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Why has Amazon refused to co-finance the film?

Annotating a Text

Task 1

· Read the article. Highlight the title of the article and note the publication name, date, and the name of the publisher.

· Then just write a short analytical summary in your own words of what the article tells about and why you find it compelling to read.


Amazon goes to Hollywood with film deal

By Joshua Chaffin and Jonathan Birchall in New York

July 26, 2009

Amazon, the largest online retailer, is going to Hollywood after striking its first deal for the film rights to a best-selling novel.

Amazon is expected to team up with a Hollywood studio and producer after it acquired the screen rights to The Stolen Child, a fantasy tale by first-time author Keith Donohue.

As part of the agreement, Amazon pledged that it would market the film and its subsequent DVD on its website.

The deal comes amid speculation that Amazon is poised to broaden its film ambitions by introducing a new video download service in conjunction with major Hollywood studios.

"In every respect it was just like dealing with a studio or a producer. It's just that it happened to be the world's largest online retailer," said Joe Regal the author's agent. "They obviously have a lot of money and reach."

Amazon said it did not intend to co-finance the film, but that the company's brand, retail expertise, and customers around the world could make it "an extremely valuable partner in the marketing and distribution of this film".

Amazon has this year increased its involvement in video programming on its site, launching a weekly interview programme with artists and authors. The company also produced five short live-action films on its website, featuring famous actors, which it used to promote its credit card and the range of goods available on its US site.

Another asset Amazon could bring to the film-making process is the consumer research compiled by its website.

Based on its sales data, for example, Amazon would be well positioned to target the film at customers who have read the book and similar genres, or bought similar DVDs from the site.

Amazon said it "has picked up a lot of clues about what books and films capture people's imagination", and that this had played a role in the decision to back The Stolen Child.

The deal also reflects the growing presence of non-traditional producers in


The Financial Times

Vocabulary notes

acquire v. — приобретать

pledge v. – обещать

subsequent adj. — последующий

speculation n – размышление, предположение

poise v. - 1. уравновешивать, балансировать 2. подняться для броска

ambition n. – честолюбие, стремление, цель , предмет желания

major adj. – более важный, главный

promote v. – продвигать, содействовать распространению

expertise n. — экспертиза, опытность, деловой опыт

launch v. — запускать

feature v. — изображать

assert n. – ценное качество, вклад

compile v. – составить, компелировать

consumer n. — потребитель

target v. - выбирать в качестве целевой аудитории


Give English equivalents to the expressions:

заключить сделку –

приобрести права на экранизацию -

объединиться с к-л -

новоиспеченный автор -

продавать фильм -

быть готовым ч-л сделать -

сервис по загрузке информации(фильмов) -

вместе с -

деловой опыт в розничной торговле -

ценный партнер -

увеличить активность (запутывание, вовлечение) -

live-action film -

показывать на экране знаменитых артистов -

ассортимент товаров –



Прочитайте слова и догадайтесь об их значении по интернациональному корню:

System, to consolidate, social, economic, constitution, leading, principle, structure, organization, legal, status, form, concrete, financial, to regulate, budget, credit, sphere, central, industrial, office, code, general, individual, type, special.

Give the three forms to the verbs:

strike, come, say, produce, compile, read, buy, grow


To pronounce the words properly give transcription to the following words:

acquire producer
ambition studio
conjunction expertise
valuable launch
increase n  

Answer the following questions to the text:

What is Amazon?

What is Amason going to do in Hollywood?

What is the role of Amazon in this agreement?

Why has Amazon decided to strike such a deal?

Why has Amazon refused to co-finance the film?

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