of the monuments in Washington;

- US Treasury Building, in Washington;

- White House, house of every President, except George Washington, who only planned the capital of the USA;

- US Capitol, which houses the Senate and the House of Representatives;

- Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, where Independence of the 13 British colonies was proclaimed.

All the banknotes bear the words: In God We Trust


  1. What segments the American dollar is subdivided into?
  2. What organization is the dollar issued by?
  3. What can you see on the face of American dollars?
  4. What is featured on the back of the banknotes?
  5. When was the Federal Reserve System established?
  6. Who did proclaim freedom of slaves?
  7. When was Independence of the States proclaimed?
  8. What is Benjamin Franklin famous for?



1. The American dollar is subdivided into one hundred cents.

2. The dollars are issued by the Federal Reserve System, established by Congress in 1913

3. you can see the text on the face of an American dollar banknote:

- ...dollars;

- Federal Reserve Note;

- The United States of America;

- this note is legal tender for all debts public and private;

- Washington, D. C.;

- Treasurer of the United States;

- Secretary of the Treasury

On the face of American dollars one can also see the portraits of the following famous persons: - George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant, Benjamin Franklin


4. On the back of banknotes various famous buildings are featured, such as:

-Lincoln Monument, one of the monuments in Washington;

-US Treasury Building, in Washington;

-White House, house of every President, except George Washington, who only planned the capital of the USA;

-US Capitol, which houses the Senate and the House of Representatives;

-Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, where Independence of the 13 British colonies was proclaimed.

5. The Federal Reserve System was established by Congress in 1913.

6. - Abraham Lincoln proclaimed freedom of slaves.

7. Independence of States was proclaimed on July 4, 1776.

8. Benjamin Franklin is famous for bifocal spectacles among many other things.



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