

Оси и плоскости тела человека Оси и плоскости тела человека - Тело человека состоит из определенных топографических частей и участков, в которых расположены органы, мышцы, сосуды, нервы и т.д.

Отёска стен и прирубка косяков Отёска стен и прирубка косяков - Когда на доме не достаёт окон и дверей, красивое высокое крыльцо ещё только в воображении, приходится подниматься с улицы в дом по трапу.

Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) Дифференциальные уравнения второго порядка (модель рынка с прогнозируемыми ценами) - В простых моделях рынка спрос и предложение обычно полагают зависящими только от текущей цены на товар.



1. What procedures are used to establish diagnosis?

A number of different procedures is used to establish a diagnosis: the first step is a history – taking or inquiry. First a dentist collects general information about the patient: his name, age, place of birth and occupation. The next step is functional inquiry: the family history, history of the present disease, the past history.

2. What are the symptoms of tooth disorders? What do they indicate?

The symptoms of tooth disorders are: puffy gums, bleeding, swelling, bad breath, sores, loose teeth, plague, tartar, pain. Different symptoms and signs may indicate different disorders such as poorly fitting dental appliances, loose or painful teeth, or disorders affecting the temporomandibular joint or the muscles of mastication.

3. What may cause soft tissue swelling?

An abscessed tooth may cause soft tissue swelling as pus drains from tooth toward the outer surface of the face or neck.

4. What studies after examination may be necessary for a dentist?

The following studies are necessary: laboratory(chemical analysis), studies of saliva and plague, X-ray, electrical study.

5. What is the potential source of infection into surrounding alveolar bone and why?

A tooth with decay involving the pulp is a potential source of infection into surrounding alveolar bone because it’s cause by bacteria.

6. What is the scheme of examination?

The scheme of examination include: taking a history (age, occupation,name); functional inquiry; examination (visual,physical); extra examination (x-ray, laboratory); treatment, recommendation.

7. What can be the cause of slight facial asymmetry?

The cause of slight facial asymmetry may be lack teeth or severe periodontal disease, caries, or poorly fitting dental appliances that interfere with chewing.

8. What should a dentist investigate during physical examination?

During the physical examination dentist should investigate: the number of teeth, their color and state, bleeding gums and their condition, the position of the tongue, the condition of the mucosa, presence of fillings and dentures, occlusion, lesions, calculus and oral hygiene.


9. What does appropriate treatment depend on?

Appropriate treatment depends on disease.

10. What methods of sterilization do you know?

Dental instruments must be sterile. Microorganisms can be killed by steam, chemical solution, ultra violet light radiation.

11. What instruments do the dentists use for examination of dental and periodontal tissues?

Dentists use the following instruments: mirror, probe, tweezers, napkins, waste receiver, aspirator, saliva ejector, cotton wools, chisels, excavators, handpiece and burs.

12. What may past history reveal?

Attention should be paid to the past dental history which may reveal factors of general or immediate importance. Information of oral hygiene and dietary habits must be included at this stage.

13. What instruments for extraction do you know?

For extraction dentists use S-shaped and straight forceps.

14. What are the duties of the chair-side assistant?

During the examination a chair-side assistant exchanges instruments and materials, prepares the patient, makes oral evacuation , keeps tongue and tissue retraction.

15. What are the steps of filling the cavity?

The steps of filling the cavity are:

1) To chip away the decayed enamel with an enamel chisel

2) To drill out the cavity with a handpiece or bur

3) To remove the remaining cavities with an excavator

4) Clean cavity with water

5) Dry with air

6) Fill the cavity

7) To design the cavity

8) Polishing


16. What is the structure of Ukrainian Health care system ?

All public Health Service is carried out according to a plan and is directed by the Ministry of Public Health.

17. Is medical care provided free or charge?

The Public Health Service embraces the entire population and is partially financed by the State budget. There are some private hospitals where patients pay their fees.

18. How are young mothers socially protected?

Our country takes care of mother’s and children’s health. Mothers are given maternity leaves and paid leaves until the baby is 3 years old. But the bonus is still very little. Mother’s job is reserved during the definite period of time before and after the delivery.

19. What is the main emphasis laid on in Ukraine? Speak on these points.

The main emphasis in Ukraine is laid on prevention or prophylaxis. Every year periodical medical check-ups are carried out to nip a disease in the bud. First of all they examine preschool children, pupils and pregnant women.

20. What infection diseases have been eradicated in Ukraine?

Due to some measures such diseases as cholera, plague, smallpox and many others have been eradicated.

21. What are the most important problems in the medical science at present?

The most important problems which face the medical science at present are cardio-vascular diseases, cancer, AIDS and consequences of Chernobyl accident.

22. How is prevention of many dental diseases are achieved?

Much attention is paid to the development of dentistry. There are a lot of dental departments in hospitals and polyclinics. Dentists provide up-to-date treatment using modern techniques and materials.

23. What are the problems of up-to-date dentistry?

One of the main problems is pain anxiety control especially in pediatric dentistry. Unfortunately fear and cost are still main problems in assessment of the treatment.


24. What are the main parts of Dental Service in Great Britain?

The National Health Service has a separate branch which includes three parts. They are General Dental Service, the Dental Practice Board, and Family Health Service Authorities.

25. Who approves estimates for dental treatment in UK?

The Dental Practice Board was constituted for the purpose of approving estimates for dental treatment in UK.

26. What made School Dental Service employ auxiliaries and what were their duties?

Due to a shortage of dentists in the School Dental Service , auxiliaries known as “dental dressers” were employed to clean, fill and extract teeth for school children.

27. What agency is responsible for providing strategy in planning dental services?

Family Health Service Authorities were given a strategic role in planning dental services.

28. Do patients and doctors have freedom of choice ? What is it?

Patients in England may choose between the NHS and private treatment. This freedom of choice applies to dentists and doctors too. They can choose whether they want to join the NHS or to have private practice.

29. What dental problems face the dentistry in Great Britain?

The dental problems which face the dentistry are all levels of caries, occlusal lesions in children, oral malignancy and orthodontic problems.


30. What factors influence the demands for Dental Service?

The demand for dental services is significantly responsible to changes in dental fees – the higher fees, the lower the demand. Other factors that influence the level of demand include income, family size, education level, health history, ethnicity and age of the patient.

31. What are the main concerns of many dentists in the USA?

All Americans should be able to receive the dental care they need regardless of their financial , geographic or health status.

32. How is dental care provided in the USA?

Due to changing disease patterns the dental sector is going through a transition from a service mix that has been predominately therapeutic to a service mix that will be mostly preventive.

33. Do all Americans have an equal access to dental care?

Yes, it does.The American Dental Association gives to public the access to dental care without artificial barriers and controls a coordination between the dental profession and the financing institutions.

34. Is dental care is free or charge in the USA?

Most dentists provide free or discounted care to people who otherwise could not afford it, but charity is not enough.

35. What is the guiding vision of the future of dentistry in the USA?

The guiding vision of the future of dentistry is that every individual who needs oral health care will access that care from oral health care providers who are educated and skilled in the current best practices using the latest and most appropriate technology.

36. What are the main problems of Dental Service in the USA?

The main problem for the dental profession is that all Americans should be able to receive the dental care they need , regardless of their financial, geographic, or health status.

37. What is the role of geographic imbalance in the dental workforce?

One of the reasons for these geographic imbalances is the rapid shifts that are occurring in the USA population.


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