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Linguistic Analysis of the Text


State Exam Situations

1. Compare the teacher’s profession with others. Point out the advantages of your professions. Why do you want to be a teacher?

2. Compare problems of the young people in Ukraine and in English-speaking countries (social and personal). Which are the most important of them?

3. Comment on the family problems in our society. What can you say about the problem of one-parent family?

4. Speak about the traditional meals in Ukraine and in English-speaking countries. What are your likes and dislikes?

5. Point out advantages and disadvantages of urban and rural life.

6. Explain why sports and games are so popular in all countries. What is your attitude to sports?

7. Express your preferences of travelling (as a tourist).

8. Which place of interest have you been to or want to visit in the UK (in London)? Why?

9. Which place of interest have you been to or want to visit in the Ukraine (in Kyiv)? Why?

10. Which cities and towns of Ukraine are the most famous ones? Why?

11. Which cities and towns are the most famous ones in the UK? (the USA)? Why?

12. Are you a theatre-goer? What do you know about the most famous theatres in Ukraine?

13. How does TV, in your opinion, influence people, especially children?

14. Give a review of the film you have seen lately.

15. Do you agree with the statement: “Art is eternal”? What is the role of art in our life? Who is your favourite painter?

16. Express your point of view on environmental protection and ecological movement.

17. Describe the changes in the secondary education in Ukraine. What is your attitude to all of them?

18. Characterize briefly the problems of brining up children in families and schools. Are they always common or different?

19. Compare the system of secondary education in GB (the USA) and in Ukraine? What types of schools are there in these countries?

20. Describe the political system of Ukraine. What human rights and values are there in democratic society?

21. Point out the advantages and disadvantages of the system of higher education in Ukraine. Which democratic values are there in teacher’s training?

22. What makes a good teacher? Motivate your opinion reflecting on the teaching experience.

23. There are a lot of newspapers, radio and TV programmes in this countries. Can you say that we have freedom of press?

24. Describe trends and genres in music. Describe your preferences in music.

25. What specific holidays in Ukraine, GB, the USA do you know? Describe their peculiarities.

26. Speak about the most famous people in Ukraine and tell us about their achievements.

27. Make a list of the most famous people in GB (the USA) and tell us about their achievements.

28. Share your opinion about perspectives of strengthening cooperation between Ukraine and English-speaking countries.

29. Tell about the symbols of Ukraine and the UK (the USA). Compare them (both state and folk).

30. In many countries people are convinced that bad habits are not only one person’s business. What would you do to prevent children from smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.


Linguistic Analysis of the Text

1. The subject matter of the text. What is the story about? Give its subject in one word or in short phrase. For example: family relation, snobbery.

2. Setting of events. Where does the story take place and when? Does the setting matter to the story or could it taken place equally well in some other place and at some other time? Has the narrator emphasized certain details? Which? Why? What functions does the setting have?

3. Composition of the text.What is the exposition, complication, climax and denouement? Are the elements of the plot ordered chronologically? Is the action fast or slow moving? Which episodes have been given the greatest emphasis? Is the plot (the sequence of events) of major or minor importance?

4. The type of narration (for example: description, character drawing, account of events, dialogue, interior monologue).

5. Characters. Main and minor characters, the protagonist and antagonist. Who are the characters? What are they like: in appearance, in habits of speech and behavior. What are their names? Does it have any significance? What method does the author use to describe the characters (direct or explicit, indirect or implicit)? Does he use direct characterization amply or sparingly? Personal features of the characters. How do their actions and doings characterize them? The speech of characters (as a means to reveal reveals the character’s individual experience, his/her culture and psychology, social position, profession and so on). In the course of the story do the characters change as a result of their experience? What is relationship between the characters and how is this relationship pointed out? What contrast and parallels are there in the behavior of the characters? Are the characters credible? Do they act consistently? If not, why?

6. The narrator.What tells the story? Is it told by one of the characters, by a narrator outside the story, or by whom? Is it a third-person narrative with the omnipresent author who moves in and out of people’s thoughts and comment freely on what characters think, say and do? If the story is told by one of the characters, does it help to make it more effective? Describe the participation of the narrator in the events.

7. Mood and tone. In what key is the text written? How is the mood achieved? Does it change general slant of the text? Is it lyrical, melancholy, satirical, humorous, pathetic, unemotional? How can you prove it? Is the general tone matter-of-fact, sentimental, moralizing, bitter, ironical, and sarcastic? What attitude to life does the story express?

8. The language peculiarities of the text. What sort of language is used? Is it simple or elaborate, plain or metaphorical? Lexical and grammatical peculiarities. Expressive means and stylistic devices: their role in the text (what is the author’s aim to use them? For example: the author sympathizes with the main characters. We feel it because he uses such epithets as…). Is the author successful in the portrait of his subject and in conveying his feelings? Does he succeed in portraying the characters? Are the images created in the text genuine, poetic, fresh, trite, hackneyed, stale? Are there any symbols in the text?

9. The message of the text. What is the author’s point of view on the problems raised in the story? What does the author proclaim in his story? Is the end of the text clear-cut and conclusive or does it leave room for suggestion? Can there be alternative interpretations of the text?

10. The title of the text. Try to explain the title of the text. Is it metaphorical or symbolic?

11. Summary of the text. (4-5 sentences)

12. Your opinion of the story.Confirm it by the text.


Теоретичні питання з англійської мови до державного екзамену

А-51, 52

Н. р.

1. The notions of cultural “key words”, “concept”, “icons”.

2. Interconnection of language and culture as a main problem of “Country-study: linguistic aspect”.

3. Use of the form “Great Britain”, its nomenclature.

4. The semantic principle of classification of Nouns in English.

5. The Subjunctive Mood in English.

6. The grammatical categories of the Noun.

7. The grammatical categories of the Adjective.

8. The classification of sentences according to their structure.

9. The classification of sentences according to the purpose of communication.

10. Two main types of meaning.

11. The classification of synonyms in English.

12. The classification of homonyms in English.

13. The productive ways of coining new words in English.

14. The translation equivalents and types of context.

15. The translation transformations and their types.

16. The unit of translation.

17. The translation of equivalents backing units.

18. The groups of stylistically marked vocabulary.

19. The functional styles in the English literary standard.

20. Germanic languages in the modern world.

21. The mainstreams in modern linguistics: structuralism, generativism, pragmatics, etc.

22. The problem of language acquisition.

23. The periodization in the history of English. Outline of the periods.

24. The Norman Conquest and its impact on the language situation in Britain.

25. The etymological survey of the English vocabulary.

26. The historical development of the grammatical system of English.

27. The creative activity of the main representatives of contemporary British literature.

28. The creative activity of the main representatives of contemporary American literature.

29. The English intonation and its components in speech.

30. The modification of the English vowels and consonants.


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