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Outstanding People of Belarus

About Mysel

1) Let me tell you about myself.

2) My name is Katya. I was born on the first of August in 1998 in Minsk.

3) I am not the only child in the family.

4)I am a student the second years old of the Higher State College of communication. I chose this college because the atmosphere in our college is friendly.

5) My mother is engineer. My father is marketer. I like spent time with my parents.

6)My favorite hobbies are cycling and swim, so I relax

7) I like to travel. I visited Bulgaria with my parents. It is very beautiful.

8) I am very happy.

My Family

1)Let me tell you about my family.

2)We are a family of four: my father and I.

3) Our family lives inMinsk. We have a nice three-roomed flat. We have all modern conveniences: running hot and cold water, telephone, central heating.

4) My mother is about 38. She likes to knitting and cooking.

5) My father is about 38.He likes to build in our new house.

6) My grandmother does not work now. She likes to work in the garden.

7) Our family is friendly. I like them very much.

My Friends

1) Friends make our life interesting and enjoyable.

2) A true friend is a priceless gift.

3) I am very sociable and my friends are very important for me.

4) I’m happy to have lots of friends. Some of them are very close. They share my problems, they trust me and help me.

5) My best friend Ksenia is my former classmate.

6) She gives me advice on life.

My Hobby

1) 1). Hobby is a favourite occupation which people like to do when they have some free time.

2) Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of new things.

3) As for me, I am keen on music and whenever I have some free time I go to the Concert Hall.

4) I take a special liking to the music of the Russian composers and I try not to miss solo concerts or symphonic orchestras by our famous conductors.

5) I like piano concerts, especially Chopin's waltzes.

6) I like the violin too.

My Working Day

1) Being a student means that you don't really have much free time.

2) My working day usually begins at seven o'clock when the alarm-clock wakes me up.

3) Our classes begin at eight in the morning but I always come to the college a few minutes before the bell.

4) The lessons go on till four o'clock in the afternoon. We have several short breaks to have a snack.

5) After classes I go home and have dinner there. I usually have soup, hot meat with some salad and a glass of juice.

6) After a short rest I do my homework. It takes me several hours .

7) At about eleven o'clock I take a shower, brush my teeth and then at last I can get into my lovely bed.

My English Studies

1) With increased globalization more and more brunches are recruiting specialists who speak English.

2) English is the main language in 30 countries, 380 million people speak it as their first language.

3) It is also used as an official language in over 70 other countries such as Cameroon, Tanzania, India, Pakistan.

4) It is a second language for about 350 million people.

5) English is an international language of communication, information technologies, banking.

6) English will be required regularly in my future work. I expect to use English in reading and translating professional literature, newspapers, in telephone communication.7) So I try to use every opportunity to enrich my speech.

My Future Profession

1) Choosing the kind of career is one of the most important decisions in our life.

2) Work is an opportunity to plan and order our life

3) I originally became interested in the sphere of communications in my early teens. Telecommunications have brought us new lifestyle.

4) Satellite television, electronic mail, fax, Internet, cellular telephones provide us new unique opportunities in getting and exchanging information.

5) Work, social life, politics, education - telecommunications are coming everywhere.

6) I’m sure qualified specialists in the sphere of communications will be in great demand in new Millennium.

Our college

1)I am a student of the Higher State College of Communication. It is in Minsk, in P. Brovka Street.

2)The full term of study in our college is seven years.

3)We study many different subjects in the college. Some of them are very difficult, but so very interest­ing.

4)We must be good at mathematics, physics, English. We have lectures and practical classes every day.

5)There are many labs in our college with TV sets, video, com­puters.

6)Proper knowledge and skills give the graduates of our college an opportunity to find their place in society, to get high wages.



1) To live we should eat. We eat various food-stuffs: meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruit, eggs, bread.

2) We have 3 meals a day: breakfast, dinner and supper.

3) The English breakfast is a bigger meal than ours. It consists of porridge with milk or cream, bacon and eggs, marmalade or jam with toast, tea or coffee

4) Lunch in England starts with soup or fruit juice. Then follows some meat with potatoes, carrots and beans. . Last of all comes coffee.

5) Dinner, the last meal of the day, consists of soup, fish or meat with vegetables, sweet pudding, fruit salad, ice cream and coffee.

6) If a person has a good (bad) appetite they say «He is a good (poor) eater».




1) When we want to buy something we go to the shop. There are many types of shops , in every town or city most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men and women’s clothing stores, and a grocery a bakery and

a butchery.

2) A lot of stores called department stores sell various items of consumer goods under one roof.

3)We usually do shopping every day and we go to the local shops for every day

things like bread and milk.

4) The market is large is with over a hundred different stalls.

5) A wide range of clothes, house hold goods, fruits and vegetables is on sale.

6)The goods are tidily arrange on trays and long shelves on which the various prices are clearly marked .


1) The four seasons of the year are: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

2) Winter is the coldest season of the year. The sun rises late and sets early. Its rays are pale. The air is frosty, it often snows.

3) Spring is the revival of Nature. April showers bring May flowers. Everything looks fresh and joyous.

4) By and by the sunrays become hotter, the days become longer and the nights – shorter and warmer. Summer has come.

5) The sky is cloudless but sometimes the thunder crashes and drops of rain fall on the dusty grass.

6) Summer is followed by autumn. It’s a rainy season and the weather is mostly dull. We can’t influence the weather but we are always anxious to know what it is going to be like.


1.)Millions of people all around the world adore travelling. They travel because they wish to see new countries and cities, visit historical places.

2.)There are different means of transportation. People travel by ship, by plane, by train.3.)Travelling by plane is the fastest, but the most expensive transport.

4.)Nowadays, modern trains have very comfortable carriage and seats.

5.)And, finally, travelling by car is also very popular. Many people choose this means of transportation. They don’t need to buy tickets, book hotels and etc.6.)Nothing can give you so many positive emotions and memories as travelling to any wonderful country or city.

Mass Media

1) Mass media is a comprehensive term embracing CINEMA, TELEPHONE, RADIO, TV and the INTERNET.

2) They are the best instruments of communication, the source of information for everybody

3) .Mass media influence all the spheres of contemporary life: industry, science, culture, economy.

4) Thanks to mass media we can learn about everything happening in our republic and all over the world.

5) Thanks to the Internet, TV, radio, newspapers and magazines we get a great amount of information.

6) It enriches our intellect. We’re aware of all the worldwide events.

The Republic of Belarus

1) Belarus is situated in the eastern part of Europe. Its territory is about 208 000 sq km.

2) It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, Russia Ukraine and Poland.

3) Minsk is the capital of Belarus.

4) Our native land is remarkably beautiful with its thick forests, endless fields and meadows, blue lakes and rivers

5) The climate of Belarus is moderate with mild, damp winters and warm, damp summers.

6) Belarus is a presidential republic.

7) Belarus produces and exports motor vehicles and tractors, chemical fibers, construction materials, foodstuffs and furniture.

8) A step-by-step reform of Belarusian agricultural complex is under way.

The Republic of Belarus has entered the 21st century with a developed educational system.

Outstanding People of Belarus

1) The Belarusian land has given birth to many famous people.

2) The names of Belarusian thinkers Euphrosynia Polotskaya and Kirill Turovsky have been known since ancient times.

3) Belarusians have made a great contribution to the world literature. The names of Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bogdanovich, Kandrat Krapiva.

4) Many streets in Belarusian cities are named after them.

5) Belarusian culture is also famous for its national ballet and theatre schools. The names of S. Stanyuta, N. Eremenko, L. Filatov.6) Everybody knows the names of famous Belarusian composers N. Churkin, I. Luchenok, A. Bogatyrev.7)Time puts everything in its place, but one thing is obvious: great times are created by great men.


1)Minsk is a capital of Belarus.

2)It was first mentioned in 1067.

3) In the 20 th century Minsk was not once in occupied by foreign invaders.

4) Minsk is a big growing city with it reach cultural and historical heritage. Such famous people as I. Kupala.

5)There are many theaters and museums in Minsk.

6)Among them National. Art museum I. Kupala, theatre Opera and Ballet.

Besides our capital is famous for its fine monuments, wide prospects, green parks.

7) I love our capital and recommend to visit it if you haven’t been here yet.

At the Theatre

1) There are not many theatres in Minsk but they are all very popular with the public.

2) I am a great theatre-goer. I’ll never forget my first visit to the Belarusian Opera and Ballet Theatre.

3) My friend and I wanted to see the famous ballet Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky.

4) We bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour before the show.

5) The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. I had never seen anything more wonderful. I enjoyed every minute of it.

6) At the end of the performance the curtain fell and there came a storm of applause.

7) The performance was a success.

Sport in my life

1) Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself.

2)It has been developing with the developing and growth of the marking.

3) All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games.

4) Sport is not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and better discipline in their daily activities.
It makes for a healthy mind in a heal thy body.

6)Sports help people to keep in good health.

7)Exercise makes you feel and look better.

Great Britain

1)The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

2) It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. London is

the capital of England.

3)One will not find very nigh mountains or large plains in Great Britain. Everything

Occupies very little place.

4) The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million.

5)The official language of the United Kingdom is English. But in western Scotland some people still speak Gaelic.

6) The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial.

7) There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labor, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.

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