

Оси и плоскости тела человека Оси и плоскости тела человека - Тело человека состоит из определенных топографических частей и участков, в которых расположены органы, мышцы, сосуды, нервы и т.д.

Отёска стен и прирубка косяков Отёска стен и прирубка косяков - Когда на доме не достаёт окон и дверей, красивое высокое крыльцо ещё только в воображении, приходится подниматься с улицы в дом по трапу.

Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) - В простых моделях рынка спрос и предложение обычно полагают зависящими только от текущей цены на товар.

Task 2. Fill in transcription and translation in the table.


Wounds of the head and face are attended with quite profuse bleeding because of the widely ramified network of blood vessels in this area.

A pressure bandage is applied to stop bleeding. With very profuse bleeding from the temple or the parietal area, the temporal artery is pressed at the site of the wound until a tight pressure bandage is applied.

With bleeding from a damaged nose the patient is asked to remain silent and not to blow his nose; ice, a bag of cold water, or cold compresses should be applied to the nose and back of the head. Small balls of cotton wool should be inserted into the nostrils and the wings of the nose strongly pressed with the fingers as high up as possible. The head should be bent slightly forward so lhal the blood docs not run into the nasopharynx but into the front of the nasal cavity to clot there.

A closed craniocerebral trauma is the most common type of injury to the skull and brain. It is caused by a heavy blow on the head, strong jerking, or throwing back of the body. There are often no visible local signs of the injury, or they are displayed by superficial abrasions, bruising of the face or scalp. But that does not exclude injury to the brain inside the skull, which may have suffered contusion or concussion.

Injury disturbs circulation of the blood and fluid in the brain cavities. Bleedings of various degrees and localization occur in the brain matter and it swells. In mild cases, these changes inhibit functioning of the cerebral cortex; in severe cases they sharply impair vitally important functions of the organism, breathing and circulation.

With concussion of the brain consciousness is lost at the moment of the trauma for either a brief period (a few minutes) or several hours. In addition, there is vomiting, a slowing of the pulse (sometimes a quickening), and loss of memory of events preceding the trauma. On coming to consciousness the patient complains of general weakness and headache, and does not remember anything connected with the trauma.

Contusion of the brain has a severe course though initially it resembles the picture of concussion. Later, the morbid symptoms increase rather than disappear. Consciousness may not be lost immediately but one or two hours after the injury because blood escaping from the damaged vessels compresses the brain. Paralysis and convulsive spasms of the muscles occur.

Fractures of bones of the cranium, and particularly of those at the base of the skull, are even more dangerous. They may be open and closed. Fragments of bone often get pressed into the cranial cavity damaging the dura mater (the thick membrane forming the outer envelope of the brain), brain matter, and vessels.

In most cases with fractures of the skull the patient loses consciousness at the time of the injury, and there are vomiting, a decelerated pulse, and other signs typical of concussion of the brain. In addition, certain parts of the brain portions lose their function, which leads to development of paralysis of the limbs, disturbances of eye movements, distortion of the face, and speech disorders.

The signs of fracture of the base of the skull include deep loss of consciousness, flow of blood and sometimes spinal fluid from the nose, ear, or mouth, and hemorrhages around the eyes. Only a doctor can establish the degree of damage to the skull.

When the victim is unconscious and his breathing is difficult because of retraction of the tongue or filling of the mouth and nasal cavity with vomit, the mouth should be cleaned, the pelvic region should be fixed with a bandage. If a bandage does not hold well and slips, it should be combined with a special bandage covering the groin and buttocks and the adjoining parts of the thigh and hips. The bandage can be applied in different ways, depending on where its turns will cross (in front, at the back, or at the side). The bandage may be applied as an ascending or descending depending on where it is turned: higher on the groin, or lower on the thigh. It is fixed by circular turns round the waist.

Task 2. Fill in transcription and translation in the table.

Words Transcription Translation
wound, n    
profuse, adj    
cotton wool    
clot, v    
craniocerebral, adj    
superficial, adj    
scalp, n    
contusion, n    
concussion, n    
inhibit, v    
cerebral cortex    
impair, v    

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