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I EXPLORE MY ISLAND (я исследую мой остров)


IT rained all that night (дождь шел всю ночь). But in the cave everything was warm and dry (но в пещере все было теплым и сухим), and little by little I lost my fear (и мало-помалу я утратил свой страх; to lose — терять, утрачивать).



The earthquake and the hurricane had done great damage to my castle (землетрясение и ураган причинили большой ущерб моему замку). I had to work hard for many days (мне пришлось усиленно трудиться много дней) to put things to rights again (чтобы привести все в порядок).

I had now been on the island about ten months (я был уже на острове около десяти месяцев). In all that time I had seen only a small part of it (за все это время я видел только малую часть его).

One morning I set out with my gun on my shoulder for a long walk (одним утром я пустился с ружьем на плече на длительную прогулку).

I went up the little river (я прошел вверх вдоль маленькой реки) where I had first landed with my rafts (где я впервые причаливал с моими плотами). I found that it was a very short river (я обнаружил, что это была очень короткая река). After about two miles (через примерно две мили), the tide did not flow any higher (вода не приливала выше); and above that, the stream was only a little brook of fresh water (и над этим /местом/ поток был только маленьким ручьем пресной воды).

Along the brook there were pleasant meadows (вдоль ручья были красивые луга; pleasant — приятный; радостный; милый, симпатичный; славный), covered with high grass (покрытые высокой травой).

In the dryer parts of these meadows (в более сухих частях этих лугов) I found tobacco growing wild (нашел табак, растущий диким = дикорастущий табак).

I looked for the roots of a plant which the Indians use instead of bread (я искал корни /какого-либо/ растения, которое индейцы используют вместо хлеба), but could find none (не мог найти ни одного).

In one place, however (однако в одном месте), I saw many tall sugar canes (я увидел много высоких /растений/ сахарного тростника) and some fair-looking plants of a kind that was strange to me (и несколько красиво выглядящих растений вида, который был незнаком мне).

As I went back to my castle I wondered how I could learn something useful about the many objects I had seen (пока я шел обратно в мой замок, я думал, как я мог узнать = как бы мне узнать что-то полезное о многих объектах, /которые/ я видел). But I had never taken much thought about such things (но я никогда много не думал = не задумывался о подобных вещах), and now I had but little chance to learn (и теперь я имел лишь маленький шанс узнать = не имел особой возможности узнать).

The next day I went up the same way, but much farther (на следующий день я пошел по тому же пути, но намного дальше).

Beyond the meadows I came to some beautiful woods (за лугами я пришел к красивым лесам = обнаружил прекрасный лес).

Here I found several different kinds of fruits (здесь я нашел несколько различных видов фруктов). There were grapevines covering the trees (здесь были виноградные лозы, покрывающие деревья), and huge clusters of ripe grapes were hanging from them (и с них свисали огромные гроздья зрелого винограда).

I was very glad of this (я был очень рад этому). I made up my mind to come another day (я решил прийти в другой день) and gather some of this fruit (и собрать немного винограда: «некоторое количество этого плода»). I would dry the grapes in the sun (я /подумал, что/ высушу виноград на солнце; would — /зд./ вспомогательный глагол; используется для образования будущего в прошедшем во 2 и 3 лице), and have some raisins (и получу изюм).

Night came on (настала ночь) while I was still in the woods (пока я все еще был в лесу), and I could not do better than stay there till morning (и не мог сделать ничего лучше = мне ничего не оставалось, как остаться там до утра). So I climbed into a tree and slept there quite well (поэтому я залез на дерево и поспал там очень хорошо; to sleep — спать).

It was the first night that I had spent away from home (это была первая ночь, которую я провел вне дома; to spend — проводить /время/).

The next day I went on through the woods for nearly four miles (на следующий день я прошел по лесу почти четыре мили; to go on — продолжать идти).

At last I came to an open space where the land sloped to the west (наконец я пришел к открытому пространству, где земля клонилась к западу; slope — наклон, уклон; to slope — клониться; иметь наклон). The country was so fresh and green that it looked like a big garden (местность была такой свежей и зеленой, что выглядела, как большой сад).

I went down into a pleasant valley (я спустился: «пошл вниз» в красивую/приятную долину) where there were many beautiful trees (где было много прекрасных деревьев). There I found oranges, lemons, limes, and citrons (там я обнаружил апельсины, лаймы /маленькие зеленые лимончики/, лимоны), besides many grapes (помимо множества винограда).

I loaded myself with fruit and started homeward (я нагрузил себя фруктами и начал идти = отправился домой). "I must come again and bring a sack (я должен вернуться /сюда/ и принести мешок)," I said.

It was three days before I reached my castle (только через три дня я достиг моего замка: «было три дня, прежде чем…»). By that time the fruit had lost all its flavor (к тому времени плоды потеряли весь свой вкус; to lose — терять, утрачивать).

The next day I went back to the same valley (на следующий день я вернулся: «пошел назад» в ту же самую долину). I carried two small sacks to bring home my harvest (я нес два маленьких мешка, чтобы принести домой мой урожай).

But I found many of the grapevines torn down (но я обнаружил многие лозы сорванными; to tear down — срывать, вырывать; to tear — рвать). The fruit was scattered on the ground (плоды были разбросаны по земле). Some had been eaten (некоторые были съедены). Some had been trodden to pieces (некоторые были растоптаны на куски; to tread — топтать, наступать, давить).

A wild animal had been there (дикое животное побывало там). Perhaps it was a goat (возможно, коза), perhaps it was a larger beast (возможно, это было /какое-то/ животное побольше). Perhaps several animals had done the mischief (возможно, ущерб сделали = нанесли несколько животных; mischief — вред; повреждение; убытки, ущерб).


warm ['wO:m], damage ['dxmIG], put [put], stream [stri:m], meadow ['medqu], [grQ:s], tobacco [tq'bxkqu], plant ['], [plQ:nt], Indian ['IndIqn], [In'sted], none [nAn], however [hau'evq], object ['ObGIkt, 'ObGekt], different ['dIf(q)r(q)nt], fruit [fru:t], raisin ['reIzn], orange ['OrInG], lemon ['], ['lemqn], citron ['sItr(q)n] besides [bI'saIdz], flavor ['fleIvq], valley ['vxlI], harvest ['hQ:vIst], mischief ['mIstSi:f]




IT rained all that night. But in the cave everything was warm and dry, and little by little I lost my fear. The earthquake and the hurricane had done great damage to my castle. I had to work hard for many days to put things to rights again.

I had now been on the island about ten months. In all that time I had seen only a small part of it.

One morning I set out with my gun on my shoulder for a long walk.

I went up the little river where I had first landed with my rafts. I found that it was a very short river. After about two miles, the tide did not flow any higher; and above that, the stream was only a little brook of fresh water.

Along the brook there were pleasant meadows, covered with high grass.

In the dryer parts of these meadows I found tobacco growing wild.

I looked for the roots of a plant which the Indians use instead of bread, but could find none.

In one place, however, I saw many tall sugar canes and some fair-looking plants of a kind that was strange to me.

As I went back to my castle I wondered how I could learn something useful about the many objects I had seen. But I had never taken much thought about such things, and now I had but little chance to learn.

The next day I went up the same way, but much farther.

Beyond the meadows I came to some beautiful woods.

Here I found several different kinds of fruits. There were grapevines covering the trees, and huge clusters of ripe grapes were hanging from them.

I was very glad of this. I made up my mind to come another day and gather some of this fruit. I would dry the grapes in the sun, and have some raisins.

Night came on while I was still in the woods, and I could not do better than stay there till morning. So I climbed into a tree and slept there quite well.

It was the first night that I had spent away from home.

The next day I went on through the woods for nearly four miles.

At last I came to an open space where the land sloped to the west. The country was so fresh and green that it looked like a big garden.

I went down into a pleasant valley where there were many beautiful trees. There I found oranges, lemons, limes, and citrons, besides many grapes.

I loaded myself with fruit and started homeward. "I must come again and bring a sack," I said.

It was three days before I reached my castle. By that time the fruit had lost all its flavor.

The next day I went back to the same valley. I carried two small sacks to bring home my harvest.

But I found many of the grapevines torn down. The fruit was scattered on the ground. Some had been eaten. Some had been trodden to pieces.

A wild animal had been there. Perhaps it was a goat, perhaps it was a larger beast. Perhaps several animals had done the mischief.


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