

Оси и плоскости тела человека Оси и плоскости тела человека - Тело человека состоит из определенных топографических частей и участков, в которых расположены органы, мышцы, сосуды, нервы и т.д.

Отёска стен и прирубка косяков Отёска стен и прирубка косяков - Когда на доме не достаёт окон и дверей, красивое высокое крыльцо ещё только в воображении, приходится подниматься с улицы в дом по трапу.

Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) - В простых моделях рынка спрос и предложение обычно полагают зависящими только от текущей цены на товар.


Volume:29.4 million passengers

Hub: Pan Am, TWA

The Ellis Island of the Jet Age, JFK handles 18 million overseas passengers a year, nearly twice as many as any other U.S. airport. But its busy skies cause one of the worst on-time records in the nation, and with $30 cab rides to New York and customs delays of up to 90 minutes, JFK has been losing European and Far Eastern business to Newark Airport and the Los Angeles and Miami airports. Still, the cheapest flights to Europe, Africa and post Soviet countries leave from here, and with the greatest frequency.

Питання для самоперевірки


Література: [6, c. 21-24, 280-281; 7, c.164-169]

Питання до модульного контролю

Модуль 1


London is an ________(1) city. It grew up around the first point where the _______(2) invaders found the Thames _________(3) enough to ________ (4) a _________(5). The found a small Celtic _________(5) then known as_________(6) and by A.D.300 they had turned it into a _______(7) sea port and _______(8) ________(9) with a wall enclosed the homes of about 50,000 people.

Keywords: trading, centre, settlement, sizeable, Londinium, ancient, build a bridge, narrow, Roman.


1. Quite a lot of people lived _________________.

2. The heart of London is the City______________________.

3. St. Pauls’s Cathedral with its____ ____ and_________ is considered to be the fine _____ of Renaissance architecture.

4. The Tower of London was used as a ______, ________, and a ________. Now it is a museum of ________ and the place where _______ are kept.


the Crown Jewels, from hand to mouth, prison, huge, specimen, fortress, armour, a royal residence, dome, its commercial and business centre, rows of columns.

Fill in a suitable word

Surprise, astonish, strike, puzzle

1. I won’t be ____ if he gets a “five”, he is a very bright boy. 2. We were _____ by the contrasts between poverty and wealth in Delhi. 3. He question _______ me. 4. I was _____ to meet him in town. I was sure he had not come yet. 5. His cruelty _____ us. We always thought that he was kind and sympathetic.

Translate the sentences into English.

1. Треба виміряти температуру, навіть якщо у тебе не болить голова.

2. Снідаю я завжди швидко. На сніданок у меня зазвичай чашка кави с двома кусочками цукру і хліб с двума ломтиками сиру.

3. Учитель спросил у учеников когда ввели в обращение десятичную денежную систему.

4. Я прочитав в газеті що рабочі скляного заводу (glassmaking plant) страйкують вже місяць.

5. Кажуть, що деякі лондонскі вокзали справжні шедеври архітектури.


Translate the words into English

Заблукати, полицейський участок, перехресттоя, ремонт взуття, карта схема, каплдичка, в кінці вулиці, картина галерея, звернути на першому повороті, знайти дорогу, взяти такси.

Модуль 2


1. Fill the blanks with he following words. You may use each word only once.

ancient chronology date different discovery

dividing Egyptians emphasis Empire era

events fall Far East historians history

increasing Japan mark medieval modern

neglect periods round scholars science


Divisions of History

The .... of dividing time into .... and of giving dates to historical .... is called .... . History is generally divided into three periods, .... medieval, and .... .

Ancient history usually begins with the story of the ...., Summerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. From there it moves on to a study of the Hebrews and Phoenicians, and the Persian .... . It then shifts its .... to the west, and deals with Greece, Carthage, and Rome. For a long time, .... historians tended to .... the Far East, but historians now place .... emphasis on the histories of China, .... , India and other countries of the .... .

No one exactly knows where ancient .... ought to end. .... used to agree on the .... A.D. 476, which was supposed to .... the fall of the Roman Empire. We now know that Rome did not suddenly "fall" and that life in 477 was not much .... from life in 475. But the end is usually given as about 400 or 500 A.D.

Some historians end the .... period with the .... of the Byzantine Empire in 1453. Others run the date up to 1492, so that they can start the modern .... with the .... of America. Since there is really no sharp .... line, many .... prefer to begin the modern period with the .... number 1500.


2.Choose the word that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the capitalized word or phrase.

1. The walnut is a deciduous tree that BEARS valuable nuts.

a) enriches

b) hide

c) replaces

d) yields

2. The orchid is an EXOTIC plant to see blooming in many European gardens.

a) a beautiful

b) a colourful

c) a common

d) an unusual

3. The rose may grow as a low bush or as a tree, depending on how it is PRUNED.

a) nourished

b) planted

c) trimmed

d) watered

4. The flowers will WITHER in a few hours.

a) bloom

b) dry up

c) open

d) revive

5. The needle-like leaves of the giant redwood tree are MINISCULE, each scarcely a quarter of an inch long.

a) pretty

b) thorny

c) tiny

d) wiry

6. Leeks are CULTIVATED throughout much of the world.

a) cooked

b) dried

c) grown

d) seen

7. The principal areas inhabited by marine algae are rocky SHORES, salt marshes, and shallow water.

a) cliffs

b) coasts

c) pools

d) rivers

8. Soot STICKS TO anything it touches

a) blackens

b) clings to

c) points to

d) streaks

9. The flower is the MOST ATTRACTIVE, most colourful and most fragrant part of many plants.

a) pretties с) softest

b) rarest d) strongest

10. Roses are POPULAR flowers in Polish gardens.

a) accustomed c) ordinary

b) favourite d) vulgar



1. Ways of traveling

2. Travelling by train

3. Travelling by sea.

4. Travelling by air.

5. Travelling by car

6. Geographical position of Ukraine

7. Geographical position of the United Kingdom.

8. Geographical position of the USA.

9. Big cities of Ukraine.

10. Big cities of the USA.

11. Big cities of Great Britain.

12. Post-office.

13. City Traffic.

14. Types of transport. Types of connections

15. The biggest airports.

16. Hotels. Staying at the hotel.

17. Hotel Services and Facilities

18. Hotel industry in Ukraine.

19. Hotel industry in the USA.

20. Hotel industry in Great Britain



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5. Частник С., Коробка Г. Английский язык для менеджеров международного туризма и гостиничного бизнеса. – М.: Изд-во Эксмо, 2005. – 160 с.

6. Черноватий Л.М., Карабан В.І., Набокова І. Ю. Практичний курс англійської мови: Підручник для студентів другого курсу вищих закладів освіти (філологічні спеціальності та спеціальність «Переклад») – Вінниця, НОВА КНИГА, 2005. – 356 с.

7. Черноватий Л.М., Карабан В.І., Набокова І. Ю. Практичний курс англійської мови: Підручник для студентів третього курсу вищих закладів освіти (філологічні спеціальності та спеціальність «Переклад») – Вінниця, НОВА КНИГА, 2006. – 520 с.

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